Summer Newsletter | August 4th, 2020
Greetings from Sustainable Cambodia!

2020 has been a difficult year for people all over the world. We hope this writing finds you and your family in good health.

So far, Cambodia has been spared the worst from COVID-19. According to the Cambodian Ministry of Health, there have been 278 cases and no deaths. And to our great joy, there are no cases to-date in Pursat Province.

Because of the extensive travel restrictions that are reported to last until after the new year, our annual trips to visit Cambodia have been put on hold. As we get more information we will keep you informed.

Cambodia has closed restaurants and bars, cancelled large celebrations, and has cancelled school through November. Although classes have been suspended, our teachers are still at work. Their goals is to keep all of our students engaged during the pandemic and bring them back to our classrooms when appropriate.

Despite the pandemic, SC projects are still ongoing. We are starting work on our new Rotary Global Grant (we will do a story on the grant at a later date) and we want to thank the Rotary Clubs of Southampton, Rotary Club Locust Valley, Rotary Club of Hampton Bays, Sayville, and Rotary Club of Glen Cove in New York for their hard work getting this grant together.

We want to thank you for your continued support! We hope that you and your family are healthy and happy as we traverse this difficult time.
The Journey from SC Student to Vice Principal: Sek Sichiv
Meet Sichiv Sek! She has written a beautiful story about her journey as a child from a small village, growing through all the SC programs and her rise to becoming the Vice Principal at SLMS! Sichiv is an inspiration to all of our students and a role model to all the young girls she teaches.
Teaching During a Pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cambodian Government has has closed schools in Cambodia, making it difficult for students to access education. On top of that, many families are feeling the financial impact of the pandemic and students who would normally be in school are looking for jobs.

To help these students, SC teachers have been inventive in creating a distance learning approach that includes all SC students. These efforts including designing workbooks that will keep the students engaged and at grade level. They are working closely with local village parents to conduct lessons at the students homes with a teacher being the facilitator, delivering workbooks, answering course questions, explaining the next week's assignments and collecting completed work.

There are also small classes of less than ten students being conducted for our 12th graders to prepare them for the 12th Grade National Exam. Students are also allowed to use the library as long as they follow social distancing guidelines.

Thanks again to our wonderful teachers for their dedication to education and creating an atmosphere of learning - even during a pandemic!
Staff Spotlight: Noun San, SLMS Principal
I have been working with Sustainable Cambodia since August 2014. My first job was as an English teacher where I gained insights and techniques for classroom management and using modern teaching materials. I also learned computer skills and started researching new teaching methods. From this experience, I gained the knowledge to become a school principal.  As the principal, I help support and build the teachers to become a strong team. They, in turn, lead students to do the right things and how to lean on themselves when they leave school.

I can say that SC has been a good place for me to build my heart for education to assist my community. One thing I always think about is why do other nations come and help my people? These gifts from their hearts push me to want to do more and more for my students. When students start with  SC, I want to see them with the bright futures ahead and become the ones who can support their family and one day, other people around the world.  SC has transformed and inspired me to use my love for teaching and education to make Cambodia and the world a better place. 
Buy SC Fair Trade Goods!
Support fair trade by shopping at the SC Etsy Store! This store supports our Sewing Program and other community development programs at Sustainable Cambodia.