SJNA Names 2 Goals for Pod Village Project
At the December 10th General Meeting, neighbors gathered to discuss updates to the N Roberts Pod Village Project in St. Johns. At the meeting, SJNA identified 2 primary goals for the project and neighbors discussed concerns and possible action steps for each:

1. Support Current Businesses | 2. Welcome New Neighbors

There is still yet little known from the city about project details or timeline. In this first phase, the city is committed to gathering as much input from the community, neighboring businesses, and other people impacted and involved as they continue to develop the site plans and implementation schedule. According to the Joint Office of Homeless Services—the combined City of Portland and Multnomah County department leading this project— their primary goal more than any set timeline is to develop a plan that best serves everyone's needs. The only major document released from the Joint Office is a FAQ sheet that aims to address an array of questions and concerns received from the community.
The next planned community informational event will be on January 24th. The St. Johns Center for Opportunity (SJCO) is organizing an event on the 24th from 5:30PM to 7:30PM at Los Prados Event Hall (10105 N Lombard). All are welcome to come and get the latest updates about the N Roberts project and to learn about pod villages and houselessness in St. Johns. Mark your calendar!

The community first learned about the N Roberts Pod Village project back in mid October when a Willamette Week article confirmed the city's plans to use property it owns on N Roberts to establish a houseless pod village in St. Johns. To ensure that the community has the most complete and up-to-date information about this project, SJNA hosted a 7-person information panel of experts and stakeholders on November 2nd, the following week. With over 150 in attendance the community heard from:

  • The Joint Office of Houseless Services to speak about the project
  • The St. Johns Neighborhood Association to talk about current outreach efforts
  • The St. Johns Center for Opportunity to talk about about houseless in St. Johns
  • A Representative from the Neighboring Businesses to share their concerns
  • A Neighbor from Overlook to speak about living by a pod village
  • Do Good Multnomah to speak about how 3rd party non-profits partner for success
  • A Resident of Hazelnut Grove to provide a first-hand experience in a pod village

After the panel, community members gathered into groups to discuss and share thoughts and feedback. After several minutes of discussion, each group had the opportunity to shared with the entire room.
New Developments Coming to St. Johns
7636 N Lombard

A 24-unit, 2-building, apartment is being planned at the former City Farm site.

SJNA invited the Lead Architect, Rich Brooks ( to the December General Meeting to present their plans and speak about the project.

Neighbors expressed concerns about:
  • The lack of affordable housing
  • The lack of off-street parking
  • The lack of pedestrian curbside engagement opportunities

Brooks explained that the building is 100% compliant with current code and encouraged neighbors to bring their concerns to the city's coding offices.

Click the photo above to download the proposal sent to SJNA.
7433 N Chicago

A 20-22 unit, 2-building, apartment is planned behind the St. Johns Liquor Store in the site with parking lot and former dentist office.

SJNA invited Ed Bruin of Edge Development ( to the December General Meeting to present their plans and speak about the project.

Neighbors expressed similar concerns about the lack of any affordable housing or off-street parking.

Bruin explained that the project is still in conceptual design phase and plan details are still being finalized.

Click the photo above to download the proposal sent to SJNA.
  • Download the brief powerpoint slide packet from SJNA about zoning and development in St. Johns!

  • Learn about new development Affordable Housing rules, requirements within the St. Johns Plan district, and the options that SJNA has to provide input and influence.

  • Contact the 2 City Bureaus responsible for making and enforcing building development codes.
PBOT N Columbia Safety + Volume Reduction Plans
1a. N Bank Pedestrian Crosswalk - OPTION 1
1b. N Bank Pedestrian Crosswalk - OPTION 2
2. N Midway & N Oregonian Barriers
PBOT has issued two options for their plan to provide a safer option for pedestrians dodging traffic and large trucks while crossing N Columbia. Both crosswalk designs will feature bright visible marketings and pedestrian triggered Green-Yellow-Red stop lights.

Winston Sandino, with PBOT presented both plans at the December 10th SJNA meeting (1a and 1b). Sandino and the design team are asking for community input to pick the best plan. Follow SJNA on Facebook to know when PBOT's website to capture your feedback is up and ready.

Safe pedestrian crossing options are severely lacking for the 200+ St. Johns neighbors that live north of Columbia. That area by George Middle School has been the site of several tragic accidents and fatalities.

In addition to the crosswalk, PBOT will be installing median barriers at 2 key locations to reduce the large volume of cars using the residential streets of N Midway and N Oregonian to enter St. Johns from N Columbia.
Volunteers Join for Annual SJNA Leaf Sweep
Saturday, December 1st, SJNA hosted its annual Downtown St. Johns Leaf Sweep. Around 20 neighbors grabbed rakes and shovels to clear leaves off sidewalks and out of storm drains.

The tradition first started by a small band of St. Johns neighbors that wanted to preserve the beauty of the business district back when storefronts were less full. The Leaf Sweep has evolved into an annual SJNA tradition of support for our great local businesses!

Our thanks to Cathedral Coffee, Super Burrito, John Street Cafe, and Stormbreaker for supporting our volunteers with food and drink for the day, and thanks Ace for the use of your leaf blower!
Introducing Your SJNA Board for 2019
Have you meet your new SJNA Board for the 2018-2019 year, yet?

On October 8th, neighbors gathered to elect the new SJNA board. 14 volunteers added their name to the slate and after each spoke, the community elected all 14 to fill the 15 available positions.

Board members are volunteers who serve a year term, elected annually in October.
  • Kyle Janus, Board Chair
  • Cristina Restad, Vice Chair
  • Pat Jewett, Secretary
  • Amyl Freeberg, Treasurer
  • Sheryl Lyons, Land Use
  • Ben MacGregor, Member at Large
  • David Green, Member at Large
  • Emilie Saks-Webb, Member at Large
  • Jen Levy, Member at Large
  • John Teply, Member at Large
  • Lori Higginbotham, Member at Large
  • Magan Morse, Member at Large
  • Mark Whitcomb, Member at Large
  • Renee Bartley, Member at Large
Emergency Preparedness
Community Corner
EPA Considering Reducing Superfund Project

After a reclassification of a known toxin that is highly concentrated in our portion of the Willamette River Superfund project, the EPA is considering reducing its clean up efforts. Your comments are CRITICAL. Get all the details. Then, email your comments to: The deadline is December 21st!
Community Sewer Repair Update

Environmental Services has begun construction on a project to repair over 11,000 feet, or about 2 miles, of public sewers in the St. Johns and Cathedral Park neighborhoods. Many of the sewer pipes are about 80 years old and deteriorating due to age. This investment in your neighborhood will allow for continued dependable sewer service and protect the public and our environment by reducing the possibility of sewage releases to homes, businesses and streets. For the most up-to-date information, click here.
Portland Police Bureau Strategic Plan Underway

Portland Police Bureau is working to improve it's responsiveness and positive community impact. Several public meetings have been held as the bureau works to finalize its strategic plan moving forward. Read PPB's info packet.
Community Calendar
DECEMBER 15th | 11AM - 5PM | James John Elem. Winter Craft Fair
James John Elementary - 7439 N Charleston

Shop local this holiday season. All the details can be found on the event's Facebook page.
JANUARY 14th | 7PM - 8:30PM | SJNA General Meeting
St. Johns Community Center - 8247 N Central

Kick off 2019 with your neighbors and SJNA! All are welcome. Come early for refreshments and snacks.
  Important Resources 
:: Be neighborly with Nextdoor Android  | iOS
:: SJNA's  website
:: City of Portland's website
:: Important Portland phone numbers
:: Other Important Portland phone numbers
:: PCC emergency response classes
:: NET Neighborhood Emergency Team  meetings
:: Multnomah county crisis line 503-988-4888
:: PDX Women's Crisis Line 503-235-5333
:: Report traffic concerns, call PBOT 503-823-7233
:: PDX Park Rangers, call 503-823-1637

Please join us at our next neighborhood meeting.
January 14th, 7pm at the St. Johns Community Center.
Doors open at 6:30PM. All are welcome.

Forward to your neighbors :-)

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