The SHAre:

October 7, 2022

Volume: 209

In this Week's Edition


Save The Date Member Meeting October 12th


HUD Announces $8.3 Million In 646 New

Housing Choice Vouchers To New Jersey 


New HUD “Fair Market Rent” Policy Can Help Local Agencies Reduce Homelessness and Expand Housing Choice


NJHMFA Affordable Housing

Production Fund (AHPF)

 Program Announcement


 2022 Point-In-Time Count Data

Working To End Homelessness In NJ


NJ Human Services Launches

Redesigned NJ Helps Portal and

Online Application for Food & Cash

Assistance & Expands SNAP Navigators



Open Access To Medications

For Opioid Use Disorder In Homeless Shelters 


New Report: Improving Low-Income Housing

Tax Credit Data for Preservation


Federal Housing Finance Agency Announces

FHLBank System At 100:

Focusing On The Future Initiative


DMAHS Seeks Public Comments

On Statewide Transition Plan

and Heightened Scrutiny


ANCHOR Tax Relief - Apply By Dec. 30th

Resources & Virtual Forums

SSA National Disability Forum

Homelessness: Working with Stakeholders

To Improve Access To SSA

Benefits And Services - Part 2

October 19, 2022


Registration Open

2022 Fall Tax Credit Compliance

Certification Course and Exam

October 25-28, 2022


NJ Veteran’s Housing Symposium

November 3, 2022

Save the Date

24th Annual Supportive

Housing Conference

November 4, 2022

Click here to register for the conference


Next SHA

Members Meeting

October 12, 2022

10:00am 12:00pm


Next SHA

Developers Meeting

November 14, 2022



Housing & Community Development Network

of New Jersey

Under One Roof

October 21, 2022

New Brunswick


New Jobs Available 

The Jersey City Housing Authority has available openings for the following roles. Please click each link to learn more about the position and how to apply

Assistant Comptroller CarpenterDevelopment Coordinator Electrician

In-House CounselOccupancy Clerk Typist | Sewer Main Worker

Skilled LaborerSr. Maintenance Repairer


DCM Associates is helping CUMAC (Center of United Methodist Aid to the Community) recruit a Chief Executive OfficerCUMAC is one of the largest food security organizations in Passaic County with programming and organizational culture grounded in community-building and preventing the occurrence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

If you would like to express your interest in this position, please send a cover letter and resume to Joe Duffy, President of Executive Search, at If you would like to discuss the opportunity further or would like to recommend a candidate, please contact Dennis C. Miller, Founder & Chairman at

Click here to view the Chief Executive Officer candidate profile

24th Annual Supportive
Housing Conference

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Palace at Somerset Park 333 Davidson Ave, Somerset, NJ

New Registration Rates

SHA Members: $165

Non-Members: $200

Family (Non-professionals) / *Students: $110

*Limited scholarships available

Click here to register for the conference

Get 3 or more registrations and save 25% off entire order

Boost Your Organization As A Sponsor / Exhibitor

Learn how you can share your work with the supportive housing community as a SHA Sponsor or Exhibitor.

Email completed forms / questions to:

We gratefully thank our Sponsors and Exhibitors

who empower SHA's annual Conference!

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Groundbreaker Event Sponsors

Notebook Sponsors

Save The Date - SHA Member Meeting

October 12, 2022 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Special Topic: 

 The Federal Landscape and New Opportunities


Liz Osborn, Vice President of Policy Advocacy with Enterprise Community Partners will join us with her latest updates from Washington, DC. These include a review of what the continued resolution means, policy priorities as we near a pivotal midterm election and the outlook for improvements in the strengthening and expanding the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. Liz will also briefly note new partnerships and investments from Enterprise

State Updates

Renee Koubiadis

Senior Policy Advisor with DCA

Michael Callahan

Director Office of

Homeless Prevention, DCA

Kerry-Anne Henry, LSW

Assistant Director, Office of Housing

Dept. of Children and Families

Harry Reyes,

Assistant Division Director

Office of Treatment and Recovery Supports

Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

SHA Updates

Affordable Housing Data Project

Members can RSVP to Joseph Christensen.

SHA Welcomes New & Returning
Members In 2022
Become a SHA Member and get access to great meetings and many other great member benefits. Need more information? Email Joseph Christensen with your questions.

HUD Announces $8.3 Million In 646 New

Housing Choice Vouchers To New Jersey 

New York – Last week, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Region II Regional Administrator Alicka Ampry-Samuel announced 646 new Housing Choice Vouchers totaling $8,328,385 awarded to Public Housing Authorities in New Jersey.  The 2023 Fair Market Rents (FMRs), which go into effect on October 1, increased voucher values in New Jersey up to 13%, expanding options for voucher holders. The announcement was made during HUD RA Ampry-Samuel’s keynote address delivered to housing officials, partners, and advocates at the 2022 NJ Governor’s Conference held annually in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly known as Section 8, is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. The participant can choose any housing that meets the program’s requirements and is not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects.

HUD believes that every eligible household should have access to a voucher. Making market-rate housing that is affordable for lower-income families is an essential element of addressing the housing affordability crisis.

Nationally, HUD is awarding more than 19,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers to almost 2,000 Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) across the country. This will be the most expansive allocation of flexible new rental assistance in 20 years. HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Program is administered locally by public housing agencies (PHAs) using HUD federal funding.

New HUD “Fair Market Rent” Policy

Can Help Local Agencies Reduce

Homelessness and Expand Housing Choice

Earlier this month, HUD announced an important policy change to better adjust subsidy caps — known as Fair Market Rents, or FMRs — in the Housing Choice Voucher program to keep pace with rapidly rising market rents.

These vouchers help more than 2 million low-income households — most of them seniors, people with disabilities, and families with children — rent homes in the private market. Households with vouchers generally pay 30 percent of their income for rent.

The impact of the higher, more accurate FMRs HUD has set for 2023 will depend in part on actions by state and local agencies. Agencies should take several steps to maximize the benefits for people served by the voucher programs.

  • Implement the change promptly. Agencies are required to raise their payment standards to fall between 90 and 110 percent of the new FMRs by January 1, 2023, but they are allowed to do so as soon as October 1, 2022. They should act promptly to increase their payment standards if this is needed to cover typical market rents in their community.

HUD’s new policy will, for the first time, use up-to-date private rent data to help set FMRs. This ensures that FMRs better reflect housing costs in local communities and allows, where needed, higher subsidies that can make it easier for families to find housing with their voucher. But to maximize the benefits, the state and local housing agencies that administer the voucher program should implement the change promptly and effectively, so that subsidies better reflect the actual cost of housing in their communities.

NJHMFA Affordable Housing Production Fund (AHPF)

 Program Announcement

Attention Developers

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA)

advances the quality of life for residents and communities throughout New Jersey by investing in, financing, and facilitating access to affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities for low and moderate-income families, older adults, and individuals with specialized housing needs.


Therefore, the HMFA is proud to announce the Affordable Housing Production Fund (AHPF) Program, approved at the September 22, 2022 HMFA board meeting. The New Jersey fiscal year 2023 budget (P.L. 2022, c.49) appropriates $305,000,000 from the State’s "Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund” allocation, established pursuant to the federal "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021," Pub. L. 117-2, to the Affordable Housing Production Fund.


New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency will administer the legislatively appropriated AHPF funds to provide subsidy financing for eligible projects in need of gap financing to support 4% LIHTC development. The AHPF Program is expected to increase the number of affordable housing units to be financed by 2025 by more than 3,300 units. 

Important: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis starting November 1, 2022. The financing application submission must contain the required documentation as listed in the UNIAP to be deemed a complete financing application. A non-refundable application fee of $1,000.00 must be submitted with the financing application package.  

Please click on the links below to view AHPF Program Guidelines and UNIAP:

View AHPF Guidelines


Questions? Need Help?

If you have questions about AHPF email your requests to Tanya Hudson-Murray, Managing Director of Multifamily Programs or Donna Spencer, Director of the Multifamily/Supportive Housing and Lending Division.


Access forms, checklists, policies, previous developer bulletins and more under the Developer Tab, on the NJHMFA website.

2022 Point-In-Time Count Data

Working To End Homelessness In NJ

During its annual point-in-time count #NJCounts 2022 found 8,754 men, women, and children, in 6,631 households, experienced homelessness across New Jersey. NJCounts 2022 counted individuals experiencing homeless on the night of January 25, 2022.

Other key findings from NJCounts 2022 include:

• 7,776 persons were in sheltered locations (emergency shelter, hotel/motel placements,

transitional housing, safe haven programs)

• 978 persons were unsheltered

• 1,750 persons, in 1,592 households, were identified as chronically homeless representing 20% of

the total homeless population

• 988 households were counted as families, which included 2,945 persons (a family is defined as a

household with at least one child under the age of 18 and one adult)

• 24 unaccompanied youth under 18 were identified in the count

racial disparities are persisting as Black people were disproportionately represented, accounting for 48% of those counted even though only 12% of the state’s population is Black

Homelessness is on the rise compared to previous years, with Essex County leading the state percentage at 22%

“Community efforts to end homelessness are strengthened by a data informed approach to planning. The Point in Time count serves as one of the tools we can use to help understand who is experiencing homelessness in our communities and what their needs are,” said Taiisa Kelly, CEO of Monarch Housing Associates. “While we understand that the count is not a comprehensive accounting of all persons experiencing homelessness, it does provide a consistent snapshot of what is happening in our communities. This information can serve as the basis for significant investments in strategies that end homelessness and support the understanding that housing is a human right.”

Counties across the state annually conduct NJCounts, as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to secure federal funding for programs serving persons experiencing homelessness. Commissioned by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA), NJCounts reflects the collaborative efforts of social service providers, local government, and community advocates and volunteers to identify and enumerate persons experiencing homelessness within each

county. Monarch Housing Associates coordinates NJCounts activities and completes an analysis of data collected from the Point-in-Time (PIT) survey. NJCounts aims to provide communities with valuable information as they develop strategies and plans to end homelessness.

Data for NJCounts 2022 was collected via two methods: household surveys and information from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). About 55% of the information for persons staying in sheltered locations was drawn from the HMIS, with the remaining information submitted through household surveys. Data for persons staying in unsheltered locations and in programs not utilizing the HMIS was collected through household surveys administered by trained homeless service providers.

NJ Human Services Launches Redesigned NJ Helps

Portal and Online Application for Food &

Cash Assistance & Expands SNAP Navigators

(TRENTON) – Human Services Commissioner Sarah Adelman recently announced the Department has launched a modernized benefits portal and online application for residents to apply for the state’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) program and has expanded SNAP Navigators across the state.

Individuals can check their eligibility for food assistance, cash assistance and health care by visiting Those who choose to apply for SNAP and/or WFNJ will be redirected to the new application.

The new application is mobile friendly, making it more accessible and reachable. When applying for SNAP/WFNJ, individuals can upload required documents online through the new portal to confirm their eligibility and check the status of their application. A video tutorial in English and Spanish on how to apply can also be found online here.

The Department also has expanded the number of partner agencies, known as SNAP Navigators, who provide SNAP application assistance to the public at no cost. This help is free and confidential. This year the list of agencies participating as SNAP Navigators grew from three to 11 agencies with a presence in counties all across our state. SNAP Navigators assist individuals with the application process, including helping them identify the documents they need to demonstrate their eligibility and how they can maximize their SNAP benefits. For a list of SNAP Navigators by county, visit


Open Access To Medications

For Opioid Use Disorder In Homeless Shelters 

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) to increase access to buprenorphine and other ancillary services for individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) through current programming available at homeless shelters that are licensed by New Jersey Department of Community Affairs' Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House Standards and outlined in state regulation NJAC 5:15. These providers will develop the capacity to provide medication and support services for individuals who reside or drop in at homeless shelters. The intent of the program is to provide low threshold medication services to individuals with a SUD who present in these settings.


The successful bidder to this RFP will initiate medication for SUD and maintain the individual on that medication or transition the individual to a community provider, including, but not limited to: an Office Based Addictions Treatment (OBAT) provider or licensed treatment provider that can administer buprenorphine and other medications for SUD, as well as deliver the appropriate level of counseling, or other appropriate support service. There will be no gaps in medication, caused by the provider or providers, for individuals served in this program. It is expected that providers will use funds for all of the following: (1) identify and designate a Champion within the homeless shelter who will lead the shelter’s efforts to provide medication for SUD; (2) initiate same-day medications; (3) contract or employ staff with the credentials to prescribe medications; (4) contract or employ case/care managers, and peers, to connect and engage patients in treatment and social services and to assist patients with care transitions; (5) create a welcoming and non-stigmatizing atmosphere for individuals seeking medications; (6) provide naloxone as an overdose prevention medication, (7) connect individuals to an affiliated Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) for the treatment of physical and mental health concerns and chronic pain; and (8) implement harm reductions strategies and interventions to address SUDs, primarily opioid use disorder (OUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD).


New Jersey has designated two Centers of Excellence (COE) in the treatment of SUDs, one at Rowan University/Cooper Medical School in Camden, New Jersey and another located at Rutgers University Medical School in Newark, NJ. The COEs offer free training, mentoring and telephonic assistance to prescribers or individuals who are becoming certified to offer medications that treat individuals with a SUD. These services will be available to assist the successful bidder.


This RFP is funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant. Total annualized funding for this RFP is $2,975,000 subject to federal appropriations. DMHAS anticipates making up to seven (7) awards of up to $425,000 each. 


No Mandatory Bidders Conference.


Questions on RFP Due Date  – no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on September 30, 2022


Intent to Apply / DHS SFTP Login Credentials Due Date – no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on October 14, 2022


Proposal Due Date – no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on October 21, 2022


Notify Date – November 18, 2022

Click here for the RFP

New Report: Improving Low-Income Housing

Tax Credit Data for Preservation

NLIHC and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released a joint report this week, Improving Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Data for Preservation. The report documents the need for improvements to both the quality of property-level Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) data and public access to these data for preservation. According to the report, LIHTC data must be improved to support the identification of specific properties where preservation efforts are needed to protect tenants and to better understand the nature and scale of preservation risks facing the LIHTC stock.

HUD’s LIHTC Database is an essential public resource for data on LIHTC properties. However, HUD faces challenges incorporating key data into its database for assessing LIHTC preservation risks, such as data on restriction end dates, qualified contract (QC) waivers, and information on ownership changes. The new report examines the extent to which housing finance agencies (HFAs) provide these data at the state and local levels and analyzes the challenges they encounter collecting, maintaining, and reporting LIHTC property data to HUD and the wider public.

Based on a comprehensive review of HFA websites in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as interviews with staff from 25 HFAs, the report finds:

  • Ninety-three percent of HFAs post some form of property-level LIHTC data on their websites.
  • The property-level data publicly posted by HFAs are largely limited to what these agencies already report to HUD’s LIHTC Database. Key preservation indicators, such as restriction end dates, the presence of QC waivers, and up-to-date information on property ownership, are largely absent from HFA websites.
  • LIHTC data are often siloed across various teams and systems within HFAs, creating challenges for them when it comes to providing comprehensive information to stakeholders about specific LIHTC properties. The fact that data are siloed can also complicate the construction of centralized, property-level databases.
  • Many HFAs appear to face limitations in their staffing capacity and technology that inhibit their ability to streamline or automate the collection and reporting of LIHTC data and develop centralized, property-level databases that include key preservation indicators concerning their LIHTC stock.
  • Limited oversight and enforcement power impede the ability of both HFAs and HUD to collect more timely and robust property-level LIHTC data that can better inform preservation efforts.

Federal Housing Finance Agency Announces

FHLBank System At 100: Focusing On The Future Initiative

On August 31 the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), announced the FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future initiative – a set of public listening sessions and a series of regional roundtable discussions through which the FHFA will engage the Federal Home Loan Bank System’s (“FHLB System”) stakeholders to position the FHLB System for the future. This initiative, with a view towards the 100th anniversary of the FHLB System in 2032, will aim to ensure that the Home Loan Banks are best positioned to continue to act on our mission and meet the needs of our members and the communities we serve. As the FHLB System approaches its centennial, it is appropriate to consider how our mission and role could be enhanced to meet the needs of today and tomorrow.


At the FHLBNY, we are eager to engage in this discussion. However, we believe the most important element of these listening sessions will be the input from stakeholders like you. It is your voices that are most essential to this conversation, as you are best-suited to speak to the unique and vital role the FHLBanks play in both our nation’s financial system and in communities across the country, now and into the future.


As part of its initiative, the FHFA has asked for written comments on the FHLB System by Thursday, October 21, either through its website or mailed to:


Federal Housing Finance Agency

400 7th Street, SW

Washington, D.C. 20024


At your convenience, please share your story. Working together, we will ensure that the FHLBanks continue to fulfill its mission and support the members and communities for decades to come.

DMAHS Seeks Public Comments On

Statewide Transition Plan and Heightened Scrutiny

Click here for the full public comment notice and links

The HCBS Settings Rule applies to settings where individuals live and/or receive Medicaid-reimbursable HCBS. In New Jersey, this includes but is not limited to: Assisted Living Residences, Comprehensive Personal Care Homes, the service of Adult Family Care, Community Residences for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Community Care Residences, Community Residential Services for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury and Medicaid funded prevocational and day services.

DHS released a request for public comment on July 18, 2022, where DHS sought information on the heightened scrutiny evaluation process, the evaluation tools, and the settings the State identified as non-compliant with the HCBS settings rule and subject to a heightened scrutiny assessment. By this Notice, DHS is requesting public comment on the outcomes of the Heightened Scrutiny assessments.  These outcomes can be found in Addendum #3 of the Statewide Transition Plan.



Additionally, DHS is requesting public comment on the Statewide Transition Plan (STP) in its entirety. Since the initial posting, the transition plan has been updated in response to feedback from the public and CMS as captured in Statewide Transition Plan Addendum #2.


Public comment related the Statewide Transition Plan and Heightened Scrutiny may be submitted to

by November 7, 2022.

ANCHOR Tax Relief Deadline To Apply Dec. 30th

Attention ANCHOR Applicants

The deadline for filing your ANCHOR benefit application is December 30, 2022. We will begin paying ANCHOR benefits in the late Spring of 2023. ANCHOR payments will be paid in the form of a direct deposit or check, not as credits to property tax bills. We are currently mailing ANCHOR benefit information mailers to homeowners and tenants. Allow until the first week in October to receive your mailer. Homeowners who filed a homestead benefit application last year may be able to obtain their ID and PIN numbers online. Tenants do not need an ID or PIN number to file. Visit the Division’s ANCHOR page for all filing information. Due to high call volume, the ANCHOR and Homestead Benefit Hotline may be unable to take your call at certain times. If that occurs, please try your call at another time. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

More than three million residents are eligible for up to $1,500 in property tax relief under the ANCHOR program.

To be eligible for this year's benefit, you must have occupied your primary residence on October 1st, 2019. You must also file (or be exempt from) NJ income taxes. Payments will be sent no later than May 2023. The deadline for filing is December 30th, 2022. ANCHOR replaces the Homestead Benefit program.


You are considered a homeowner if, on October 1, 2019, you:

  • Owned a house,
  • Owned a condominium and paid property taxes on your unit;
  • Were a resident shareholder of a cooperative housing complex;
  • Were a resident of a continuing care retirement community and your continuing care contract requires you to pay the proportionate share of property taxes attributable to your unit.

You do not qualify if your residence was completely exempt from paying property taxes or you made P.I.L.O.T. (Payments-in-Lieu-of-Tax) payments.


You are considered a tenant if, on October 1, 2019, you:

  • Rented an apartment, condominium, or house;
  • Rented or owned a mobile home located in a mobile home park.

You do not qualify if you lived in tax-exempt, subsidized, or campus housing.

Resources & Virtual Forums

SSA National Disability Forum

Homelessness: Working with Stakeholders

To Improve Access To SSA Benefits And Services - Part 2

Join the next National Disability Forum, Homelessness: Working with Stakeholders to Improve Access to SSA Benefits and Services Part 2. The forum will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET, via Microsoft (MS) Teams. 

The purpose of this forum is to learn from researchers, stakeholders, advocates, and the public about how we can improve access to our benefits and services for people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.

Discussion topics for Part 2 include:

  • Challenges obtaining medical records;
  • Tips and considerations for disability case adjudicators; and
  • Transitioning out of housing insecurity.

Joy Moses, Director for the Homelessness Research Institute, National Alliance to End Homelessness, will moderate the forum.  Confirmed Panelists include:

  • Yvonne Perret, Founder, SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR)
  • Richard Cho, PhD., Senior Advisor, U.S. Housing and Urban Development
  • Michele Levy, Managing Attorney, Homeless Advocacy Project
  • Claire Ramsey, Chief Deputy Director, California Department of Social Services
  • Katie League, COVID-19 Project Manager (Policy Team), National Health Care for the Homeless Council

To participate in the forum, please register by Monday, October 17, 2022. After we receive your registration, you will receive an email with the MS Teams information.  

We are gathering information from our stakeholders about the forum’s topics through Engage SSA, an online feedback tool. Information can be provided until Friday, November 4, 2022.

We want to hear your ideas about:

  • Privacy and improving medical records of people experiencing homelessness;
  • Access to benefits applications for the sheltered and unsheltered;
  • Addressing how SSA can better maintain contact with individuals experiencing housing insecurity.

If you have not used Engage SSA, please see the Engage SSA guide for details. While a login is required, all responses are anonymous, unless you choose to provide contact information.

We hope you can join us, and we look forward to your participation. To learn more about the National Disability Forum, please visit

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Registration Open

2022 Fall Tax Credit Compliance Certification Course and Exam

October 25-28, 2022

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is pleased to sponsor a 4-day Tax Credit Compliance Certification Course and Exam to be held October 25-28, 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton, NJ.


Attendance is strongly suggested for those who are new to the Tax Credit Program and need to meet the Tax Credit Certification requirement per the QAP.

Event Details

  • Compliance Certification Course Dates: Tuesday, Oct. 25 thru Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022
  • Compliance Certification Course Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day
  • HCCP Exam/Retake Date: Friday., Oct. 28, 2022
  • HCCP Exam/Retake Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Hamilton; 800 US Highway 130, Hamilton, NJ 08691

Event Fees

  • Compliance Certification Course ONLY: $575
  • Compliance Certification Course & HCCP Exam: $700
  • Compliance Certification Course & HCCP Exam Retake: $675

Proof of full vaccination or negative COVID test will be required from all conference registrants during the conference hours.

Click Here to Register

Registration ends September 23, 2022




(Substitutions will be permitted until September 23, 2022) 

Please contact Johanna Pena.


If you have any questions, please contact Johanna Peña at

NJ Veteran’s Housing Symposium

Presented by: The NJ American Legion & the Dept. of Veteran Affairs

Hosted By: Stockton University

Stockton University’s Atlantic City Campus 

3711 Atlantic Ave. Atlantic City, NJ

November 3rd, 2022 | 10:00 am – 2:00pm

This event will host presenters on a national and regional level who are subject matter experts in affordable housing and at-risk Veterans. This is a learning and networking experience for all person’s interested in assisting our Nation’s struggling Veteran population.

Click here to register for the event

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Diane Riley, Executive Director

Joseph Christensen, Membership & Communication Manager

Kate Kelly, MSW – Integrated Community Project Manager

Kate Leahy, Housing Navigator Project Manager

Janai Johnson, Administrator


Have a story worth SHAre-ing? Send it to Joseph Christensen for future consideration.

Advocate ● Educate ● Support
The Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey unites its diverse coalition of members engaging development, resources, and information to sustain supportive housing systems within New Jersey. Since 1998, our statewide mission seeks to enhance lives and accessibility to enable independent living within our communities.
Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey
185 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ 07079 | 908-931-1131
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