SMA Newsletter • March 30, 2023
Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours Academy fosters confidence, curiosity, and independence through a climate of cooperation and trust by preserving dignity throughout the learning process, accentuating all children’s God-given gifts in a Catholic environment.
Dear St. Martin Community,

Excitement is building! Our three SeaPerch teams have assembled the underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and are ready for their competition this Saturday at Cathedral Catholic High School. Through SeaPerch, students learn about engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork and technical applications. Good luck, Spartans!

So far, SMA has raised a record $43,958 for Walkathon! This includes both our sponsors and students. Way to go! We are still fundraising via 99 pledges and accepting cash and checks for donations. Please see below for each class totals.

Students raising at least $50 in donations have received their Walkathon t-shirt. One has been ordered for every student. We hope for 100% participation! On Tuesday, 4/4 students may wear their Walkathon t-shirt with uniform bottom.

Tomorrow, Friday, 3/31, all staff will be part of an FBI Active Shooter Training in the afternoon. There is no Friday Fun Day. Spartan Care is open until 6pm, if needed.

A highlight for our 8th graders is their reenactment of the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week. The stations begin in church on Wednesday 4/5 at 1:30 pm. The final Stations of the Cross will occur in front of the school at 11:45 am next Thursday 4/6. All are welcome. School is dismissed at noon and there is no Extended Care offered on Holy Thursday (4/6).

SMA Parent Group Executive Officer elections will now take place the final week of April via online ballot. Please click here to nominate someone or volunteer yourself by Wed. 4/5. The 4 positions are president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. All current executive officers and chairpersons will vote.

Lenten Blessings,
Jennifer Miller, Principal
• When the duck flag is up, please park in a parking spot and pick up your child in the classroom.

• When entering or exiting the campus, please do not allow unknown persons to enter the campus. Kindly show them the doorbell.
We are looking for nominations for SMA's Parent Teacher Group.
No experience is required. As long as you attended 1+ PTG meeting this school year. Deadline to nominated is Wed. 4/5.

The purpose of the SMA Group is to work with and assist the principal and teachers, to raise funds to support the school, and to provide for parent education.
Please contact the below board members if you have any questions.
PTG Executive Officers 2022-2023 School Year
Genevieve Suzuki, President

Rosario Santoyo, Vice-President
Erin McCarthy, Secretary

Colm Driscoll, Treasurer

The office is preparing the invitations for Grandparents' Day. It is a big day at SMA! Please login to your SchoolSpeak account to make your changes then notify the office at by Monday, 4/3. Invitations will be mailed out on Tuesday 4/4.
Walkathon -Tuesday, April 18, 2023
We are fundraising for a digital marquee for the front of the school to keep everyone up-to-date on the fabulous things going on at SMA, shaded basketball/volleyball courts, and a new and improved field (turf).

Thank you for making a donation to a student. Your words of encouragement will be posted the day of the Walkathon.
Walkathon Lunch & Volunteering
Students alone have raised $33,127 as of March 30, 2023!
$6,478 Team 2nd Grade
$5,174 Team 8th Grade
$4,990 Team 5th Grade
$3075 Team Kindergarten
$2,740 Team 1st Grade
$2,420 Team 6th Grade
$2,284 Team 4th Grade
$2,260 Team 7th Grade
$2,075 Team 3rd Grade
$1,631 Team Preschool
Thank You Sponsors!
Thank You Family Sponsors!
Hedberg Family
Pozniak Family
Sumner Family
McCarthy Family
Rager Family
Suzuki Family
Mesnik Family
Shafer Family
Sharing a Lenten Meal
Thank you Jeni and Chris Bartel and the volunteers who helped with the Lenten dinner last Friday.
Orders due by April 2, 2023 for delivery at SMA
APRIL 5 & 6(parking lot)
Use PROMO Code: EASTER2023

Preschool Summer Flyer:
 Click HERE for flyer.
√ Re-Registration 2023-2024 -Last Day to Register 3/31/23
(for curriculum & supply orders to be placed)
√ Turn in the yellow Family Survey 23-24 and parent envelopes.
√ Holy Thursday,(4/6) school is dismissed at noon. No Spartan Care!
√ Easter break begins 4/7/23 on Good Friday.
√ School resumes on Monday 4/17.
Items in Lost and Found will be donated during Easter Break. Please be sure to check for lost items. (rain jackets sweatshirts, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc.) Jewelry is in the school office.
Spring Pep Rally/Cheer/Free Throw
Prayers For Healing and Comfort

Please keep Delia Eyrne, Trinidad Kenny, Carol James and Maria Louisa Santiago, in your prayers for healing and comfort.
† Marjorie Wheatley

Emma (gr. 3) and Shaun’s (gr. 4) great grandmother passed away on March 23, 2023. Please keep the Wheatley family in your prayers.

St. Martin of Tours Academy