The SHAre:

April 7, 2023

Volume: 234

In this Week's Edition


Member Meeting Recap


CMS Approves Renewal of

NJ FamilyCare Comprehensive

1115 Demonstration


HUD Issues Final Rule Reinstating

Discriminatory Effects Standard


Two New DMHAS Grants


DCA Opens Small Rental

Repair Program (SRRP) For

Damages from Hurricane Ida


State Disability Information Hub Survey


Register Now!

2023 Spring Tax Credit & Fair Housing Training

May 18-19, 2023


DDD Updates

Deadline Announcement for Applicable

Self-Directed Employees (SDEs) with PPL

to Complete All Mandated Trainings 

Proposed Readoption with Amendments

Residential, Day Program, and Support Coordinator COVID-19 Policy


Tax Filing Information From

Social Security Administration


Jersey City Works on Right

To Counsel for Tenants


New Issue Brief for HCBS Settings Rule

Guide For New Jersey Advocates


Savings On DCM Associates Institute for Transformational Leadership Certificate

DDD Updates

Deadline Announcement for Applicable

Self-Directed Employees (SDEs) with PPL

to Complete All Mandated Trainings 

Proposed Readoption with Amendments

Residential, Day Program, and Support Coordinator COVID-19 Policy

Resources & Events

Solving for Homelessness Among

Older Adults, People with Disabilities,

and Other Populations:

An HSRC Case Study Webinar

April 18, 2023


NEW DATE! Webinar: Housing Supports

For Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness

April 19, 2023


Webinar for Organizations on Navigating Medicaid Redetermination and End

of the Public Health Emergency

April 19, 2023


Community Housing with Supports for People

with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

April 20, 2023


Virtual Workshop on

Cultural Humility, Equity &

Inclusivity in Strategic Planning

April 20, 2023


Older Adult Mental Health

Awareness Day Symposium

May 11, 2023

Save the Date


Next SHA

Developers Meeting

May 8, 2023



Next SHA

Members Meeting

June 7, 2023

In-Person, Trenton


Registration Open


Healthy Homes & Communities Summit

April 28


Registration is now open for the 2023 Law & Disability Conference!

May 4th from 9am-1pm Annual FREE Law & Disability Conference hosted by the New Jersey Bar Foundation.


Abilities Expo

NJ Convention Center, Edison

May 5, 6 & 7

(11-5 F, Sa; 11-4 Su)


Join HUD’s 2023 Innovative Housing Showcase! The Showcase is a three-day HUD event on June 9-11, 2023, on the National Mall between 4th St and 7th St. The event will be open to the public and free of charge.


Save the Date!

SHA's 25th Annual Conference

November 3, 2023


Housing Available


Apply by April 16th

Cliffside Park

Apply by April 21st

Applicants must be 62+

or 55 and disabled.

Point Pleasant

Apply by May 2nd


May 23rd

Paid Internships Available

Disability Rights NJ, with support from the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD), is seeking to hire four (4) interns to work at Disability Rights NJ beginning as soon as available through September 30, 2023. Internship must be completed by September 30, 2023, despite start date. The salary is $15/hour for 20 hours per week for up to 26 weeks. Applicants must be individuals with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) or a family member of an individual with I/DD. Preference will be given to graduates of the Partners in Policymaking program.  

We are looking to hire four (4) interns for these three (3) areas:

  • Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center
  • Policy Team
  • Communications Team

Member Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone joined our first in-person member meeting back after many meetings gathered virtually. We were so glad to see familiar and new faces alike at our gathering and the many topics covered through the day:

Some highlights included:

  • Harry Reyes (DMHAS) updated attendees on the current standing of vouchers and efforts to match FMRs in funding.
  • Steve Schoch (Thriven Design, SHA Board) led a talk with the membership on strategic planning and how SHA can support our members
  • Sawyer Morgan (NJ Board of Public Utilities) explained the Solar Project Finder that allows monthly savings on energy for qualifying applicants through solar credits as Yvette Viasus (Solar Landscape) and Joshua Nislick (Dimension Renewable Energy) shared how their projects help provide this energy to consumers in the state run program.
  • Karen Fluharty (Parents with a Plan) discussed the goals of Neuro-Inclusive housing that her team is currently working on an upcoming development following extensive research across the state.
  • SHA's Kate Leahy helped conclude the day with a panel including Laura Rodgers (Jewish Family Services of Atlantic and Cape May) and Bob Frankenfield and Rachel Opdyke from Family Promise of Warren County) on the Homeless Diversion program running in 8 counties with funds from DCA.

Missed the meeting? You can learn more from the SHA website and make sure to get the most from membership by emailing Joseph Christensen today.

SHA Welcomes New & Returning

Members In 2023

Dimension Renewable Energy


Giant Development

& Contracting

Housing Authority

Of Gloucester County

iStrive Community

Rappaport Development

St Peter's Residence

TaUrt's Village

TD Bank

Woods Services

Become a SHA Member and get access to great meetings and many other great member benefits. Need more information? Email Joseph Christensen with your questions.

CMS Approves Renewal of

NJ FamilyCare Comprehensive 1115 Demonstration

CMS has approved renewal of the New Jersey FamilyCare Comprehensive 1115 Demonstration. The approved renewal period will run from April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2028. Commissioner Adelman provided important context for this update on the connection between health and housing.

“For many Medicaid beneficiaries, the lack of affordable, appropriate housing is frequently a critical barrier to wellness,” Commissioner Adelman said. “This can lead to unnecessary hospitalization, institutionalization, or other avoidable instances of costly care that often come with negative outcomes and chronic conditions. Housing supports can make a particular difference for those with serious mental health concerns or substance use disorders, older adults, people with disabilities, members who were once incarcerated, and individuals and families who have experienced or are at risk for homelessness.”

SHA's Executive Director, Diane Riley, also spoke to the advances made possible with this approval. "SHA is grateful for this news as key housing-related services, including housing transition and tenancy support services will make a world of difference for so many to sustain healthy homes and fulfilled lives."

As a reminder, the 1115 demonstration provides the state with federal authority to operate large parts of the NJ FamilyCare program. This renewal extends authority for existing successful programs and lays the groundwork for further innovation in a range of areas. These new initiatives include addressing health-related social needs with a particular focus on housing, supporting further integration of behavioral and physical health services, and piloting new and creative approaches to providing care, such as innovative Community Health Worker pilots. 


Review the approval and the Demonstration Special Terms and Conditions (STCs) on CMS's website. 

HUD Issues Final Rule Reinstating

Discriminatory Effects Standard

HUD issued a final rule that reinstates that agency’s discriminatory effects standard for disparate impact claims under the Fair Housing Act. The rule, which will go into effect on May 1st, reinstitutes a previous standard established in 2013 for addressing practices and policies that are seemingly neutral but disproportionately impact groups protected under the Act, regardless of whether they were adopted with discriminatory intent. It also rescinds a 2020 proposal that added new requirements and defenses for claims made under the Act, but which never went into effect due to a preliminary injunction staying its implementation. With the new final rule, HUD intends to provide “clarity, consistency, and a workable, balanced framework” for analyzing discriminatory effects claims.

Two New DMHAS Grants

Name of Program:

DMHAS Residential Services for Individuals with a (SMI) and an (IDD)



This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) to provide Level A+ residential services for eligible individuals with a co-occurring serious mental illness (SMI) and an intellectual/developmental disability (IDD). 


Amount of funding available:

This RFP is funded through state appropriations. The DMHAS anticipates making two distinct awards, with an annualized contract amount of 325,00 each. 


Procedure to apply

Effective April 6, 2023 the RFP is available at   and 


A proposal must be submitted that comports with the RFP requirements and instructions. 

Click here for the NOFA

Deadline for Proposals:

Proposals must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET on May 4, 2023

Notify Date:

June 8, 2023

Name of Program:

Substance Use Disorder Programs to Provide Medications Substance Use Disorder 2023



This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) to assist licensed mental health (MH) and licensed substance use disorder (SUD) programs in developing the capacity to offer SUD medications, i.e., buprenorphine, naloxone, naltrexone, methadone and acamprosate. 


Amount of funding available:

This RFP is funded through the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) State Opioid Response grant (SOR) No Cost Extension. The SOR grant period is September 30, 2020 to September 29, 2023. This initiative will be funded through cost-reimbursement contracting. Total annualized funding is $300,000 subject to State appropriations. DMHAS anticipates making up to four (4) awards (each not to exceed $75,000).


Procedure to apply: 

Effective April 5, 2023 the RFP is available at    and    


Click here for the RFP.


Deadline for Proposals:

Proposals must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET on May 3, 2023

Notify Date:

May 31, 2023

DCA Opens Small Rental Repair Program (SRRP)

For Damages from Hurricane Ida

The Small Rental Repair Program (SRRP) provides zero interest forgivable loans to owners of rental properties with one to seven units requiring rehabilitation and/or elevation as a result of damages from Hurricane Ida. The program also allows for mitigation activities such as structural and utility retrofits, grading and slope stabilization, and drainage improvements that are designed to make the rental housing more resilient in future storm events. Assistance also may be provided to make housing accessible for individuals living with disabilities.

Who is eligible?

  • Any public, private, for-profit, or nonprofit entity that owns the property at the time of application or has an option to purchase the property during the time of application.
  • Property owners with seven (7) or fewer rental units.
  • Priority will be given to property owners who owned the property at the time of Hurricane Ida and still own the property at the time of application.
  • Priority will also be given to property owners with 1-4 units.
  • See SRRP Program Policy for additional detail.

What structures are eligible?

  • Rental properties of one (1) to seven (7) units that require rehabilitation as a result of damage from Hurricane Ida. Manufactured homes, RVs and houseboats are NOT eligible structures under the program.
  • Rental properties designated for long-term rental housing. Vacation rental properties are NOT eligible.
  • Rental properties with at least 1 foot of flooding or $8,000 in damages from Hurricane Ida as determined by FEMA or a program damage assessment.
  • Rental properties must be located within one of the disaster-declared counties that were eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance. Those counties are Bergen, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Union, and Warren.

When is the application period?

The application period is April 3, 2023, to June 5, 2023.

How do you apply?

Rental property owners may submit applications:

  • By calling (609) 292-3750 to receive a paper application and/or schedule an appointment to complete the application over the phone or in person.

State Disability Information Hub Survey

The State of New Jersey is in the process of creating a new website to make it easier for individuals with disabilities, their families, and their caregivers to find information about disability-related State services. In order to help the State decide what information to include on the website, and how to present that information, they have created the attached survey to gather feedback from individuals with disabilities and the people who care for them about what they would like to see on this website.

Your input is extremely important in making this website helpful for individuals with disabilities. Please help us by completing the short survey at the link below. The survey is 8 questions long and should take 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

You can respond to the survey questions in either a multiple choice or open-ended format. ASL translations have also been included, and if you wish to submit your answers in ASL format, you can submit a video through the survey as well. You may also contact the Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at or call 609-503-4862 to request live translation to assist in completing the survey at a scheduled time. All of your survey responses are anonymous and confidential, and will only be used to help us in creating the website.

Please submit responses to this survey by April 17, 2023.

Click here for the survey link

Register Now!

2023 Spring Tax Credit & Fair Housing Training

May 18-19, 2023

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is pleased to sponsor a two-day Tax Credit & Fair Housing Training May 18-19, 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton, NJ.

This training is a 2-day refresher course which may be more suitable for those who are already Tax Credit Certified.

Certified Tax Credit Professionals will earn 2023 continuing education credits to satisfy the minimum requirement of six (6) hours annually.

Event Details

  • Thursday, May 18th – Tax Credit Training
  • Friday, May 19th – Tax Credit & Fair Housing Training
  • Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Hamilton, 800 US Highway 130, Hamilton, NJ 08691

Event Fees

  • Tax Credit with Fair Housing Training: $430.00

Click here to register


Registration ends on April 28, 2023.


If you have any questions, please contact Johanna Peña at

DDD Updates

Deadline Announcement for Applicable Self-Directed Employees (SDEs) with PPL to Complete All Mandated Trainings 


This communication is applicable to Employers of Record and Self-Directed Employees (SDEs) who utilize the Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) SDE Model with PPL. The Division’s federally approved waivers have embedded requirements that all paid staff (regardless of familial relation) must complete mandated trainings. SDEs have six-months (180 days) from their date of hire to complete these trainings.   


Beginning April 3, 2023, all SDEs hired on or before December 1, 2022 who have been employed six-months (180 days) or longer must complete all outstanding mandated trainings by June 1, 2023. This includes CPR/First Aid Recertification, which must be renewed once every two years. If the mandatory trainings and the Training Certification Form and/or CPR/First Aid Recertification Form are not completed and submitted to PPL by June 1, 2023, the SDE will be unable to provide services and receive payment. These forms can be submitted via or by fax to 1-844-842-5978.


Please see the links below for more information:

PPL SDE Training Payments Webpage

Quick Reference Guide to Mandated Trainings for SDEs


Please note that SDEs with a hire date after December 1, 2022 will continue to have the customary six-months (180 days) from their date of hire to the complete the above requirements. If those requirements are not met the SDE will be unable to provide services and receive payment.

Proposed Readoption with Amendments


Proposed Readoption with Amendments, Proposed Repeal, and New Rule: N.J.A.C 10:48ABackground Checks, was published on the New Jersey Department of Human Services Proposed Rules and Amendments page on April 4, 2023. There is a 60-day formal public comment period, which ends June 5, 2023. Written comments may be submitted as follows:


  • Electronically:
  • USPS Mail: Carol Jones, Administrative Practice Officer, Division of Developmental Disabilities, PO Box 726, Trenton, NJ 08625-0726
  • Fax: (609) 341-2451

Residential, Day Program, and Support Coordinator COVID-19 Policy


Recently, Executive Order 325 was released. This order directs that licensed community residences for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), certified day programs for individuals with IDD, and Support Coordinators are no longer required to maintain a policy requiring employees to provide proof that they are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination or otherwise submit to weekly testing. As a result, the Division has updated its Residential, Day Program, and Support Coordinator COVID-19 Policy to align with this new order. 


Please review the full policy below (Remember to hit Refresh on your browser so you see the updated version):


·        Residential, Day Program, and Support Coordinator COVID-19 Policy

Tax Filing Information From Social Security Administration

The end of tax season is fast approaching. This year the tax return filing deadline, or Tax Day, falls on April 18, 2023. 

If your client receives Social Security benefits, they should have received an annual Benefit Statement, also known as the SSA-1099 or the SSA-1042S. A Benefit Statement shows the total amount of benefits an individual received from Social Security in the previous year, so they know how much Social Security income to report to the IRS on their tax return. If your client misplaced their Benefit Statement, they can instantly get a replacement form with a personal my Social Security account.

Visit our Information for Tax Preparers webpage to learn more. 

Social Security is with you through tax season and all of life’s seasons. Please share this information with your members, colleagues, affiliates, and other interested parties.

New Issue Brief for HCBS Settings Rule

Guide For New Jersey Advocates

The Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule establishes minimum standards to ensure that Medicaid HCBS consumers live in settings that are truly non-institutional. The Rule establishes minimum criteria for HCBS settings, clarifies locations that do not qualify as HCBS, specifies person-centered planning requirements, and outlines protocols to evaluate whether settings presumed to have characteristics of an institution meet HCBS criteria. The Rule also establishes processes for states to evaluate and remedy their policies, procedures, and HCBS provider locations to comply with the Rule. 

As the transition period for implementing the HCBS Settings Rule ended on March 17, 2023, Justice in Aging is releasing a new Issue Brief to equip New Jersey’s aging and disability advocates with information to ensure ongoing compliance and implementation of the Rule. The Home and Community-Based Services Settings Rule: A Guide for New Jersey Advocates provides an overview of the Rule, describes New Jersey’s process of updating its policies and engaging with providers to comply with the Rule, and helps advocates identify implementation challenges that may impact their clients. 

Read the Issue Brief

Jersey City Works on Right To Counsel for Tenants

Mayor Steve Fulop and city councilmembers James Solomon, Yousef Saleh and Frank Gilmore have been working together to develop a Right To Counsel program to aid tenants in the city who can’t afford to pay an attorney to represent them in court. The $4 million annual budget would be funded through a 1.5% development impact fee on every residential project, no matter the size.

Savings On DCM Associates Institute

for Transformational Leadership Certificate

DCM Associates Institute for Transformational Leadership Certificate Program is offering a special deal to the SHA community. Take an opportunity to read the glowing commentary from the many participants from Fall 2022 and members can save $100 off your registration by emailing Joseph Christensen.

See the great courses including:

Session One: Thursday, April 13th at 1:00pm EST



Session Two: Thursday, April 20th at 1:00pm EST



Session Three: Thursday, May 4th at 1:00pm EST



Session Four: Thursday, May 18th at 1:00pm EST


Session Five: Thursday, June 1st at 1:00pm EST


Session Six: Thursday, June 15th at 1:00pm EST




Session Seven: Thursday, June 29th at 1:00pm EST



Resources & Virtual Forums

Solving for Homelessness among Older Adults,

People with Disabilities, and Other Populations:

An HSRC Case Study Webinar

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Homelessness for individuals is solvable when systems that support housing, health, and community living work together to address housing instability. This Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) webinar features a model collaboration in a county with high rates of homelessness. Together, the regional task force on homelessness (which serves as the Continuum of Care); the county government division on aging and independence services and divisions on health; and other community-based organizations developed a coordinated approach to reducing homelessness among a population that each had been separately serving.

Webinar participants will learn, and can ask questions, about:

  • Steps that these local partners took to begin and sustain their partnership — even through challenging times.
  • Replicable strategies to create bridges across systems so individuals can have both housing without precondition and access to self-directed or person-centered comprehensive services that they choose.
  • Improvements in housing stability made possible by leveraging each sector’s strengths and expertise.

The webinar also includes a roadmap on the initial four aspects of planning cross-sector solutions to housing and homelessness. The final third of the webinar is reserved for participants’ questions.

Registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar. The webinar will include real-time captioning and ASL interpreting. Everyone who registers by 9:00 AM ET on April 18 will receive a Zoom reminder email that contains links to the slides, accessibility tips, and other handouts. If you need any additional accommodations, or if you have questions, please send an email to

This webinar is part of an HSRC series on partnerships between systems so older adults, people with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness can access all resources and ultimately have stable housing in the community.

Click here to register for the webinar

Launched in partnership between the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Urban Development, the Housing and Services Resource Center fosters cross-sector partnerships between the organizations and systems that provide housing resources and homelessness services, health care and mental health services, independent living services, and other supportive services. The HSRC is part of an interagency initiative to streamline and expand access to affordable, accessible housing and the critical services that make community living possible.

NEW DATE! Webinar: Housing Supports

For Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness

April 19, 2023 | 2:00-3:30pm ET

This webinar was originally scheduled for March 22 but will be rescheduled for April 19 to accommodate panelists. We apologize for any inconvenience. Those who have already registered should receive a message from Zoom. 

Webinar Description: 

People experiencing homelessness disproportionately experience a high burden of chronic illness, substance use disorders, and mental illness, which hasten the onset of conditions associated with aging. Shelter systems struggle to meet the needs of older unhoused adults, and existing housing systems are not designed to support individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living or experience cognitive impairment. Existing community resources for seniors often have age limits that exclude those that could otherwise benefit based on functional need. The lack of adequate shelter, housing, and supportive services results in continued homelessness, and individuals often cycle through services that are not equipped to address their needs. This webinar will present an overview of factors impacting older adults experiencing homelessness and share strategies to support their housing needs. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe unique considerations affecting older adults experiencing homelessness. 
  2. Identify 2-3 promising practices to support older adults experiencing homelessness as they transition into housing. 
  3. Discuss 2-3 strategies to address the needs of older adults experiencing homelessness within the community. 

This webinar will be recorded and ASL and live captioning will be provided. Certificates of participation will be provided to those who complete a post-event evaluation, but no CEUs are included in this event.

Click here to register for this webinar

Webinar for Organizations on Navigating Medicaid Redetermination and End of the Public Health Emergency

Wednesday, April 19th | 3:00pm  

Representatives from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the NJ Dept. of Human Services are joining NJ Citizen Action for a webinar on the best practices for community organizations to help the people they serve to navigate the Medicaid redetermination process and the ending of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in May of 2023.

The webinar will be moderated by Laura Waddell, NJCA Health Care Program Director.

Speakers include:

  • Dr. Dara Kass, HHS Regional Dir. Region 2 - Ending of the PHE and what we need to know
  • Jennifer Jacobs, NJDHS Asst. Commissioner, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services - Ending of Continuous NJ FamilyCare Eligibility and what we need to know

Please share with other organizations who may be interested. This event is not for the public to attend, only organizations who serve the public or their own members. A public-facing webinar will be held soon afterward, more information on that coming later.

Organizations may click here to register.

Community Housing with Supports for People

with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Thursday, April 20 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

Join a webinar with SHA's own Executive Director, Diane Riley, on Community and Housing Supports for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.


Learn what supportive housing is, who needs it and how to make it work for you or a loved one with I/DD. This webinar will highlight a range of housing options; feature resources and budget considerations, and funding streams to help create more housing options for people with a variety of disabilities.


Click here to register.

Virtual Workshop on

Cultural Humility, Equity & Inclusivity in Strategic Planning

DMHAS would like to inform all licensed providers of a virtual northern regional technical assistance leadership workshop hosted by Culture Connections/Family Connections. This workshop is designed to inform and create dialogue around what cultural humility, equity and inclusivity look like in strategic planning. The workshop details are below:


Technical Assistance Leadership Workshop

Date: April 20, 2023


Location: Zoom


Click here for the Zoom Registration link

Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium

The National Council on Aging, in collaboration with the U.S. Administration for Community Living, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, will host the 6th Annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium on Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. ET. This all-day, virtual event is free and will feature several sessions on how to best meet the mental health needs of older adults. 

For more information or to register, please visit the event page.

Connect with SHA
Support SHA

There are many great ways of supporting SHA: Join as a member or send donations.

Thank you for your support!

Support SHA
Join SHA
Want all the member benefits with SHA? Visit our website or contact Joseph Christensen to apply or manage your membership.
Job Center
Members can post jobs to find applicants within the wider supportive housing community. Click on the button to visit our job page.
SHA's Job Page

Diane Riley, Executive Director

Joseph Christensen, Membership & Communication Manager

Kate Kelly, MSW – Integrated Community Project Manager

Kate Leahy, Housing Navigator Project Manager

Janai Johnson, Administrator


Have a story worth SHAre-ing? Send it to Joseph Christensen for future consideration.

Advocate ● Educate ● Support
The Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey unites its diverse coalition of members engaging development, resources, and information to sustain supportive housing systems within New Jersey. Since 1998, our statewide mission seeks to enhance lives and accessibility to enable independent living within our communities.
Supportive Housing Association of New Jersey
185 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ 07079 | 908-931-1131
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