Dear SMA Community,
It's T-5 days until the Turkey Trot!
Trotters raising at least $50 in donations will be receiving their free Turkey Trot t-shirt today. If you haven't sent out your student's free personalized 99Pledges site to family, friends, and social media, please do so today. Contact Lauren in the office if you need assistance with your site. She is happy to assist!
We have received a total of $17,936.00 in donations!
This reflects only 55% of SMA families participating.
We NEED 100% FAMILY PARTICIPATING IN FUNDRAISING our preschool and academy to improve our field!
In addition to 99Pledges, some students have opted to send out letters to their family and friends. Click HERE for a customizable Turkey Trot letter template, compliments of the Bartel family.
Advent program reserved seats are the most sought-after perk at SMA. These pews with the best views are being auctioned off right now! Bidding closes Tuesday and winners will be announced at the Walkathon.
Have you always wanted to throw a pie in a teacher or priest's face? I know I have! Now is your chance. Click here for your tickets. You can also purchase a shout-out from the DJ as your favorite trotter walks the track. What a great feeling it is to be cheered on during the event!
Tomorrow is a very special day of remembrance. Thank you to all our active duty, reservists, veterans, and retired military members. You are so appreciated! As a former Navy wife, I'm personally in awe of our SMA parents currently serving our country and their families who support them. It is not easy to leave your family for months at a time. Please keep us posted if there is a need for our students to send care packages of cards/letters SMA is closed for Veteran's Day tomorrow, Friday, 11/10.
Finally - be sure to sign up for your Parent/Teacher/Student conference by Monday 11/13 through Schoolspeak. Our teachers love talking about your shared favorite topic...your child(ren)!
Jennifer Miller