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April 25, 2023 Business Meeting

Superintendent Report Highlights

Volunteer Appreciation WeekApril 16-22 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week! Superintendent Osei thanked all of our outstanding volunteers for the time, energy, and talent they bring to the students of St. Louis Park.

Share the Mic Podcast Episode 7 - The next episode of the Share the Mic Podcast is now available. In Episode 7: What We Can All Learn From the Ambitions and Wisdom of an 11th Grader, Fardowsa Mohamed talks about taking full advantage of opportunities in St. Louis Park Public Schools and the amazing teachers who adapted to the way she learns. Her advice: Don't give up on your goals and dreams...make as many mistakes as you can and learn from them!

May Recognitions - May is full of recognition days and month long celebrations. Superintendent Osei recognized the following:

  • American Indian Education Month
  • Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
  • Administrative Professionals' Day (April 26)
  • Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-12)
  • School Lunch Hero Day (May 4)

Pictured above: Volunteer of 15 years Fred Rose

with student Tara Wetzel

Phase III Design Team Recommendations Health & Physical Education Progress Reporting Social Studies

Dr. Patrick Duffy, Director of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership introduced three Curriculum Design Teams that presented Phase III recommendations - Physical Education & Health, Progress Reporting, and Social Studies. Dr. Duffy reviewed the curriculum and instruction development phases and the timeline for subject area reviews. Highlights from each team's presentation are below.

Physical Education & Health

The PE/Health design team members include Tom Roberts, Patrice Howard, Kayla Ross, Jennifer Lucke, and Allison Luskey. The team presented:

  • Racial Equity Purpose and belief statements
  • Design team member introductions
  • Healthy kids = successful students
  • An overview of work done to prepare Phase III recommendations
  • Recommendations including Health and PE curriculum development, opportunities for students, and community partnerships
  • Next steps

Progress Reporting

The Progress Reporting design team members are Abby Lugo, Andy Wilkes, Ila Saxena, and Mia Waldera. Dr. Duffy presented for the team in their absence. The presentation included:

  • Racial Equity Purpose statement
  • An update on work done in the last phase of design team collaboration
  • An overview of what the team has learned
  • Recommendations to gather Information to inform structural changes and mindset shifts in grading, conferences, and progress reports, look at evidence of learning - what and why, and develop communication about what is being learned (grade level/course)

Social Studies

The Progress Reporting design team members are Peter Gerdts, Megan Jones, Jill Merkle, Gloria Ruff, and Erika Scott. The presentation included:

  • Racial Equity Purpose statement
  • How data analysis and centering teacher voice to guide the team's work
  • Connection to the District's strategic plan
  • Recommendations to 1. develop Social Studies Frameworks that are aligned to the 5 Pursuits and grounded in state and social justice standards. 2. Teachers use the framework to guide and assess their continuing work towards a more culturally relevant pedagogy. 3. Align and organize a linear scope and sequence to ensure all SLP students have the opportunity to engage in rigorous, comprehensive, culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate, and anti-racist social studies experiences. 4. Restructure Professional Development district-wide to give teachers collaborative time and support to drive and sustain this work.
Watch the Phase III Recommendation Presentations

Listening Session Update

Vice Chair Cox presented an overview of The School Board held a Listening Session on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 and will provide a recap of the session. Themes that were discussed were reading and literacy rates and reading support, developing stronger connections between teachers and families especially at the secondary level, idea generation about what the district is doing well, questions about vaping, and teacher morale. Topics that need further discussion have been forwarded to district leaders for appropriate next steps. The School Board is grateful for the engaged community in St. Louis Park Public Schools both with the School Board and in our schools.

Watch the Listening Session Recap

Consent & Action Agendas

Consent Agenda - The evening's Consent Agenda was approved as presented.

Approval of FY2023 Mid-Year Budget - Patricia Magnuson, Director of Business services, provided a brief update connected to the mid-year budget. Mid-year budget information has been presented at previous meetings and the capital budget will be approved at the May 9, 2023 meeting. The School Board approved the FY23 Budget Assumptions as presented.

04.25.23 School Board Meeting Materials

May 9, 2023 Study Session Meeting Agenda Preview*

  • Design Team Update: Music
  • Policy Development

*Although changes are infrequent and typically minor, School Board meeting agendas are subject to change. Agendas are posted three days prior to the meeting date and are approved by the School Board at the beginning of each meeting.

Get in touch with the School Board

Board members welcome your input. Email the entire School Board at schoolboard@slpschools.org. You can also call the School Board message line with your questions or comments: 952-928-6040. The Board also holds Open Forum at each Business Meeting, which occur on the fourth Tuesday of every month. To participate in Open Forum, please complete this sign-up form by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting at which you would like to address the School Board.