SMA Newsletter • February 2, 2023
Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours Academy fosters confidence, curiosity, and independence through a climate of cooperation and trust by preserving dignity throughout the learning process, accentuating all children’s God-given gifts in a Catholic environment.
Dear St. Martin Community,

This week, more than ever, we are reminded of the special gift Catholic education is for students and families. By the time I could afford a Catholic education for my own kids, they were in 2nd and 4th grades. Witnessing how close they became with their classmates and how they have stayed in contact even in their high school and college years is priceless. They continue to take risks knowing that God has a plan for each person and He is always there no matter what.

Catholic Schools Week started with a Sunday Mass followed by an Open House showcasing student work. The Academy and Preschool were buzzing with current and prospective families walking around campus and talking with teachers.

Re-registration officially begins today! We have been working hard to make the process as easy as possible using the SchoolSpeak platform. During the tuition planning stages, we learned that diocesan schools could no longer offer a volunteer discount for tuition. The reasoning is that if volunteers receive a tuition discount for volunteering, it is no longer volunteering and is considered a "business income tax liability". For further details, you can contact the Civil Affairs Office at the diocese.

How is St. Martin of Tours Academy able to assist parents?

• We are keeping our tuition rate lower than most area schools.
• Registration early bird rate is available until Feb. 21 saving families
$100 per student.
• Basic student school supplies ready for use on the first day of school
• Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families
• SpartanCare will remain at $8/hour.
• Volunteer hour commitment will be reduced to 30 hours per family.
• If you refer a new family to SMA and they are enrolled through the first
trimester, you will be refunded your registration for (1) child.
• Free used uniforms will continue to be available year-round.
• Continuous care for the whole child from our amazing faculty & staff

We highly encourage families of incoming kindergarteners to register as spots are filling up more quickly than we've seen in past years. Priority is given to St. Martin Preschool students, SMA siblings, and parishioners. Our preschool spots are also limited.

Thank you for being a part of our SMA community. All the smiles from adults and children alike at Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, the Pep Rally, and the talent show fuel our souls. We love our Catholic School families!

Jennifer Miller, Principal
Re-Registration 2023- 2024
Click HERE to register your child(ren) for the 2023-2024 school year. Registration is through SchoolSpeak. Registration is $300 per student until February 21st. Registering after 2/21, the fee is $400.


Families are encouraged to apply for tuition assistance if you believe that your resources are not sufficient to meet the total cost of a St. Martin of tours Academy education. FACTS conducts a fair and confidential financial need assessments for families. Applications for tuition assistance need to be completed online there is a $35 processing fee. Applications are processed according to need from January 22, 2023 through March 31, 2023. Click HERE to learn and apply for aid. Information is on the school website Admissions.
Tuition Rates 2023-2024
"Souper" Bowl Food Drive
Bring in a canned good to vote for the Eagles or the Chefs Monday though Friday next week. Bring food items to the outside of the library. The parish food pantry is in need of small/medium size peanut butter and jelly, also canned fruit, and meat (Spam).
Valentine's Day at SMA - Tuesday 2/14

If valentines /gifts are exchanged, one must be brought in for each person in the class. Please note: baked goods, cookies, cupcakes are not allowed due to allergies.
Sock Hop • February 24
Families are invited to an exciting evening of dancing at the Sock Hop! 
6:30 – 8:30PM
Parish hall
DJ/Dancing • Photo Booth

$35 per family
Click HERE to reserve your ticket!
Volunteers Stepping Up!
Thank you to Megan Junker who stepped in to lead our Pizza Fridays. Also assisting Megan is Jessica Rowe. Pizza Friday's will continue! Volunteers are needed to help serve the pizza. If you are interested please email Megan at:

We thank Julie Horton who has organized the Pizza Fridays this year and in past years. She will be having surgery this month and prayers for healing would be welcome. We also thank the Horton family, Edward and Michael who have assisted.

Thank you to Reed Johnson who painted over the graffiti last week along the boulevard and repaired garden stools.

A Chess Club supervisor is needed from 12:30-1:30pm. If there is no response, Chess Club will take a break and restart in March. If you child is in Chess and would like to join the Friday Fun day, please reserve their place using the link below in Reminders.
Alumni News is Back!
We hope to catch up with our alums this year as we have done in past years. A new updated Alumni Page is now "live" on the school website. Read where our alums are now and what they have been doing since graduation! If you know of an alum or are an alum, that would like to be featured, please email the school office. We hope to be able to feature an alum every month.
Catholic Schools Week Highlights!
Parents and 4th grade students hosted the bake sale following the 9AM Mass last Sunday.
Crazy Sock Day!
CWS Bracelets
Muffins for Mom/Donuts for Dad
Donuts were also delivered to the fire & police departments.
3rd Grade Class Color Day
The Winter Pep Rally recognized our many sports teams.
Over half our students participated in Winter Sports.
Varsity Basketball
Thank you, Coaches!
Sports Pictures
Parents may still order sports photos through
Venmo @Scott-MOson.Pictures were taken of all the players.
Gift of Hope - Thank you!
During Advent, students made donations with their own money through Catholic Relief Services Gift of Hope program. Health exams, rabbits, a lamb, flock of chickens, hand washing stations, pigs, emergency care kits and hand-washing stations were chosen by each grade that participated. $500 was donated to the Gift of Hope!

Reverend Ronald J. Nuzzi, Ph.D. Director, ACE RISE (Renewing Identity, Strengthening Evangelization) offers ten reasons why Catholic schools still have an important place in our world. Click HERE for article.

St. Martin of Tours Academy