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Fostering Spirituality, Excellence, Academics, and Service

From the desk of Principal Sullivan

Mr. Sullivan's 9/10/2024 letter to SEAS Families Highlighting Date Change for Pictures and Upcoming Parents Night!

View Letter

Don't miss our upcoming events!

All school Masses are held every Wednesday at 9:30am in the school gym. ALL ARE WELCOME!


9/16 - Marathon Packets will be sent home

9/17 - K-5 Parents Night

9/19 - Middle School Parents Night

9/30 - SEAS School in session - NO BUS SERVICES


10/4 - Marathon Walk, more information to come!

10/7 - Grades K-4 Picture Day

10/8 - Grades 5-8 Picture Day

10/9 & 10/10 - Preschool Picture Day

10/10 - PreK - 8 Conferences

10/11 - No School - PreK - 8 Conferences

2024-2025 School Calendar at a Glance
SEAS K-8 Parent Calendar
SEAS Preschool Parent Calendar

Update on Picture Days

Due to scheduling issues

K-4th will now have their pictures on Monday, October 7th and

5th-8th will now be on Tuesday, October 8th.

Preschool dates will now be the 9th and 10th. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Lunch/Recess Volunteers

Weekend Mass Greeters

more details below

Watch for more opportunities coming soon!

2nd Grade sacramental preparation classes for parents and students begin Wednesday, October 2, from 6-7:15 p.m. Classes are held in the meeting rooms at church. Sunday Mass attendance is required of all families registered for sacramental preparation.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School students will receive instruction in the school. Families will still need to register online below. Tuition covers the cost of this preparation. SEAS school parents are required to attend a formation session at church on the first Wednesday of each month. Register by September 27 and print the calendar HERE.

8th grade classes for students begin Wednesday, October 2, and are held on scheduled Wednesdays from 7:30-8:45 p.m. in the gathering space at church. The cost of this program is $150 per student. Prepared students will be confirmed at the Cathedral of Saint Paul at 7:00 p.m. on May 13, 2025, by Bishop Michael Izen. Register by September 27 and print the calendar HERE.

Church Renovation News! 

Beginning September 17, all daily and weekend Masses will be held in Mother Seton Hall until further notice.

After Sunday Masses, donuts and coffee will be served in the gathering space.

Exception: 4:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, September 21 will be celebrated here at the main campus!

September Raise Right

Click HERE to learn more about the Raise Right program and how it can benefit your family by fulfilling your fundraising obligation and even money towards tuition!


We are asking that all families who are interested in using the Raise Right program sign up and order online with THESE easy directions. Don’t forget to download the app for easy ordering!


Free ship to school option on orders placed by 11:59pm on Thursday 9/12.


Please contact the school's Raise Right Coordinator, Shawndel Spader at with any questions.

Greet for Weekend Masses

Please join us in welcoming worshippers to Mass by greeting them with a friendly smile and “Welcome, good to see you here!” and possibly handing out worship aids.

Click HERE to sign up and for more details!

Scouting Event Tonight

Cub Scouts Kick Off at Hastings Middle School Cafeteria on Tonight at 6:30pm.

The Hastings packs and troops will have tables with different activities. K-8 Boys & Girls plus parents are welcome!

Main Campus: 600 Tyler Street, Hastings Minnesota, 55033
Church/ECC Campus: 2035 15th Street West, Hastings, Minnesota 55033
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