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March 14, 2023 Study Session

Superintendent Report Highlights

Healthcare Workforce DevelopmentStudents from the High School's Nursing Assistant Program, Aliya Ade and Siham Mohamoud, met with Healthcare industry professionals at the HealthPartners Neuroscience building to envision new ways of healthcare workforce development and creating pipelines for the future. 


Aliya and Siham shared their experiences, perspectives, and hopes for the future. Thank you to Aliya and Siham for sharing your voices and thank you to SLP community member, parent and alum Karen McCaren for orchestrating this important meeting.

District Band Showcase - For more than 30 years, March has been officially designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation. On March 9, our Music Department held its annual districtwide band showcase.

Middle School Quiz Bowl Team Qualifies for Nationals One of our amazing Quiz Bowl Teams qualified for Nationals at the tournament on Saturday, March 4, 2023. Our Middle School team finished in the top 15% of the field at a middle school varsity tournament that uses NAQT questions and is attended by teams from at least three schools.

Our SLP Team A came in fourth place, thereby qualifying to attend the National Competition held in Chicago this May. We are currently on a waiting list but still hopeful this may take place so we are able to attend. The Middle School National Championship Tournament Nationals in Chicago the weekend of May 12-14, 2023.

The SLP Team A students include:

Elise Hogg - 7th grade

(placed third individually overall and received her second trophy this school year)

Tyber Augustine - 8th grade

Riley Hicks - 7th grade

Cesar Wood - 8th grade

This was one of our most successful tournaments to date since Quiz Bowl began at our middle school in 2018. We wouldn't be able to participate in these Saturday games without the support of the families who step in and help with assistant coaching.

Richard Green Scholar Award - Superintendent Osei has received recognition through MASA's (Minnesota Association of School Administrators) Richard Green Scholars Program which honors the scholarly work and professional development of Minnesota school leaders through the award of an annual recognition for the research, writing and presentation of one paper reflecting the practice of excellent school leadership.

Superintendent Osei will be recognized at the MASA Spring Conference and will present his paper at the MASA Fall Conference. The Richard Green Scholars Program was named to honor former Minneapolis Superintendent Richard R. Green, who modeled innovation and distinction in the child-centered practice of exemplary school leadership. Congratulations, Superintendent Osei!

Dr. Patrick Duffy’s Book - Questions regarding Dr. Duffy's book were brought to the attention of the School Board at the School Board Listening Session on Feb. 21. We have looked into the claims of the book being a "conflict of interest" and that is not the case. We did seek a legal opinion on the alleged violation of the Conflict of Interest Policy (policy 436). The lawyer for the district did not see a violation. However, we can assure you that we take these types of concerns seriously and will provide additional information about Dr. Duffy's book below.


Dr. Duffy's book has three parts:

  1. his personal racial autobiography growing up in Grand Marais;
  2. an ethnographic study of an anonymous school district in Minnesota based on his doctoral research before he worked in SLP; and  
  3. anecdotes from various school districts about how tenets for student leadership development have been and can be applied.

To honor the work of St. Louis Park, he invited 10 individuals who have experienced our district in various capacities to share short narratives about the work their experience and/or work they are currently doing or have done in the area of anti-racist leadership. Each of these narratives is 1-2 pages long.

Dr. Duffy has not conducted any studies in St. Louis Park Public Schools connected to this book. It is also important to note that in addition to being employed in St. Louis Park Public Schools, Dr. Duffy is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota where he teaches a class on Leadership for Teaching and Learning. The University of Minnesota has asked him to contribute his expertise to their Masters, Doctorate, and licensure programs for the principalship and for their teaching and learning directors.  

Strategic Plan Priority Work Mid-Year Update

Flower Krutina, Executive Leadership Partner, Silvy Un Lafayette, Director of Assessment, Research and Evaluation, Becca Starr, Assessment and Research Specialist, and Rachel Hicks, Director of Communications, provided a mid-year update on year two of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan for Racial Equity Transformation. The team presented the priority work for the 2022-23 school year, the process to develop the priority work statements for this year, measurement areas, data collected, and evidence of data. The group of presenters also represented three levels of schools system EL with Dr. Lafayette, elementary with Dr. Starr, and secondary with Ms. Krutina, so in addition to hearing updates on the work, personal connections to the work were also present.

Below are the priority work statements for the year and their measurement areas. Click on the video below to watch the full presentation.

Priority Work Statement #1: Sustain and deepen culturally relevant literacy development through the collaborative team process. 

Measurement areas 

  • Identity - students discover who they are, who others say they are, and who they desire to be
  • Skill - students demonstrate proficiency in reading (decoding, vocabulary, phonics, etc.)
  • Intellectualism - citing textual evidence and writing
  • Criticality - critical thinking, students understand power, humanity, inequities, oppression, anti-sexism and anti-racism
  • Joy - students express happiness and a love for learning

Priority Work Statement #2: Develop and implement authentic internal communication (loop) strategies that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community. 

Measurement areas 

  • Knowledge - Staff express confidence in knowing what is occurring in the district connected to our strategic direction
  • Agency - Staff express confidence in knowing how to provide feedback and engage in critical self-reflection to learn more about action connected to our strategic direction
  • Advocacy - Staff express support and confidence in providing clear and accurate information to students, other staff, families and community about action connected to our strategic direction

Next steps for the 2022-23 school year priority work include:

  • May 4 - Student Annual Update
  • May 18 - Core Planning Team Annual Update
  • May 24 - Annual Update Report Out to School Board
  • June 13 - 2023-24 Priority Work Presentation
Watch the Strategic Plan Mid-Year Update

Marketing Presentation

Rachel Hicks, Director of Communications, Ashley Sukhu, Communications Senior Specialist, and Marketing Student Interns Meshach Mandel and Alicia Margalli presented a marketing plan to the School Board. The plan reviewed what marketing is (and isn't), the year's marketing goals which include a focus on retaining current families and re-enrolling families who have chosen to enroll elsewhere, measurement areas, communication survey results, and future work.

The group provided more details connected to market research and key message development, efforts to re-enroll families, marketing partnerships, a student-driven marketing campaign, and storytelling in connection to marketing. Click on the link below to hear from the Communications Team and the Communications Student Interns!

Watch the Marketing Presentation

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Assumptions

Patricia Magnuson, Director of Business Services provided an overview of the fiscal year 2024 budget assumptions. The School Board approved the assumptions during the evening's Action Agenda. 

Budget recommendations presented were connected to:

  • Estimated Enrollment
  • Classroom Teacher Staffing
  • District Fees
  • State General Funding
  • Fund Balance
  • Purchased Services
  • Salary/Benefits
  • Contingency

Director Magnuson also reviewed detailed preliminary budget information.

Watch the FY24 Budget Assumptions Presentation

Consent & Action Agendas

Consent Agenda - The evening's Consent Agenda was approved as presented.

Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Assumptions - The School Board approved the FY24 Budget Assumptions as presented.

Approval of Achievement and Integration Plan and Budget - The School Board approved the District's Achievement and Integration plan and budget for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026, as presented. Superintendent Osei provided a brief overview prior to approval.

03.14.23 School Board Meeting Materials

March 28, 2023 Business Meeting Agenda Preview*

  • Design Team Update: Multilingual Learners
  • World’s Best Workforce & ESSA Presentation
  • Budget Presentation
  • Consent Agenda
  • Bid Approval

*Although changes are infrequent and typically minor, School Board meeting agendas are subject to change. Agendas are posted three days prior to the meeting date and are approved by the School Board at the beginning of each meeting.

Board Listening sessions

Save the Date: April 18 Board Listening Session

The SLP School Board invites families to join them for the upcoming listening session on Tuesday, April 18. The listening session will be held at 6:30pm in the High School Library Media Center. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and have a conversation with school board members. It is important to note that this is not an official meeting and no official action will be taken. Please be aware that the school board members will end the listening session 30 minutes after the posted start time if there are no stakeholders in attendance.

Get in touch with the School Board

Board members welcome your input. Email the entire School Board at schoolboard@slpschools.org. You can also call the School Board message line with your questions or comments: 952-928-6040. The Board also holds Open Forum at each Business Meeting, which occur on the fourth Tuesday of every month. To participate in Open Forum, please complete this sign-up form by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting at which you would like to address the School Board.