Welcome to our Winter 2015 newsletter. For more updates, join us on FacebookTwitteror our SCRMC website.

SCRMC 2015 Training Award Winners

Clockwise from top left: Asuka Eguchi and PI Aseem Ansari, Biochemistry; David Jones and PI Gail Robertson, Neuroscience; Xiaoping Bao and PI Sean Palecek, Chemical and Biological Engineering; Divya Sinha and PI David Gamm, Ophthalmology. (Photos by Sue Gilbert, except Bao and Palecek by Tongcheng Qian.)


The SCRMC Research Training Awards Program was established in 2008 to recognize and provide support for promising graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conducting stem cell and regenerative medicine research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The program provides unique, interdisciplinary training for future leaders in stem cell and regenerative medicine research. Additionally, this program aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations among campus investigators.


Nanofibers by Thomas Ellingham and Max R Salick, Turng Lab and Crone Lab, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. (Cool Science Image Contest winners in 2014.)
Not to Miss!


Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Research and Community Day

Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

March 5, 2015


Cool Science Image Contest, with $100 prizes. Images due March 6.


10th Annual Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium, "Engineering Limb Regeneration" 

Biopharmaceutical Technology Center Institute, 

April 22, 2015


Regenerative Medicine Workshop at Hilton Head

Co-Sponsored by the SCRMC

May 13-16, 2015



Fast Fact 

SCRMC scientists, staff and students have directly engaged more than 25,000 Wisconsin citizens in learning about stem cells and regenerative medicine in the past five years.

Outreach Highlight


Ka Yi Ling, Jared Carlson-Stevermer and Andrew Khalil, members of the Wisconsin Stem Cell Roundtable (WiSCR), teach young visitors to the Wisconsin Science Festival in the Discovery Building last Fall how to work with stem cells in the lab. (J. Lenon image)

Featured Service for Investigators



The Humanized Mouse Core has a new website and is ready to provide investigators with a variety of humanized mouse models for their individual research needs. Our goal is to readily supply animals of high quality and consistency in order to facilitate cutting-edge research of the human immune response. Under the guidance of Dr. William Burlingham, core personnel Matthew Brown, Ying Zhou, and Ian Norman provide a variety of animal models to investigators at competitive prices. Additionally, Drew Ronneburg of the UW-Madison Department of Surgery Histology Core Service provides immunohistochemistry services to the group. Please contact Matt Brown, Cellular and Molecular Pathology Ph.D. program graduate student, for more information about the core.