Dear St. Martin Community,
This week, more than ever, we are reminded of the special gift Catholic education is for students and families. By the time I could afford a Catholic education for my own kids, they were in 2nd and 4th grades. Witnessing how close they became with their classmates and how they have stayed in contact even in their high school and college years is priceless. They continue to take risks knowing that God has a plan for each person and He is always there no matter what.
Catholic Schools Week started with a Sunday Mass followed by an Open House showcasing student work. The Academy and Preschool were buzzing with current and prospective families walking around campus and talking with teachers.
Re-registration officially begins today! We have been working hard to make the process as easy as possible using the SchoolSpeak platform. During the tuition planning stages, we learned that diocesan schools could no longer offer a volunteer discount for tuition. The reasoning is that if volunteers receive a tuition discount for volunteering, it is no longer volunteering and is considered a "business income tax liability". For further details, you can contact the Civil Affairs Office at the diocese.
How is St. Martin of Tours Academy able to assist parents?
• We are keeping our tuition rate lower than most area schools.
• Registration early bird rate is available until Feb. 21 saving families
$100 per student.
• Basic student school supplies ready for use on the first day of school
• Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families
• SpartanCare will remain at $8/hour.
• Volunteer hour commitment will be reduced to 30 hours per family.
• If you refer a new family to SMA and they are enrolled through the first
trimester, you will be refunded your registration for (1) child.
• Free used uniforms will continue to be available year-round.
• Continuous care for the whole child from our amazing faculty & staff
We highly encourage families of incoming kindergarteners to register as spots are filling up more quickly than we've seen in past years. Priority is given to St. Martin Preschool students, SMA siblings, and parishioners. Our preschool spots are also limited.
Thank you for being a part of our SMA community. All the smiles from adults and children alike at Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, the Pep Rally, and the talent show fuel our souls. We love our Catholic School families!
Jennifer Miller, Principal