the official e-newsletter of the Sasso Family Chiropractic Center

MARCH 2023

Click HERE for our monthly calendar

Happy March!

March is here with an attitude of positivity. We have the date of March 4th which can be seen as "March Forth". This reminds us to keep moving, to keep learning and to keep finding ways to help others.

We get to set our clocks ahead one hour as Daylight Savings Time starts March 12. The days are getting warmer and the sun will shine a little longer each day. This provides more opportunity to be outside and reconnect with our neighbors and enjoy outdoor activities.

We can celebrate St. Patrick's Day, appreciate the luck of the Irish, (and aren't we all Irish for the day?), and count our blessings. It is so easy to focus on what is wrong that we often miss what's right.

We can all "March into Better Self Care". We could make better choices when we eat our meals. We can recommit to exercising more. Simply adding ten minutes a day of walking can make a huge difference. We can put down our cell phones and take a break from social media. We can also make the time to have our spines checked for vertebral subluxation.

Did you know there are chiropractors who come to our office to be adjusted? Did you know Dr. Daria and Dr. Joe have their spines checked every week? Did you know that every day stresses often can misalign your spine? Did you know the youngest infant to be checked by Dr. Daria was 8 hours old? Did you know our oldest patient is in his mid 90s? Did you know many children pictured on our wall now are parents and bring their children to us to be adjusted? Did you know that every nerve in your body transmits information from your brain to your body parts and then back to your brain? Did you know vertebral subluxations interfere with the proper functioning of your body?

Most of you know and understand what we offer. You continue to refer other people and their families to the office and we are grateful. Referring is easy. They can call the office to make their first appointment or request one online through our website.

We appreciate every one of you and look forward to seeing you this month. Keep moving forward in your physical movement as well as in your thinking.

See you on your next visit.

Dr. Daria

Dr. Joe

Our philosophy

Chiropractic may very well be one of the least understood philosophies of life and health. It is based upon a few very simple ideas.

The body is designed with an inborn ability to maintain itself in a state of proper function.  A newborn baby may seem small, fragile and helpless, but within that body is the ability to make food into living tissue, to heal cuts and bruises, to adapt to changes in the environment, to produce the chemicals necessary to perform every bodily function, to fight off invading organisms, to live as much as 100 or more years, in short, to lead a healthy, productive life.

The brain and nerve system are the primary tools by which we attain proper function, what we commonly call health.  Every organ, gland and cell in the body depends upon messages carried to and from the brain in order to function in a coordinated manner so that each part can benefit the whole of the body producing a full and abundant life.

Interference in the nerve system reduces the body’s ability to function in a coordinated manner.  While a corpse has a brain and nerve system, it does not have life, there is no power or energy flowing over the nerve system. Similarly, a paralyzed person has lost function due to injury to the nerve system. Even slight damage to the delicate and vital nerve system can reduce the body’s ability to function at its fullest potential.

A spinal misalignment that interferes with the nerve system (called a vertebral subluxation) creates a reduction in coordinated function.  Slight misalignments of the bones of the spine caused by everyday, common activities can interfere with the ability of the nerve system to carry messages that are necessary for the successful accomplishment of those everyday activities, not the least of which is the attainment of maximum health.

Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations.  The single objective of the chiropractor is to locate and correct vertebral subluxation in adults and children so that families and entire communities are able to express life at a higher level.

If you and your family are not seeing a chiropractor regularly, you are not doing all you could for your life and health.

What is the chiropractic objective? How often should you and your family be seen?

When you and your family first started care in our office, you were most likely seen frequently so that we may:

  • assist your body in removing the interference to your nervous system, (the body's master controller),
  • improve it's function and
  • replace a bad habit (nerve interference) with a good one (maximizing your body's ability to function).

And all of this happens regardless of the presence or absence of aches, pains, diseases or infirmities. You see, how you feel may be the least accurate barometer of how well your body is or isn't functioning. A minor pain may be the result of a life-threatening pathology or it may cause no pain at all. A significant pain may be the result of a minor issue. Additionally, you may have an incredible pain threshold.

Chiropractic is not about diagnosis, treatment, cure or even prevention. It is about one thing - FUNCTION. Chiropractic care has one objective - to maximize your body's ability to function under any/all circumstances.

Every day, you and I face physical, chemical and emotional stresses. The quality of our lives depends upon how well we adapt, overcome or rise above them.

So how can my family and I reap all of the benefits of chiropractic care?

One word. Consistency.

Yes, one adjustment in a lifetime is better than none, but if you really want to reap all the benefits of chiropractic care, it simply must be consistent.

So what does that mean?

It means that, in this office, you and your family should have your spines checked no less than once weekly - more if indicated. And that recommendation is based upon science.

Tapio Videman, M.D. published a study in in Clinical Biomechanics in1987, proving that when immobilization occurs in a joint (a component of subluxation can lead to nervous system interference) and remains there for more than 10-15 days, that joint begins to degenerate and never returns to it's pre-immobilization status - the damage becomes permanent.

The entire study can be read HERE.

"The correction (improvement) of VS (vertebral subluxation) requires consistency and frequency. VS takes years to "accumulate" and requires years of regular care for correction. When the vertebrae is subluxated it must be un-subluxated until the paraspinal muscles, ligaments and tendons are re-educated to hold it in place.” - Joe Donofrio, DC

My job is to concentrate on the correction of subluxation whether people are sick or not. If they have subluxation, potential is reduced and interfered with. As long as there is nerve interference the body can't live up to its potential. Every function of human life, mental, physical, spiritual, and intellectual, every function of the human body - is impaired by subluxation." - Reggie Gold, DC

Has everyone in your family had their spines checked this week?

Congratulations to the winners of our “Guess the number of kisses” contest

Congratulations to Leila and Melissa for their winning guesses in our “kisses” contest. Leila guessed 277. Melissa guessed 279.The actual number was 278!

They each won a $50 gift certificate toward dinner at Piccolino's Italian Kitchen. Enjoy ladies!

Thank you for your referrals

We would like to thank all of you who have referred friends and family members to our office for care recently. We look forward to serving both them, and you, in the future.

Rest assured we will do all that we can to honor the trust you've place in us

See you on your next visit.

Sitting is the new smoking

Links to research here:

Most of us have heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking” referring to the growing epidemic of sedentary lifestyles in the United States. But is this true? Is sitting in a chair that bad for you?

The Facts

• Over 25% of American adults sit for more than 8 hours every day. 44% of those people get little to no exercise.

• The average American watches approximately 3 hours of television every day.

• The average American is active less than 20 minutes every day.

• 60-75 minutes of moderate activity (steady walking) can counter the effects of too much sitting. A 2011 study documented 800,000 people and their sitting habits. The study found that people who sit the most, compared to people who sit the least, have a greater risk of disease and death:

• 112% increased risk of diabetes.

• 147% increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.

• 90% increased risk of death from cardiovascular events.

• 49% increased risk of death from any cause.

The Science

Sitting can be so relaxing. Why is it so bad? Here’s what happens when you spend too much time sitting:

• Blood flow slows down. This can allow fatty acids to build up in the blood vessels, leading to heart disease.

• Sitting for extended periods of time, regularly may lead to insulin resistance which can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity—2 major risk factors for heart disease.

• A 2018 study found that 82% of people who suffer from blood clots, sat for a significantly greater amount of time than the remaining 18%.

• Your body’s ability to process fats is slowed. When you sit, your body’s production of lipoprotein lipase (an enzyme essential for breaking down fat) drops by about 90%. When your body cannot break down fat, it is stored instead.

The Solution

Here’s how you can fend off any negative side effects:

• Set a timer. Get up every hour and move. Stand, walk around, stretch. You can even download apps onto your phone to remind you!

Watch your posture. Poor posture can lead to bone damage, decreased blood circulation, fatigue, and loss of muscle strength. If you must sit, keep your shoulders back, your chin tucked, and your stomach pulled toward your spine in order to keep muscles engaged, bones aligned, and circulation flowing.

Take a stand. If you’re able, why not opt for a standing desk? Not only will your heart thank you, but standing desks have been proven to increase brain function, creativity, and productivity.

Work it out. Commit to exercising every single day. Go on a walk during lunch. Plan to attend a fitness class. Choose the far parking spot. Every minute of physical activity counts!

It’s wonderful to take a rest. In fact, it’s necessary. But at what point does “taking a rest” turn into a living a sedentary life? Take a look at the hours in your day. How many of them are spent in a chair? Honestly. While sitting at your desk might not be the equivalent of hanging out in the smokers’ lounge, it very well could yield the same results.

Today's quote

Monthly calendar

Click HERE for our monthly calendar.