Friday, May 28, 2021 


This Sunday is the Solemnity of Most Holy Trinity.
Our Mass is at 10am & Holy Hour at 9am
( In person & online)
More inside

Blessings and congratulations to our Pastor on his 29th Ordination Anniversary on this Sunday, May 30!!!
After this Sunday's Mass, please proceed to the church hall for a simple parish gathering for Fr Joseph.



Next Sunday, June 6, is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi!) We will have our Corpus Christi procession around Newark.

Also next week:
June 3, First Friday Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus @7:30pm, followed by Alliance of Two Hearts vigil.
(rectory chapel)

Then following day, June 4, First Saturday ( church hall)
  • 2pm First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • 3pm-5pm Charismatic Healing Mass

More information will be posted next week.


In case you did not get to read our recent Pentecost account on our newsletter- dated May 25, click here.


Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. See links below. Thank you and God bless you!


Our 2021 Annual Appeal is still ongoing. We need everyone's support. Please pick up envelopes at the church entrance.

This Sunday:
9 am- Holy Hour
10 am- Holy Mass

Come in Person!

In Church & Live-streamed (see links below)


or you can go to our Youtube channel :

Or just click below for direct YouTube link
HOLY HOUR (before Holy Mass)


Mass readings for this Sunday
Click on image to download

This Sunday's Bulletin
Click on image to download
St Antoninews monthly newsletter.
Click on image to download

Archdiocese of Newark
Updated Directives During the
Covid-19 Pandemic
May 25, 2021 

Given the reinstatement by the Bishops of NJ of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and the lessening of restrictions from the state, the following is provided as an immediate update to the May 4 directives.
Effective May 28, masks will no longer be required for fully vaccinated persons. If not fully vaccinated, persons are strongly encouraged to follow CDC guidance and wear a face mask in public settings. Masks are still required on public transit and in health care settings, prisons, child-care facilities and schools, among other places. People will no longer be required to socially distance indoors or outdoors, (May 28), although unvaccinated persons should continue to maintain social distancing from others indoors.
Effective June 4, all indoor gathering limits will be removed.

Although these directives represent a reduction of pandemic restrictions, the local pastors/administrators/chaplains can impose stricter regulations as needed. These may include wearing masks, social distancing, and signing in for Mass or activities.
These directives apply to all indoor and outdoor events.

Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass in person

Message from Fr Joseph:

It is with much joy that in 2 weeks, on June 6th, we will celebrate the great Feast of Corpus Christi with an outdoor Eucharistic procession. We rejoice and publicly proclaim the great gift of God’s presence among us in the Holy Eucharist.
As of that day, Catholics will no longer be dispensed from the obligation of Sunday Mass & Holy Days of Obligation that had been temporarily granted due to Covid. From this day onward, all Catholics will be obligated to attend Sunday Mass (or Saturday vigil Mass) and Holy Days of Obligation- unless for health reasons or other circumstances beyond their control, they are unable to attend in person. Given this, we are evaluating whether or not to continue live-streaming our Mass.

Let us know what you think. Let us together celebrate this Heavenly Delight of God’s Presence among us!

Below is the statement from the bishops of Newark.

In Jesus thru Mary (& St Joseph),
Fr Joseph

Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass

At this time, due to the observance of public safety protocols and the increase in the availability of vaccines, we have begun a return to some sense of normalcy in various sectors of our society.

Therefore, we the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Days Mass obligation beginning on Saturday, June 5, 2021, and Sunday, June 6, 2021, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We welcome the Christian faithful to return to the regular participation in the Sunday Eucharist, the source and summit of our Catholic faith (cf. Code of Canon Law canon 1247 and Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2180).

This obligation does not apply to those who are ill; those who have reason to believe that they were recently exposed to the coronavirus or another serious or contagious illness; those who are confined to their home, a hospital, or nursing facility; or those with serious underlying health conditions. One should consult the local pastor if questions arise about the obligation to attend Mass (canon 87).

Finally, safety protocols (such as wearing masks, social distancing, etc.) and liturgical directives (communion in the hand, communion under one species, etc.) in each New Jersey Diocese remains in place until modified or revoked by the respective Diocesan Bishop.

Given on May 20, 2021, the memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena.

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Newark

Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M.
Bishop, Diocese of Trenton

Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan
Bishop, Diocese of Camden

Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney
Bishop, Diocese of Paterson

Most Reverend James F. Checchio
Bishop, Diocese of Metuchen

Most Reverend Kurt Burnette
Bishop, Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic

Most Reverend Yousif B. Habash
Bishop, Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Diocese

Representing the Archdiocese of Newark, Diocese of Camden, Diocese of Metuchen, Diocese of Paterson, Diocese of Trenton, Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic and Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Diocese
Come visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord,

Tuesday thru Saturday
10am to 8pm

Spend precious time alone with Jesus!

Could you not watch with me one hour? Mark 14: 40b

Good news!
We have a newTabernacle in our OLG chapel- with a window opening in front for adorers to open and behold Jesus in the Eucharist anytime! All you would have to do when your visit is over is to close the little window in front of the tabernacle without touching anything.
Register to be an Adorer!
To obtain the door combination, you will need to register simply emailing us at Give your full name, tel #, and your address. This will give you an access to our security key pad.
All adorers must wear masks. Disinfectant wipes will be available in the chapel.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
Psalm 95:6

For more detailed information on our schedules, including online links, click on image below.
Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
At this time, we would greatly appreciate your support for the operating expenses of this parish. We also have a continuing Harvest Appeal for much needed work on our HVAC system. Watch Fr Joseph's brief video on the reason for this Harvest appeal.

We are now accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.

Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options and methods for your donation.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!"
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)