SMA Newsletter • November 10, 2022
Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours Academy fosters confidence, curiosity, and independence through a climate of cooperation and trust by preserving dignity throughout the learning process, accentuating all children’s God-given gifts in a Catholic environment.
Dear St. Martin Community,

Our Great Cash giveaway was a tremendous success! The SMA community is so generous and supportive. Thank you to Co-Chairs, Mari Waldron, Teresa Propper, Ally Reyes, and their committees. We surpassed last year's gala by raising approximately $74,000. Over 170 people attended the “SuperHeroes Unite” event at the Chula Vista Golf Course.

We have a few unsold baskets. On Monday, parents will be emailed remaining items to bid on from the event. Thank you to everyone who supported our school with a donation or purchasing an auction item. An accounting of funds raised will be coming in the next few weeks.

We are seeking new families to get involved with planning the gala. Interested? Please contact the office.
Friday, 11/11, school is closed in observance of Veteran's Day. Thank you, Mrs. Covey, for displaying the pictures of family members who served in the military. Thank you, veterans, for your service! May God bless you always.

Tomorrow is also the Feast of St. Martin of Tours. A popular story of St. Martin details how he helped a man shivering in the cold. St. Martin tore his cloak with his sword and shared half of it with the man. We are called to cloth the poor and needy. Please continue to send in blankets through next week for our brothers and sisters in need (Catholic Charities drop off prior to Thanksgiving break).

Report cards will be given to teachers on Wednesday 11/16 to be sent home or held for conferences. Refer to your child's teacher's communications. Next week is a special opportunity to meet with your child's teacher to learn about one of your favorite topics: your child! Thank you for your partnership in educating your child.

Thank you,
Jennifer Miller, Principal
Event Highlights!
Winners of the Great Cash Giveaway:
Jim Recourt -Jess (Gr. 4).
Lupe Frausto - (Victoria- 5 & Jeffrey -1 Galford)
Nicole Goncalves (Gabriel - Gr. 2)
Ellen Jacobs (Nathan- 7)
The Stein Family (Chad- 8)
The Serrano Family (parish family) - ticket sold by Bella Salce (Gr. 6)
Special Thank You's to:
Ally Reyes, Sarah Sanderson, Erin McCarthy, Genevieve Suzuki,
Ellen Jacobs, Leyla Chavez, Ann Shafer and Jamie Stradling
Entertainment: BWatt Entertainment and Equinox Rocks
Sponsors: La Casa Del Zorro, Manchester Financial Group, Rock Enterprises, Tarantula Hill Brewing Co., Coldwell Banker West,
Gen Suzuki, The Shafer Family
Parent/Teacher/Student Mandatory Conferences
Wed. 11/16, Thurs. 11/17, Fri. 11/18
Conferences begin at 12:45pm.
Noon Dismissal on Wed./Thurs./Fri.
Spartan (extended) care is open until 6PM.

There is no hot lunch, sports, or after school classes
on conference days.

Please return your child's Conference Preparation Worksheet (Grs. K-5) by Tuesday, 11/15. Make sure you have signed up for your conference time
using the teacher link.
School Happenings
Student Council
Sponsored Fundraisers

Have your child bring a $1 onTuesday to purchase a baked good and contribute to Feeding San Diego.

Students may also bring in a canned good to contribute to the Feeding San Diego collection. Donation boxes are in the upper courtyard.
Open House

11/15 8:30am - 10:00am


Please invite your friends and acquaintances to our first Open House during the school day. There are three opportunities to visit the school while students are in session.
Please save your Christmas shopping for Sunday, Dec. 4th from 8am-1pm in the parish hall. The 5th grade class will be selling chocolate, coffee, tea and baked goods to raise money for 6th grade camp. The Guatemala Project will have handmade purses, clothing, jewelry and more. Fair Trade Decor features beautiful home decor and seasonal handmade items. In addition, there will be quilts, cards, and Christmas ornaments. Troop 51 will be hosting a pancake breakfast in Barry Hall. Please come. Your purchase changes lives! See you there!
Rainy Days
On rainy days, please park in any open parking space and pick up your child from the classroom. Look for the "DUCK" flag in hanging from the light pole when you come into the parking lot.

If it has just started raining at pick up time and the flag is not out, please park and come in to pick up your child. Students in grades 6-8 may walk out to cars with supervision.
Parents may go to SchoolSpeak to review SpartanCare hours & log in volunteer hours.
Click HERE for a short instructional video.
Tending the Garden!
Cherry Tomatoes

Thank you Karrie Driscoll and
Mary Jo Crouch!
Egg Plant
Egg Plant Parmesan!
St. Martin of Tours Parish
Sacramental Prep Session #2 is Sunday, November 13 after the 9am Mass in the Parish Hall at 10:15am.

Read the parish bulletin HERE.
St. Martin of Tours Academy