May 2016
Post-Convention Issue

With the SGEU Convention all wrapped up, we want to share with you some highlights to keep you in the loop. Many thanks to all the delegates, staff, life members, speakers, and guests who made it a memorable event.
Election results:
Table Officers:
Bob Bymoen, President
Tracey Sauer, Vice President, NUPGE
Carol Yuzik, Vice President Alternate, NUPGE
Kim Nordmarken, Vice President, SFL
Sheena Yew, Vice President Alternate, SFL

Board of Trusteees: 
Bob Stadnichuk
Jack Lee
Kim Nordmarken

Board of Trustee Alternates:
Bonnie Erickson, 1st Alternate
Mac Trost, 2nd  Alternate
President's Message 

I'm happy to report that we've wrapped up another successful annual convention. Delegates heard from engaging speakers, participated in invigorating debate, supported their brothers and sisters at demonstrations, and socialized with new and old friends. [continue reading...]
Shear 'n' Shine

SGEU has raised about $50,000 over the last three years by including a Shear 'n' Shine fundraising event during the evening banquet. 

Funds raised go to the Children's Hospital Foundation.

Roseann Strelezki and Bonnie Bond bravely shaved their heads for the cause. Bravo!
Changes to levies
The premiums for our Long Term Disability Plan were increased from 1.3% to 1.5%.
Due to the loss of plan investment revenue and an increase in the number of new applicants receiving benefits, this levy passed as a way to offset those challenges.

The SGEU LTD plan outranks industry standard plans on duration of coverage, supporting members for three years rather than two, and it also outranks industry standard plans in terms of the size of the benefit received.

We also reduced our union dues from 1.75% to 1.7%.

New Life Member

Terry Ullman is the newest member of the Life Members' table.

Terry's involvement in SGEU is well known.

"Bad management made for a strong union at my workplace," she said. "I saw the problems around me, and I was frustrated by the way I was treated --and I decided not to take it anymore."  [continue reading...]
Sector highlights 

At convention, each sector Vice-President presented an overview of the highlights and challenges of 2015. Our union continues to make gains in the workplace, and face challenges as well. Check out this short summary of those highlights here.

Barb Byers named to Order of Canada

Before Barb Byers became the Secretary Treasurer at the Canadian Labour Congress, she was the first female President of SGEU.

Barb was employed as a social worker and in 1984 was elected President of SGEU. She led SGEU in a "Fight Back" campaign against the anti-labour government of the day, and championed the rights of women and other under-represented workers. In 1988, she left the SGEU presidency to become President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. In 2002 she was elected as a table officer for the Canadian Labour Congress and in 2014 was elected to her current position.

Barb addressed delegates  and shared some reflections on her experience in the labour movement.

Congratulations Barb on being named to the Order of Canada!
Privatization threat

Larry Hubich, the President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour addressed delegates at convention, discussing the threat of privatization. While Brad Wall pledged not to privatize, Hubich called on delegates to remind him of this pledge with the full force of the labour movement.  
Domestic violence and the workplace

Jo-Anne Dusel from the Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan addressed Convention and spoke about the various ways survivors of domestic violence are affected in their workplaces. [continue reading...]
Thinking Upstream

Dr. Ryan Meili addressed Convention delegates and talked about the work he is doing trying to address the social determinants of health with his organization Upstream. 

By thinking about root causes of health issues, and not just symptoms, Meili advocates for greater income equality and to eradicate poverty.
Labour relations report

The Labour Relations Officers saw an increase in the workload surrounding "duty to accommodate" and "return to work" issues. This is an area of concern and warrants monitoring and analysis provided that the issue continues to escalate.

The supervisory irrevocable agreement has been signed with many bargaining units.

Our number of active grievances continues to decrease as a result of a continued focus on resolving workplace disputes:

Grievance Numbers

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