The SHAre:

August 10, 2023

Volume: 252

In this Week's Edition


CMS Issues Extension to Flexibilities for

Home and Community Based Services



Outpatient Services for Older Adults


HUD Guidance on Solar Energy

Financial Benefits in Housing


NJ 211 Releases Live Assistance Dashboard


DDD Update

Procedure Manuals for HCBS Waiver Program,

Community Care Program, & Supports Program


DHS Announces Launch of StopOverdoses Website Information on

Free & Anonymous Overdose Antidote


Withum Helps Non Profit Upgrade

Legacy Technology and Increase Savings


The Network Now Accepting

Pre-Applications for Jumpstart Program


NJHMFA 2023 Fall Tax Credit

Certification Course and Exam

Plus available housing and waitlists below

Resources & Events

NLIHC, NAEH, and CBPP Webinar

on Homelessness and Housing First

August 14, 2023


Regional Plan Association

Webinar on Age-Friendly Housing

August 15, 2023


Using an Equity Framework to

Evaluate & Improve Medicaid Home

and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

August 16, 2023


NJBiz Webinar on

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in the Workplace

August 22, 2023


Connecting Communities

with HUD Resources Webinar

August 23, 2023


DCM Institute for Nonprofit Board

Executive Leadership

Fall 2023 Certificate Program

September - December 2023

Save the Date!

25th Annual Supportive

Housing Conference


November 3, 2023


The Palace at Somerset Park 


Next SHA

Developers Meeting

September 11, 2023



Next SHA

Members Meeting

October 4, 2023

In Person


Save the Date

NJ Governors Conference

September 28-29 2023

Registration Now Open


Monarch Housing Associates Conference

Housing as a

Human Right:

An Asset-Based Approach to

Housing Justice


October 3, 2023

Somerset, NJ

Registration Open


Under One Roof 2023

The Network's

Annual Conference


October 20, 2023

Hyatt Regency

New Brunswick

Registration Open


 Community Health

Law Project’s

35th Annual Ann Klein Advocate Awards

October 26, 2023 

West Orange, NJ

Save the Date!


Housing Available

Cherry Hill

Apply by August 14th


Apply by August 15th


Apply by August 15th

East Brunswick

Apply by August 23rd


Apply By August 28th


Apply by August 29th


Apply By August 30th

Fair Lawn

Apply by September 2nd

Roselle Park

Apply by September 14th


Apply by September 26th


Apply by September 28th

14 Supportive Housing Units in Morristown

Apply Today!

Four Housing Opportunities for Individuals with I/DD

Little Ferry | Linden | Edison | Bound Brook

Apply Today!

SHA Names Peggy Bailey as 2023 Keynote Speaker

Building Lasting Equity Into the Housing System

Joining us from Washington, D.C., Peggy Bailey, Vice President for Housing and Income Security at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) will share her unique perspective on the changes happening right now that are setting the direction for a more equitable future. Today we can see how racism and discrimination in housing and health policies have driven disparate outcomes for marginalized groups everywhere. Yet there are glimmers of hope where innovative trends are expanding opportunities at the foundational level that are transforming communities. With over twenty years of experience at the intersection of housing and healthcare and a deep understanding of the underlying justice issues, Peggy Bailey offers us a vision of how strategic investments and changes in policy can ensure that everyone has a place to call home.  

Read more about this year's keynote speaker here.

Boost Your Organization As A Sponsor / Exhibitor

Conference Sponsors

Conference Exhibitors

Make the most of your support and sharing your organization with attendees through various levels of sponsorship. Review our form and choose a sponsor level to start sharing your logo, information, and content with our attendees.

Do you have a product or service to share with our attendees? Get a space in our exhibit hall while they last and meet attendees who want to learn more about your story. Connect and network with a diverse community across the state who join us for this annual event.

Remember: Premier Level Sponsors (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) will also receive a year of membership with the Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey

Nominate Excellence in Supportive Housing

Nominations due Friday, August 25, 2023.

Help nominate projects that represent achievements of excellence for supportive housing development projects.

Project of the Year

Nomination Form

Help nominate municipalities working on the front lines to enhance lives with local supportive housing opportunities.

Municipal Award

Nomination Form

Celebrate programs or people who innovate and lead advances within New Jersey's communities.

Innovation Award

Nomination Form

Honor the people on the front lines who go the extra mile to enhance lives and housing access across New Jersey.

Housing Hero

Nomination Form

SHA Member Shout Out

Special shout out this week to Pennrose as they work with the Philadelphia Housing Authority on a Choice Neighborhood Implementation (CNI) Grant project funded by HUD. The $50 million award for Bartram Village will be used to leverage more financing as the Authority rebuilds and invigorates the community.

SHA celebrates a win for the New Jersey Coalition to End Homelessness as the Garden State Leaders Program has been awarded a $100,000 grant from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium (NJCIC).Garden State Leaders trains and supports those with lived experience of homelessness and poverty to lead change in their communities and across the state. In addition to enhancing the program’s statewide impact, the grant will support piloting a county-based Garden State Leaders cohort in collaboration with the Mercer Alliance.

SHA congratulates Renee Koubiadis, Senior Policy Advisor for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Laura Rodgers, Chief Impact Officer of Jewish Family Services of Atlantic & Cape May Counties, SHA's Kate Leahy, and Connie Mercer, Executive Director, New Jersey Coalition to End Homelessness for this great success and their part championing this program over the years.

SHA Welcomes New & Returning

Members In 2023

Dimension Renewable Energy


Giant Development

& Contracting

Handy Pro of Central NJ

Housing Authority

Of Gloucester County

iStrive Community

Mobility Construction

Nonprofit Finance Fund


Rappaport Development

St Peter's Residence

TaUrt's Village

TD Bank

Woods Services

Become a SHA Member and get access to great meetings and many other great member benefits. Need more information? Email Joseph Christensen with your questions.

CMS Issues Extension Flexibilities for

Home and Community Based Services

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is issuing the following guidance to states as they take actions to return to normal operations after the end of the flexibilities available to support states and beneficiaries during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). Specifically, this guidance announces an update to CMS’s policy regarding the end date for flexibilities approved in states’ section 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver Appendix K amendments.

CMS is now indicating through this guidance that COVID-19 Appendix K flexibilities currently approved to end six months after the expiration of the PHE may be extended if the state takes action by November 11, 2023 to incorporate desired Appendix K provisions into underlying HCBS programs. 

In the name of minimizing disruption to beneficiaries, providers and states, CMS is issuing this extension of the Appendix K expiration date. States are nevertheless strongly encouraged to submit their section 1915(c) waiver actions and section 1115 demonstration amendments as quickly as possible, to minimize Appendix/Attachment K extensions for unreasonably long periods of time. If a state has not submitted a waiver action or demonstration amendment to incorporate Appendix K flexibilities into an underlying program by November 11, 2023, the Appendix K flexibility will expire for that program on that date.  

The expiration extension allows states to avoid a lapse in approved provisions and only applies to Appendix Ks with flexibilities that are incorporated into underlying section 1915(c) waiver programs. The applicable Appendix K will remain in effect until the effective date of the section 1915(c) waiver action (amendment or renewal). 


Outpatient Services for Older Adults

Name of Program:

Outpatient Services for Older Adults

Request for Proposal File Name: Outpatient Services for Older Adults (RFPs) 


This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) for outpatient service for individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI), who are 55 and older.


Amount of funding available:

There is a total of $641,438 in American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funding to provide 3 awards of $213,812 each for a period of one year. It is expected that one award will be granted for Sussex or Morris County in the Northern Region, one award in either Hunterdon or Union County in the Central Region and one award in either Camden or Burlington County in the Southern Region.


Procedure to apply

RFP available:



A proposal must be submitted that comports with the RFP requirements and instructions. 

Deadline to apply: Auguist 31, 2023 | Notify date: October 6, 2023

HUD Guidance on Solar Energy

Financial Benefits in Housing

With thanks to Enterprise community Partners for relaying this story, HUD recently issued Notice H 2023–09, consolidating multiple previously issued policy documents and providing new guidance regarding the treatment of solar energy-related financial benefits realized by residents of HUD-assisted housing, due to either their participation in a community solar program or the presence of an on-site solar facility. Specifically, the notice addresses whether and how such direct benefits are to be factored into the analysis of a resident’s utility allowance as well as the household’s annual income calculations for purposes of rent calculation or eligibility determination. The new guidance explains that if a solar energy-related benefit appears on a household’s electricity bill as an amount credited from the total cost of the bill, the credit should be treated as a discount that is not counted toward the household’s annual income. However, direct cash payments or gift cards received by residents in master-metered buildings (in which residents do not receive an individual electric bill) in lieu of energy credits will be included in the family annual income calculation, unless there is an applicable income exclusion.

NJ 211 Releases Live Assistance Dashboard

The NJ 211 Live Assistance Dashboard is new and available to the public. The data is from NJ 211 callers when they contact NJ 211 for assistance. The information collected helps specialists identify the most appropriate resources. This data tells an important story. Government entities, service organizations and advocates can unlock a wealth of information which can drive new legislation, programs and overall improvements. Innovative solutions and collaborations can develop. Whether creating new programs to combat social determinants of health or conducting data analysis to uncover patterns and trends, public dashboard data catalyzes positive change. Public dashboards also play a role in promoting data literacy among citizens. With easy-to-understand visualizations, complex data becomes accessible to a broader audience. This, in turn, encourages others to engage with data, interpret it critically, and develop a better understanding of societal issues. The NJ 211 dashboard offers information by client, demographics, needs, or referrals.

DDD Update

Procedure Manuals for HCBS Waiver Program,

Community Care Program, and Supports Program

August 2023 Policy Manual Updates


The Division of Developmental Disabilities has updated the policy and procedure manuals for our Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs, the Community Care Program and Supports Program. You will find a summary of changes on page two of each manual, and a detailed overview will be provided at the next DDD Update Webinar on August 24 (Register Now).


Please hit the URL refresh button to be sure you are viewing the August 2023 version:


DHS Announces Launch of StopOverdoses Website

Information on Free & Anonymous Overdose Antidote

(TRENTON) – Human Services Commissioner Sarah Adelman announced the launch of, where residents can find pharmacies offering life-saving naloxone anonymously and at no cost.

The initiative is part of the Murphy Administration’s ongoing efforts to combat the opioid crisis and save lives by getting life-saving naloxone into as many hands as possible. Naloxone is a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Under the Naloxone365 initiative, those ages 14 and older can request and obtain naloxone at participating pharmacies for free without having to provide a name or reason. No prescription is needed. One two-dose naloxone nasal spray kit is provided per visit.

The Murphy Administration last year launched Naloxone Direct, which gives eligible agencies the opportunity to request direct shipments of naloxone online anytime they need it. Among others, the eligible agencies for that program include first responder agencies, harm reduction agencies, county prosecutor’s offices, libraries and shelters. Through such various efforts, since 2018 Human Services has distributed about 270,000 two-dose naloxone kits throughout the state

Commissioner Adelman also urged anyone seeking addiction assistance to call 1-844-ReachNJ (732-2465), a 24-hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week addictions help line, where people facing addiction or their friends and family can get immediate assistance and support from live, New Jersey-based, trained addiction counselors. ReachNJ assists callers regardless of their insurance status.

Withum Helps Non Profit Upgrade

Legacy Technology and Increase Savings

A child- and education-focused not-for-profit supporting underserved populations needed help with their legacy data pipeline process that was suddenly out of budget. Working closely with the client’s priorities and business needs, Withum saw the transformative potential of Microsoft Azure Data Factory to provide a cost-friendly, scalable data solution that will take the company into its next phase. 

Withum worked with the client and their MSP to rebuild the data pipelines in a pay-as-you-go service in Microsoft Azure called Data Factory. Due to the lack of internal knowledge of the legacy technology, a very thorough but agile approach was taken to gather and synthesize information. Through this comprehensive approach, Withum gained a deep understanding of how the previous applications served the business and what dependencies the applications had on the business data. This allowed for selecting the right technology and a blueprint for the necessary data engineering. After over a decade of evolution for the company, it was important to right-size the velocity and volume while upholding the veracity of the client’s data.

The Network Now Accepting

Pre-Applications for Jumpstart Program

The Housing and Community Development Network of NJ (the Network), with the support of NJ’s Department of Community Affairs (DCA), announced the launch of a new program providing comprehensive training and certification for quality affordable housing production. Available to nonprofit community developers with a focus on Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) developers, the Jumpstart Program focuses on homeownership development to help close NJ’s racial wealth gap.

Supported by the NJ Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Jumpstart Program is a multiyear program that will be available to organizations, including those that have faced financial hardship and wish to grow or reestablish their development programs. Utilizing experts in the field to serve as trainers and consultants, program participants will receive comprehensive training, stepping through all phases of the development process including planning, acquisition, financing, project management and more. Participants will also learn about developing a business plan, marketing tools, community outreach, and preparation of potential homeowners through housing counseling. Rhonda Coe, of R.B. Coe Consulting LLC, will lead the initiative.

NJHMFA 2023 Fall Tax Credit Certification Course and Exam

Save the Date! | October 24-27, 2023

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is pleased to sponsor a four-day Tax Credit Certification Course and Exam to be held October 24-27, 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton, NJ.

Attendance is strongly suggested for those who are new to the Tax Credit Program and need to meet the Tax Credit Certification requirement per the QAP.

Event Details

  • Course Dates: October 24th, 25th & 26th (9am to 4pm each day)

  • HCCP Exam/Retake Date: October 27th (9am to 2pm)

  • Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Hamilton, 800 US Highway 130, Hamilton, NJ 08691

Event Fees

  • Tax Credit Certification Course Only: $545

  • Tax Credit Certification Course & HCCP Exam: $725

  • Tax Credit Certification Course & HCCP Exam Retake: $645

Online registration and more

information to follow soon.

Resources & Virtual Forums

NLIHC, NAEH, and CBPP Webinar

on Homelessness and Housing First

Monday, August 14, from 2:30 - 4:00 pm ET

The webinar, “Keeping Faith with Housing First in Turbulent Times: Findings from Recent Research,” will be held on Monday, August 14, from 2:30 to 4 pm ET. The webinar will examine how we can build support for humane, evidence-based practices and policies despite the unrelenting nature of the affordable housing crisis and growing calls for ineffective and punitive measures for addressing homelessness, including criminalization and the high-barrier treatment-first approach. Panelists will address the affordable housing crisis, efforts undertaken by HUD and local homelessness systems to house people experiencing homelessness, and developments in the field.

Regional Plan Association

Webinar on Age-Friendly Housing

August 15, 2023 | 12:00 PM ET

Join RPA and SHA's own Diane Riley for a webinar, sponsored by the Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation, about age-friendly housing in New Jersey.


  • Diane Riley, Executive Director of Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey
  • Council President Mia Sacks of Princeton
  • Harold Simon, former Executive Director of Shelterforce
  • Zoe Baldwin, RPA’s New Jersey Director
  • Sophia Pereira, RPA’s Governor James J. Florio Intern

Click here to register for the webinar

Using an Equity Framework to Evaluate & Improve Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 | 2:00 p.m. ET

This webinar, Using an Equity Framework to Evaluate & Improve Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services, will use Justice in Aging’s HCBS Equity Framework to help advocates and other stakeholders think about the ways in which equity is embedded in HCBS and to advance policies to ensure all eligible individuals have access to adequate and quality services. Presenters will walk through the Framework and provide examples of inequities in policies, program rules, and decision points. The webinar will help attendees use the Framework to identify similar issues and equity-centered solutions in the HCBS programs they work on.

Who Should Participate:

Aging, disability and legal advocates, HCBS program administrators, providers, community-based organizations working with older adults and people with disabilities, and policymakers. 


Amber Christ, Managing Director of Health Advocacy, Justice in Aging

Natalie Kean, Director of Federal Health Advocacy, Justice in Aging

Gelila Selassie, Senior Attorney, Justice in Aging 

Click here to register for this webinar

Capacity for this session is limited to 1,000 participants, and all participants will have the option of accessing audio through the computer or by phone. Closed captioning will be available. Please be sure to log onto the webinar a few minutes early in order to secure your place for the live presentation on Zoom. The presentation will be recorded and available for later viewing. If you would like to request ASL interpretation or have other accessibility related questions, please email

Zoom Registration Update: For security reasons, when you register for a webinar, the join link will no longer be displayed on the confirmation page of your web browser. Instead, you will find the join link in the email confirmation, which will be sent to you as usual. If you don’t receive an email from Zoom, check your junk folder. And add Zoom to your list of approved senders.

NJBiz Webinar on

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in the Workplace

Tuesday, August 22nd at 1:00 pm

Join NJBIZ and their panel of experts discussing the following topics of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in the Workplace:

  • Turning "good intentions" into workable policies and attainable goals
  • How can progress toward DEI goals best be measured
  • What the adoption of more flexible work arrangements means for DEI efforts
  • How top leaders can set the proper tone and create an inclusive culture
  • Why a solid communication strategy is important and how to design one
  • How businesses can diversity their workforce amid hiring shortages
  • Eliminating bias and unconscious bias in performance evaluations
  • And more

Click here to register for the webinar

Connecting Communities with HUD Resources Webinar

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

The HUD New York Regional Office, in collaboration with the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) will host a webinar for the public, faith-based and non-profit organizations. This webinar will walk you through HUD grant programs administered by the Office of Community Planning and Development. There will also be a live demonstration on how to use the HUD Exchange website to access local partner information. This will be a Microsoft Teams event. After registering, you will receive an email with the link to join the meeting. 

The webinar will describe the following programs:  

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program 
  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program
  • Continuum of Care (CoC) Program


  • Celia M. Jones, Program Manager, Office of Community Planning and Development


For more information please contact: Earleene Sealy -

Click here to register for this HUD Webinar

DCM Institute for Nonprofit Board Executive Leadership

Fall 2023 Certificate Program

The DCM Institute for Nonprofit Board Executive Leadership certificate program is intended for current CEOs/executive directors, executive leadership team members, and those emerging leaders who hope to become executive leaders in the future. This program includes seven courses over three months taught virtually by nationally recognized nonprofit leadership executives, coaches, authors, and search consultants.


Session Topics:


September 7th

Think Before You Speak/Act

Instructor: Dr. Terrence F. Cahill


September 21st

Transformational Leadership Competencies

Needed by Today's & Tomorrow's Leaders

Instructor: Dr. Yvonne Styles


October 5th

Finding Your North Star:

Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Teams

Instructor: Gregory Nielsen


October 19th

Ambassador Excellence:

Fresh Perspectives on Friendraising for Nonprofit Leaders

Instructor: Jay Weisman


November 2nd

Touchstones of Leadership: Examine How Being Mission-Based, Client-Oriented, Talent Driven, Inclusive, and Strategic Provides Effective Leadership

Instructor: Joe Costa


November 16th

Building a Healthy Culture and Organization: How Culture Impacts Every Aspect of an Organization

Instructor: Michael Shriver


December 7th

Learning From Adversity

Instructor: Dr. Jim McGuirk

Connect with SHA
Support SHA

There are many great ways of supporting SHA: Join as a member or send donations.

Thank you for your support!

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Join SHA
Want all the member benefits with SHA? Visit our website or contact Joseph Christensen to apply or manage your membership.
Job Center
Members can post jobs to find applicants within the wider supportive housing community. Click on the button to visit our job page.
SHA's Job Page

Diane Riley, Executive Director

Joseph Christensen, Membership & Communication Manager

Kate Kelly, MSW - Associate Executive Director

Kate Leahy, Housing Navigator Project Manager

Janai Johnson, Administrator


Have a story worth SHAre-ing? Send it to Joseph Christensen for future consideration.

Advocate ● Educate ● Support
The Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey unites its diverse coalition of members engaging development, resources, and information to sustain supportive housing systems within New Jersey. Since 1998, our statewide mission seeks to enhance lives and accessibility to enable independent living within our communities.
Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey
185 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ 07079 | 908-931-1131
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