In This Issue
Membership and T-Shirts
Ongoing Meetings
Support a Somerville for All
2013 Annual Meeting
Construction at Saint Polycarp Village!
On-Going's in Asset Building
Welcoming New Staff!
SCC Membership and T-Shirts!

Become an SCC Member! SCC is an organization of relationships-people with a passion for social justice. When we are members together in an organization, we access collective power and have a greater impact in our community. When we work together, we get more accomplished. To become a member please contact Shannon at 617-776-5931 x238








Along with our renewed membership efforts we are happy to announce that new SCC T-Shirts are out and beginning to pop-up around Somerville at community meetings, membership activities, and other events around town. The SCC T-Shirts are a symbol of our united effort to maintain diversity and preserve affordability in Somerville. Get your T-Shirt today and wear it at important SCC community events! Suggested donation: $10 Contact: Shannon at

Ongoing Meetings
Please click on the calendar image below to see the calendar on our website!
12.09 Elizabeth Peabody


Join Our Mailing List!   



We hope you are all enjoying a mild winter and happy new year and we look forward to seeing you at our 2013 Annual Meeting at the end of this month!


We hope you enjoy this newsletter and please feel free to

contact us if you are interested in supporting SCC or getting involved in any of SCC's work.

Support a Somerville for All

It's not too late to make a contribution to the organization fighting to make Somerville a place for Everyone - SCC!  Whether it's building new affordable housing, running financial education classes, or organizing for policies that will make Somerville a vibrant home for all our residents, SCC is in the trenches every day working toward our vision of Everyone's Somerville.  Through our Annual Fund campaign, "Everyone's SCC", your contribution between now and January 25th will help support all our work in 2013.  We will acknowledge, celebrate and thank all our contributors both on SCC's website and at our January 31st Annual Meeting and Dinner at the Holiday Inn.  You can donate on line by going onto SCC's website: or by contacting Shannon Erb at or Danny LeBlanc at, or by calling 617-776-5931 x238 or x223.

Everyone's Somerville
2013 Annual Meeting

"Everyone's Somerville!"Join us as we celebrate  our members, our accomplishments, and our community at SCC's 43rd Annual Meeting!


Date: Thursday, Jan. 31, 2012

Location: Holiday Inn in Somerville, MA

              30 Washington St.

Time: 6:00 - 8:30 pm (Dinner, Program, and Entertainment)


* We welcome all Somerville residents to the Annual Meeting free of charge. A suggested donation of $25 is requested to help cover costs of the event.

**For any inquiries and to RSVP, contact Mashael Majid at 617-776-5931 ext. 228 or

Final phase of construction at Saint Polycarp Village underway!

On January 7th, workers were on site to start demolition of the Saint Polycarp School building, which will make way for construction start of the last phase of the Saint Polycarp Village.  The new building will house 31 low-income families, and is expected to be complete by November 2013.  more

On-Going's in Asset Building

First-Time Homebuyer Seminar

Time is running out to sign up for SCC's First-Time Homebuyer Class in January 2013! The four-session, 12-hour class will feature presentations by a real estate agent, a lender, a home inspector, a real estate attorney, and an insurance agent, in addition to SCC staff. The registration fee is $35 per participant. To register, please contact Thais DeMarco at (617) 776-5931 ext 233. more


Financial Literacy Series

We are excited to announce an upcoming financial education class at SCC starting February 22nd! Over the course of eight weeks, participants will gain important information and skills to help them navigate their financial lives more successfully. The class will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:15 to 9 p.m. To register, please contact Thais DeMarco at (617) 776-5931 x233 or Shannon Erb at x238. more


Career Counseling at SCC: 

Interested in figuring out what your career path should be? Need help with your resume or cover letter? Not sure how to go about finding the job of your dreams? Come to SCC to see a Career Counselor from The Career Place! For details, or to set up a time to see her, please call Thais DeMarco at (617) 776-5931 x233 to schedule an intake.

New Staff Members Soon to Join SCC

Rene Mardones

Rene Mardones previously worked at Alternatives for Community and Environment as a Community Organizer for the T Riders Union. Originally from Chile he grew up participating in local organizing in his neighborhood addressing issues such as democracy, indigenous right, education and popular arts. more


Karen Narefsky

A Chicago native, Karen moved to the Boston area in 2007 and has been living in Somerville for the last two years. She is multilingual (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French) and is looking forward to putting her language skills to work at SCC. She can often be found walking or biking throughout the city. more

As always, we appreciate feedback.  We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon! 

Daniel LeBlanc
Somerville Community Corporation