Welcome Back! The SCC has been working hard behind the scenes this summer to get up and running quickly this year, in part to celebrate our 25th anniversary. We have been building community partnerships between various groups in McLean (law enforcement, faith, schools, PTAs, medical community, civic organizations, and parents) since 1995, with the mission of providing programs and resources to reduce stress, foster mental wellness, and empower our youth to thrive and make responsible choices about their health and safety.

Each year we pick a theme that guides our programs and conversations each year. We are pleased to announce that the theme for 2019-2020 is SOCIAL MEDIA WELLNESS. We have built some programs surrounding Social Media Wellness, and we are working on more. Come out and see us at one of our screenings of LIKE: A Documentary about the Impact of Social Media on Our Lives at Langley and McLean High Schools. Plans for Sixth Grade Ethics Day, Middle School Forum, and our annual spring speaker event are well underway. We are always looking for more and active School Liaisons, too!

As always,  let us know  how the SCC can help in your community, school, and home!

Elizabeth Hale, President