Southeast Alaska 2025 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
The 2025 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Southeast Alaska is a strategy-driven plan developed by regional leaders from private, public, and nonprofit sectors. Over the course of 12 months, Southeast Conference members developed and prioritized 50 economic initiatives, 4 main priority objectives, a resilience plan, regional and industry specific SWOTs analyses, and much more. More than 400 stakeholders were involved in various elements of the planning process. The CEDS was released to the Southeast Conference membership for a 30-day public comment period (ending on May 30th). The four main priorities of the economic plan were identified as 1) Sustain and support the Alaska Marine Highway System, 2) Mariculture development, 3) Market Southeast Alaska to attract more visitor spending and visitor opportunities, and 4) Promote beneficial electrification. Please submit any comments to
2021 Business Climate Survey Results
Southeast Conference would like to thank the 440 business that participated in the 2021 Business Survey. The survey was administered electronically from April 9th through April 23rd and was developed in a partnership between Southeast Conference, Spruce Root, the City and Borough of Wrangell, the Petersburg Borough, the Sitka Economic Development Association, the Haines Chamber of Commerce, the Skagway Development Corporation, and the City of Ketchikan. The result have been published on the Southeast Conference website. Issues highlighted included a 42% decline in revenue, 25% of surveyed business reported risk of closure, and more than 30% reported that they would have closed without relief funding. On a more positive note, most business leaders expect job levels to remain stable for the coming year, due to the effective relief programs.
US Senate Delegation at Work for Alaska
Senator Dan Sullivan met recently with Southeast Conference members, including representatives from Tlingit & Haida, Kootznoowoo, ASMI, and energy and mining sectors - discussing both the celebrations and needs of their respective industries and organizations. Senator Sullivan was very engaged and receptive to these reports and indicated that his office would be taking action on some of the issues discussed. Directly following the economic roundtable, the senator met with Juneau's tourism leaders. Sullivan indicated that he has been working on the tourism issue hourly, meeting with the CDC, Canadian officials, and cruise ship CEOs. Although the issue is far from resolved, he is seeing some movement.
SEC Welcomes
Economic Recovery Coordinator, Juliana Melin
Southeast Conference is please to welcome our newest staff member, Juliana Melin. Juliana joins Southeast Conference as our Economic Recovery Coordinator.
Juliana comes to Southeast Conference from the Alaska State Capital where she spent the past six and a half years working amongst the legislative process in different roles. Most recently, Juliana worked in the Governor's office, serving as the Deputy Legislative Director.
Juliana enjoys spending her time on the trails with her dogs or around a campfire with friends.
Do you live in Southeast Alaska? We want to hear from you!
Southeast Conference, US Forest Service and the University of Alaska Southeast are gathering data to understand the impacts of the pandemic on you and your community.
Bonus: Take this survey and be entered to win $100
Love eating mushrooms?
The Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition (SAWC) and the Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) are doing a study to learn more about marketing opportunities for locally-grown commercial mushroom producers in Southeast Alaska. Please fill out the customer survey on this page to inform us of your needs and preferences! The survey closes May 21, 2021. This study is supported by a USDA Specialty Crop Block grant.
Register today for a free Webinar! The US Export Assistance Center presents International Shipments, Payments and Protecting your Brand: A Webinar for Rural & Native American Firms, Wednesday May 26, 2021
11-12:30 AST
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund provides emergency assistance for eligible restaurants, bars, and other qualifying businesses impacted by COVID-19. Qualified establishments should submit applications by the May 24 deadline.
The Coronavirus Economic Relief for Transportation Services (CERTS) Grant Program from the US Department of Treasury is appropriating $2 billion to to provide grants to eligible motorcoach, school bus, passenger vessel, and pilotage companies.
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill. The Alaska ARPA website provides an extensive summary of resources relevant to Alaskans, tracking funds coming in as well as grant opportunities. It is a collaborative effort to serve as a clearinghouse of information that can be used by recipients and other and potential beneficiaries.
Save The Date for SEC's Annual Meeting in Haines
While our virtual conference was a huge success, we can't wait to see everyone in person again!
Be sure to save the date, September 14-16, 2021! Planning has already begun for SEC's 2021 Annual Meeting in Haines.
You won't want to miss this event as we rally around our theme of Southeast Strong!
Our membership makes up the base of the SEC Committees. Stay informed and weigh-in on the issues facing the industries that matter the most to you! Become a member of Southeast Conference and join the conversation! Contact to learn more or visit All meetings take place via Zoom.