SJNA Newsletter
A Discussion on Housing in St. Johns
The St. Johns Neighborhood Association hosted PSU's MERP student team for a Housing Action Forum to discuss the dire state of housing in St. Johns, this past Monday. MURP stands for the Masters in Urban Regional Planning program. 

The City of Portland is experiencing a housing crisis, and St. Johns is no exception. We have the second highest poverty rate in the city, and yet median home sales prices have risen year-over-year by almost 9.7% on average since 2011. The largest jump occurred from 2012 to 2013, when median prices jumped by 17.4%!

Many of our neighbors are being priced out of our community. The MURP team highlighted that for several minoritiy communities including blacks and latinos, single mothers, and seniors, it is no longer possible to rent a studio or 2 bedroom apartment, or to buy a home.

To further explore and better understand the state of housing in our community, the MURP team facilitated 5 seperate table discussions. Neighbors discussed homelessness, the challenges experienced by renters, roles for homeowners, creative community solutions, and community organization and advocacy in St. Johns. Conversations focused on identifying community strengths, highlighting present challenges, and brainstorming potential actions.

The MURP team will complie community responses gathered on Monday, along with information gathered at other area forums they are hosting around our neighborhood, as part of their final proposal for our community.

The team was invited by the St. Johns Center for Opportunity to conduct a multi-month long assessment of housing in St. Johns, which will conclude in June. SJNA hopes to invite the MURP team back to a future meeting to share their results.

St. Johns Neighborhood Association monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month from 7-8:30pm, at the St. Johns Community Center. Free childcare is often provided.
Emergency Preparedness Tip of the Month


  • Canned fruits – 3 cans per person
  • Any foods for special dietary needs (enough for 3 days)
  • A large plastic tub or bin for storage of food and other emergency supplies
  • Portable am/FM radio with batteries


  • Conduct a home fire drill
  • Locate the gas meter and water shutoff points and attach/store a wrench or shutoff tool near them. Also store special shutoff instructions, if any
  • Establish and out-of-state contact to call in case of an emergency
Community Corner
Neighborhood Clean Up & Recycle Event

April 29th | 10am - 4pm
St. John's Christian Church Parking Lot
8298 N Central St, Portland
The annual SJNA Clean Up & Recycle event is in 3 weeks!

Trash and recyclables that don't otherwise fit in curb-side bins will be collected at the event. Excessively large items may be refused, especially home construction materials likely to contain asbestos.

This is a fundraiser event. All donations are used to support the community, including partial funding toward annual community events including the St. Johns Parade, Bizzare, and others.

$5/car load  |  $5/tire  |  $10/truck load
St. Johns Speakeasy

April 22nd | 7pm - 10pm
St. John's Bachelors Club
8204 N Central St, Portland
Join the St. Johns Center for Opportunity next Saturday for drinks, food, and dancing, as they take a trip back to the 1920's.

They'll have Boy & Bean providing some prohibition-era swing and jazz music, a photo booth, raffle prizes, and more.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. To purchase your tickets in advance
Oregon Legislative Bill Workshop

April 27th | 7pm - 8pm
St. Johns Center for Opportunity
8250 N Lombard, Portland

Would you like to learn how to stay informed and advocate for such things as: Housing, Energy, Education, Voting, Reproductive rights, Presidential tax returns and more….

All these and more are active issues in the Oregon Legislature right now.

Join Donna Cohen for an hour long workshop about how to be better informed and more engaged with your Oregon State Legislature
Mercy Corps Earthquake Preparedness Night at Roosevelt
May 2nd | 6-7:30 PM
Roosevelt High School New Auditorium
N Smith & N Ida

Learn about the Cascadia Subduction Zone and our real risk for an upcoming earthquake in Portland. Also, learn what you can do to best prepare yourself.
The St. Johns Bizarre
Needs Volunteers
A May 13th | 10am - 7:00pm | FREE 
St. Johns Plaza

2017 is The St. Johns Bizarre's 11th year of creating a forum for neighbors and friends to celebrate the unique and eclectic character of North Portland. We hope you'll come enjoy all that our community has to offer.
The St. Johns Parade Needs Your Support

May 13th | St. Johns.  Portland, OR 97203
This is the 55th year of the parade and first time in recent memory it is having financial difficulties. The parade organizers are reaching out to the community for donations and volunteers. The parade committee fully funds the event and is seeking $10-12k to cover the costs for permits, insurance, security, pins, shirts, portable restrooms, and more.
Sign up to volunteer & donate here
  I mportant Resources 

:: Be neighborly with Nextdoor Android | iOS
:: Report issues to the city with PDX Reporter Android | iOS
:: Join the St. Johns volunteer dream team
:: St. Johns event calendar
:: SJNA's website
:: City of Portland's website
:: St. Johns' shared Google calendar
:: Important Portland phone numbers
:: PCC emergency response classes
:: NET Neighborhood Emergency Team meetings
:: Multnomah county crisis line 503-988-4888
:: PDX Women's Crisis Line 503-235-5333
:: Report traffic concerns, call PBOT 503-823-7233

Please join us at our next neighborhood meeting.
May 8th, 7pm at the St. Johns Community Center

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