2024 Volume 5-Issue 5

Serving St. Lawrence, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, Clinton, & Essex Counties

SNAP-Ed is a FREE, confidential nutrition education program that helps families manage food resources during tough economic times. The Extension Nutrition Team of knowledgeable nutrition educators provide practical, hands-on activities, and skills for healthy meal prep, as well as explore the importance of physical activity in a healthy lifestyle for the community members in the North Country.

Visit our website for more recipes and tips for eating healthy for yourself and your family.

Visit our Website


Setting goals to start new habits for the new year doesn't have to be stressful. Change is a process, and we all know it takes time. Let's make our new habits as easy as possible to stick to! Here are some tips:

Start by focusing on a new habit versus quitting an old one.

When thinking about eating healthier think about adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet or cooking at home at least 4 days a week, instead of trying to quit processed foods or quit eating out.

Set realistic, 'livable' goals.

We do not want to set ourselves up for failure, so we need to think "can we do this long-term?" Set goals like 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week versus a new intense workout when you haven't worked out in awhile.

Be specific.

Have you ever heard of SMART goals?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Set yourself up for success by choosing a

SMART goal from the start!

Stay flexible.

Give yourself some wiggle room and understand that you can adjust your goals when needed. If you cannot fit 30 minutes in to workout, go with 15 minutes knowing you can add 15 minutes of movement elsewhere.

Identify obstacles.

Knowing what our obstacles are helps make our goals more achievable. If you are trying to be on social media less, delete the apps from your phone. If you do not feel like working out at the end of the day try working out in the morning.

Get a buddy.

Find a friend, family member or even a professional (health coach) who can help keep you on track. Remember everyone needs support!

Remind yourself.

It is easy to set goals and forget about them in our busy lives. Use post it reminders, phone and calendar reminders, you can even add them to your to-do lists!

Track your progress.

Keeping track of your progress helps to keep us motivated. It can also help to show what is working for you and what isn't. Whether you use an app or a notebook, track your progress!

For more information visit: Tips To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions (clevelandclinic.org)

Recipe of the Week

Low-Fat Brownies

Brownies are always a welcome treat. This recipe uses applesauce to help keep the fat content down without sacrificing flavor! A great dessert to feel guilt free after the holidays!

For the recipe click here!

Have you checked out our Recipe Bank yet?

For more delicious recipes, tips & tricks and more please visit our SNAP-Ed NY website.

Tips and Tricks

Save time, save money, while still eating healthy!

Hacking Your Snacks

Planning for healthy snacks can help satisfy hunger in between meals and keep you moving towards your food group goals!

Click here for a printable hacking your snacks guide.



Hey Kids!

Can you find all the food group words?

(Click on the picture below to print or get the answer key)

Upcoming Classes

Check out our Calendar

Click to see more upcoming classes!

Sign up for Benefits now!
The Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet.

To find out more about SNAP Benefits and other assistance program you may be eligible for visit: mybenefits.ny.gov
If you need help applying for SNAP, call or email a Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP) Coordinator. NOEP Coordinators tell you if you may be eligible for SNAP, answer any questions you may have, and help you complete and submit your application. It is free and confidential.

St. Lawrence- Maximizing Independent Living Center- 315-764-9442 x405
Jefferson- Outreach Coordinator of Food Bank of NNY. -315-437-1899 x279
Clinton -Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, Inc.- 518-563-4022 x112
Franklin- Maximizing Independent Living Center -518-483-2151
This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP.

If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information in this newsletter or need materials in an alternate format, contact tae38@cornell.edu for assistance.

Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities & provides equal program and employment opportunities.

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