San Diego Inventors Forum
September 2018



Fellow inventors and innovators, 2 more months this SDIF year!

Last Month we were fortunate to have and thank Leslie Wagner our forum's Resident Licensing Expert for being our guest Speaker of the Month.  Ms Wagner's specialties include Contract Management, Intellectual Property Management, Strategy Development and Product Development.    
Leslie has been responsible for managing, drafting and negotiating complex multi-million dollar domestic and international commercial contracts such as: software licenses, OEM agreements, channel partner agreements, patent licenses, sales agreements, master purchase agreements, trademark licenses, NDAs, maintenance renewals, and quotations.  
Ms Wagner has collaborated with business teams to establish contractual requirements, guidelines, and procedures for the licensing of intellectual property, including rights of: manufacture, distribution, sale, and promotion by OEMs, resellers and channel partners.
This Month's SDIF Speaker of the Month is Stephen Key!
Sell Your Ideas With Or Without A Patent
You do not need to start a business to launch your ideas for new products. Let One Simple Idea author and 2018-2019 AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassador Stephen Key show you how to get to market without a patent, a prototype, or even a business plan. Learn why licensing is the best route for most invention ideas - and how to take action today.
Stephen Key is the world's leading expert in licensing consumer product ideas and a 2018-2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science-Lemelson Invention Ambassador.
He achieved repeat success as an independent inventor, including defending his intellectual property against one of the largest toy companies in federal court. The innovative packaging solution he brought to market is protected by more than 20 patents and received 15 industry awards, including two Edisons.
inventRight, the coaching program he cofounded in 1999, has helped people from more than 60 countries license their product ideas. He explains how to take advantage of the power of open innovation on his popular YouTube channel inventRight TV and in Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur.
In 2017, he cofounded Inventors Groups of America with the goal of educating and empowering inventors and inventing group leaders. He is also the cofounder of inventYES, a free program for high school students worldwide.
In 2019, he will begin teaching university students his 10-step strategy for licensing ideas, originally published in his bestselling book One Simple Idea.

Did you make some progress on your project that gets your new product idea closer to the market? We hope you did and are here to hopefully help you get to the next step! Bring to the market that customer accepted idea and profit!! 
We look forward to hearing and talking all about it at the meeting this coming Thursday.
Come, be cool and bring a friend :)
SDIF 2018 Invention Contest October 11th!
Its invention contest time San Diego!


Please return completed form to:
Only Patented or Patent pending submissions accepted.

Good luck!

75 came to see the free West Coast movie premier about our US patent system August 21st!
Dear fellow inventors, innovators and all concerned citizens that may disturbed about or just wondering about what has happened and is happening at our USPTO. 
Thank you to those 75 people that joined us last month to watch the West Coast movie premier "Invalidated" about our US patent system.
This was your chance to meet Josh Malone, a focus in the movie who is the inventor of the super popular summer toy "Bunch of Balloons" and Fellow at US Inventor. Those that attended heard from Josh directly what happened to him as his invention was knocked off and the infringer used our patent system against him for years. 
It was also a chance for you to meet USI Founder Paul Morinville and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a strong supporter for inventors and sponsor of the USI bill H.R. 6557 (see below) and supporter of Congressman Massie's bill H.R.6264 - Restoring America's Leadership in Innovation Act of 2018 which we encourage you to support as well.  

 The info you need to promote or share this video is listed on this event page.
Please share!
USI has brought a bill for inventors to Congress!


You've probably seen the great news that we've gotten our Inventor Protection Act, H.R.6557 introduced in the US House of Representatives. This is huge! After a decade of destruction of our patent rights, this bill restores patent rights to inventors who own their patents!

Our bill makes it so the changes that were put in place to stop alleged "patent trolls," changes that have made it virtually impossible for an inventor to stop a determined infringer, do not apply to the inventor who owns his or her patent. In addition, there are other key improvements (see here). We're finally in a position to take our rights back, but it won't go anywhere if we don't make ourselves and the issue widely known to our Representatives.

We need inventors nationwide meeting with their Representatives while they are in their local offices in August and asking them to co-sponsor this legislation. Please forward this information to all of your creative friends and any other individuals that would be interested.

US Representatives are on recess and in their home districts for the month of August. As a constituent, it is easy to get an appointment - they are obligated to talk to their voters. Here's what we need as many of your club members as possible to do:
  1. Print out and read the description of our bill (go here). If anything is unclear, call me at 727-744-3748 or Josh Malone at 972-689-8124.
  2. See who your Representative is and get the local phone number by going HERE.
  3. Come up with a short pitch, not more than 30 seconds, to get the appointment (You could use this: "I'm an inventor in your district, and I'm alarmed at how changes in our patent system have destroyed the patent rights of inventors. I want to meet with (Mr./ Ms. _____ ) on this issue and let him/her know about a bill in Congress that will restore the rights of inventors." If they ask how our rights have been destroyed, you could say "it's become virtually impossible to stop a large corporation from taking an invention."
  4. Write down what you are going to say and get comfortable with it.
  5. Call the local number and ask for an appointment to see your Representative. Use your pitch.
  6. If they put you off, be polite but persistent. This is a big problem, you are a constituent, and he or she needs to meet with you.
  7. Meet with your Representative, discuss our two-page bill description and leave it with him, ask him to support and co-sponsor our bill, ask him to meet with me when I am in DC, and thank him for talking with you.
  8. Let me know how it went so I can follow up effectively when I'm in DC. We need every Representative on our side.
  9. Tell your fellow inventors how rewarding this was and help them do the same.
In addition to the above, host a screening at your next social event to show the new documentary Invalidated: The Shredding of the American Patent System. The full version is available now on Amazon and iTunes (and you have permission to stream it for non-commercial use). Invite your Representatives and Senators to attend the screening and to speak to the audience/voters about the importance of patent rights. Let us know when it is scheduled and we can help provide a speaker and/or panel to discuss the issues presented in the film.

Please do this for me, for you, and for America. I and colleagues have spent 16 weeks in DC this year getting us to this point. We've never been this close to victory. We have a real opportunity to restore our rights as inventors. Let's work together and finally win this battle!

If you have any questions, call me at 727-744-3748 or Josh Malone at 972-689-8124. Also, let me know how it goes so I can followup effectively with each Representative when I am in DC.

Randy Landreneau, President - 727-744-3748
Josh Malone, Fellow - 972-689-8124
US Inventor

 Maker Faire San Diego IS BACK! The event returns to Balboa Park on October 6-7, 2018

Click here to skip straight to the application.
Maker Faire San Diego
October 6-7, 2018 | Balboa Park
10 am - 6 pm

Quirky is Back, Let's Start Inventing! 

New President Gina Waldhorn gives us the run-down.  
"Quirky's back and ready to make invention accessible again. Listen to meet Quirky's new President Gina Waldhorn and find out about Quirky's comeback, how their new business plan works and how it's different from the old one. Quirky is a community-led invention platform dedicated to developing innovative products through collaboration and partnership. Anyone can participate on either by submitting their own product idea, or by collaborating to enhance existing ideas. Quirky pays a royalty to all community members who help bring inventions to market."

73 Corporate Innovation Labs  
From AT&T To Xerox:
73 Corporate Innovation Labs
"Resource FYI and for SDIF"
:) Thanks Maggie R. for sharing! 
Here's a "list of innovation labs, both newly formed and well established, working to turn new ideas into new opportunities at long-lived companies" in these areas:
Meet Tom Rauscher! Thanks to Tom... 
We now can and do welcome new sponsors!!!
Come see Tom Rauscher Thursday night !
Thursday night Tom will present the second of a new monthly segment he's titled "Insignificant/Significant Inventing".
Tom's has also helped us create a Sponsorship sheet!   
Please be sure to grab one of these sheets this Thursday and help us by sharing vigorously as you can!  

Getting the word out to businesses and people that support local startups and innovators (and would like some recognition for such) will certainly help our organization grow.
And doing so will help us more directly support local inventors become entrepreneurs.   
Thank you for supporting the SDIF !

Gali Productions live webcasts our meetings!!

Danny Gali  - Gali Productions

Danny Gali, musician, engineer, videographer and web-caster is ready to live webcast our meetings on a YouTube channel!
Here is Danny's website 

Here's the link to the live stream.
    It should remain the same all the time.
The replay is never available until it has been streamed, so the link to the main YouTube page would be the best way to get to them.  
And they are all there in order:
 IGA has created a nationwide network of inventor club leaders that represents inventors helping inventors and standing for our rights as were written by our forefathers in Article 1, Section 8.    
It happened! The Inventors Groups of America, United Inventors Association, United States Inventors and the Inventors Project along with A Squared Technologies, Inc held the first National Conference in Washington DC April 17th - 19th
I was delighted to represent SD inventors at the USPTO and on the Hill at this historic event. 
40 club leaders and inventors visited the USPTO on the first day to discuss today's issues with the top people in the organization and learned their side.
The next day we assembled and visited 30 of our representatives on the hill to educate them how patent laws effect our economy and future.
Together, IGA represented inventors from coast to coast that were united for the first time in our countries history. Our voices were heard! Together we will work to restore our rights as inventors so we can continue to prosper from the labors of our minds.



TIDBITS  is David Swift's work!! 

Our videographer David Swift is Associate Publisher of TIDBITS "The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read" !!  
A really fun read full of facts :)
Now available in Escondido and San Marcos!
For more info contact:    
Come to the SDIF meetings and meet fellow inventors :) 

Help for inventors and innovators is here!!
Tell your creative friends and invite them to attend Thursday's evening!
Every month we discuss the most important things needed to bring ideas to life and create wealth.
Come to our meetings and learn about inventing, innovating and the process of bringing new products to market.  
Prepare your questions about inventing and ask local experts at Thursdays meeting.
Bring your idea and see how the attendees react! This would be a "public disclosure". 
You will either save money or make money by being sure your idea is customer ready first.
Hear and learn about important topics to help you prepare for launching your venture.
Mark your calendar for San Diego Inventors Forum monthly meetings!
SDIF 2018 Schedule (revised)
See you 7pm this Thursday!
Modified monthly meeting format to allow more interactions and answer more questions  
Welcome & Thanks  
Who is new?   Whats your passion?  
Subject of the Month / speaker  
Stories and new products shared by inventors 
Resources and New Opportunities
Who Needs Who?  
Thanks & network
We meet monthly to motivate, educate and network inventors and innovators.
Meeting location:
AMN Healthcare Inc.
Del Mar Heights
12400 High Bluff Drive
San Diego, CA 92130

$10 at the door
Snacks provided
Free parking
Networking starts at 6;30pm
Meeting starts at 7pm     
SDIF is a fabulous resource for inventors, and it just wouldn't be possible without our sponsors. These are people who are often inventors themselves who provide services to our members. Please check them out below.

"SDIF - The Place to Be
SDIF monthly meetings are the ideal place to get help on all aspects of inventing as well as make new contacts. Unlike other inventors' organizations, we have no costly annual dues or membership requirements. All you need is a desire to learn about the world of inventing and to network with like-minded people. Whether you're an inventor, innovator or a service provider, SDIF is the place to be the second Thursday of each month!" Judy B. 

Find us on Meetup!  

Web Admin assistant, Sponsors & Inventor Stories Wanted
Help!! We need a back up admin for the website. Please contact us asap!!

SDIF Sponsors wanted!!!
-Platinum Sponsors - $2500-On banner and introduced at contest, Speaker of the Month, post in newsletter, website, and on monthly Agenda
-Gold - $1000- Speaker of the Month, post in newsletter, website and monthly agenda
-Silver -$500 - post in newsletter, website and monthly Agenda
-Bronze -$100 - post in newsletter & website

Nationwide webinars are planned!  Stay tuned for more information.
SDIF needs stories about and by inventors! We are calling for volunteers to help gather and write stories or folks to send theirs.  Contact Adrian if you're interested. 

Send us yours or Become an "Inventor of the Month"!
Time onstage (10 minutes) to pitch your product and get feedback.
Help motivate other inventors, come tell your story! 
SDIF Memberships save time in line 
SDIF now has memberships.   Regulars can pay $10 monthly at the desk or become members. One year for $100.

Membership Benefits
· Discount 2 months off regular price
· Monthly admission to local meetings
· Subscription to Monthly Newsletter
· Free Webinar & new videos link
· 1 free listing for Members New Product Showcase
· 2 Seats at the 2018 Contest
Stay inventive San Diego!
Its an incredible time for inventors!
A new focus on startup entrepreneurs is sweeping the nation.
There are more opportunities than ever to make your product known.

This could be a great year for you to get your idea out there, we are here to help.
From capturing your concept to making it to the market.
Inventors help inventors.  
Welcome to the San Diego Inventors Forum!

Wishing you an inventive day and hoping to see you on Thursday!          
Adrian Pelkus    

Adrian Pelkus, Chairman
San Diego Inventors Forum
Quick Links
Quick Links

San Diego Inventors Forum Website...  (Information on our meetings and directions) 

Resources for Inventors
Development Council

The mission of the San Diego & Imperial SBDC Network is to provide superior business consulting and education that results in entrepreneurial success and economic growth and prosperity for California. Over the last five years the network has assisted more than 12,000 business owners raise capital, increase revenue and create jobs. Under the guidance of professional consultants, our clients have generated more than $41 million in capital infusion into the local economy.

Consulting is complimentary to businesses that are ready to grow and is available in a private setting at one of four centers and six outreach locations. The SBDC offers guidance on how to reduce the cost of operations, increase sales and market share, financing, money management, exporting internationally, marketing and online marketing, patent and technology commercialization, and market research. To learn more about these valuable resources, visit their website or contact Carol Wiley at 619.216.6690 or 

United Inventors1

SDIF is a member of the United Inventors Association ian Inventor Industry's national membership foundation dedicated to inventor education and support.  Learn more...
CONNECT Springboard offers free guidance and development to life sciences, clean-tech, high tech and consumer product companies in all stages of development, ranging from concept, technology transfer to start-up. Contact: Steve Hoey, Director, Springboard Program & Innovation Research at or by phone at 858.964-1308   Learn more...
SCORE can help you start a new business or improve your present business. For more information about the SCORE San Diego's free small business counseling and the low-cost workshop series, call 619.557.7272 or visit their website

San Diego Inventors Forum Major Supporters


A-Squared Tech Adrian Pelkus, CEO 
   A Squared Technologies, Inc.
Home of California Product Developers
California Product Developers  
View our profile on LinkedIn 

Leslie Wagner
Leslie F. Wagner
Intellectual Property and Licensing Consultant
View our profile on LinkedIn 
  Sidney Wildesmith -Video 
Grazyna Krajewska
mberDot, LLC
              Judith Balian
                 Marketing for Inventors & Small Business
                 Focus Groups

Danny Gali

David Swift

Gold Level Sponsors
David Waller of Patent Success Strategies. 
David is a long-time SDIF member who has helped many of our inventors get their patents.  Contact David at 858.768.1864.

Silver Level Sponsors
Bronze Level Sponsors
Burke Franklin
Business Power Tools                               
800 346 5426

This newsletter was written by Adrian Pelkus.
The format was created by Judith Balian of Excoveries
Specializing in Marketing for Inventors
A Constant Contact Business Partner & Trainer

Need a newsletter like this one?  Sign up for a free trial!