SBVC Foundation Quarterly Newsletter
November 2020 | Issue 1
Recent Events
10th Annual Golf Tournament
(Social Distancing Included)
On Friday, Oct. 16, 2020, we raised $22,540 for student scholarships and athletics programs!

The 10th Annual Golf Tournament was held at Shandin Hills Golf Club in San Bernardino. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing was encouraged, hand sanitizer stations were available, and plastic partitions were set up between golfers in the carts. While we had to postpone our annual golf tournament from April to October, we still managed to have a good time in a safe way.

Golfers were able to partake in several contests, which took place throughout the day, including a “longest drive” competition, a putting contest, and a “closest to the pin” contest. Women’s longest drive winners were Hannah Macias and Marie Lerma; meanwhile, men’s longest driver winners were Nathan Carlson and Danny Tillman. Ken Coate and Jason Kounas won the putting contest, and the closest to the pin winner was Julian Vo. 

At 12:10 p.m. the inaugural helicopter ball drop took place. With a fly over at first, the helicopter pilot then hovered over the pin placed on the driving range to drop the golf balls. The helicopter ball drop generated $3,500 in support of student scholarships and athletics programs.

This year’s first place tournament winners included J.D. Hutton, Gary Estrella, Joel Nelson, and Dave DeBoe.

San Bernardino Valley College Foundation and Athletics are grateful to the tournament’s major sponsors Doing Good Works, Thinkwise Credit Union, HMC Architects, Hillwood, East Valley Water District, SoCal Gas, and more. 
SBVC Foundation 2020 Golf Tournament
2020 Golf Tournament
Upcoming Events
Mirna Solis
2020 Scholarship Recipient
SBVC Foundation Scholarship Window is now open!
The 2020-2021 Foundation Scholarship Application is open from October 1st, 2020 to January 31, 2021.

If you know a current or future SBVC student, encourage them to apply and take advantage of the numerous scholarships the Foundation offers. Awards range from $150 up to $1,000 and many of our students are awarded more than one scholarship.

If you are interested in donating to a scholarship, or starting your own, please reach out to us today!
2019 SBVC Commencement
Celebrating 95 years of San Bernardino Valley College Graduates
San Bernardino Valley College will be celebrating its 95th Anniversary with a gala, which is tentatively scheduled for Fall 2021.

We are in the planning stages now and will be releasing more information on the event in our upcoming quarterly newsletters. There will be plenty of sponsorship opportunities available to support the gala.

Proceeds from the event will be used to fund student scholarships.
Alumni Success Spotlights
“Success is about persistence and endurance. Believe it and know that obstacles are going to come your way. Believe it and know there are going to be times when you feel like you can’t do it, like you can’t push through... But you can.” - Rhonda Sewell
Rhonda Sewell, RN
Rhonda Sewell, is currently serving as a Department Manager at Kaiser Permanente. She attended San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) from 2002 to 2004 as she worked towards her Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in Nursing. Rhonda has recently attained her Master's of Science degree in Nursing from Chamberlain University.

Rhonda's drive and dedication to her education, along with the encouragement of a former SBVC counselor Dr. Margaret Dodds-Schumacher, enabled her to transfer to California State University, San Bernardino, where she attained her Bachelor's degree.

As a dedicated healthcare worker, Rhonda has over 11 years of experience as an Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Registered Nurse and has been working at Kaiser Permanente, for over 9 years providing care in underserved communities.

Rhonda, who is a lifelong learner, values the opportunities SBVC created for her and her family.

Learn more about Rhonda's success story in our upcoming annual report!
Marta Macías Brown
Marta Macías Brown is a lifelong community activist and San Bernardino native. She is best known for her advocacy work in politics and for co-founding the “El Chicano” newspaper.

After attending San Bernardino Valley College, she earned her Bachelor of Arts from California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). At CSUSB, Marta Macías Brown was a founding member of the first United Mexican American Student chapter, a precursor to the Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán (MEChA). MEChA, is an organization that advocates for Chicano empowerment and unity. 

Macías Brown continued her educational trajectory as a graduate student at University of California, Riverside (UCR). During graduate school, she taught history at SBVC and Chaffey College.  

In 1968, Macías Brown helped establish the newspaper, El Chicano” with a Ford Foundation grant, through the sponsorship of UCR. Macías Brown was one of the first editors at the volunteer-driven newspaper. “El Chicano” is a free, public-service communication platform which features articles on local news, achievements, and educational issues within the Inland Empire community.  
“My time at Valley helped me to determine my goals to pursue higher education. I had very special professors that encouraged me to continue my studies in science. My advice would be to determine your short and long range goals and how that will impact your job opportunities later.”
- Marta Macías Brown
Consider supporting a scholarship or program...
SBVC students are grateful for the direct support provided by scholarships. The SBVC Foundation also helps college programs with equipment, supplies, and activities to enrich the student experience.

If you are interested in helping students achieve their educational and career goals, the SBVC Foundation can help! Contact us to discuss how your gift can make the difference for our students and community. The Foundation is a non-profit 509(a)(3) organization; therefore, contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible.
Join the Alumni Association
Former SBVC students, faculty, staff, and administration are welcome to join the San Bernardino Valley College Alumni Association.

We will keep you up to date on SBVC events, news, and alumni successes!

2019 Alumni & Friends Rally
SBVC Foundation Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Dr. Dennis Byas
Educator, Retired
Foundation President        

Ms. Beverly Powell
Marketing and Community Relations
Foundation Vice President
Ms. Diana Z. Rodriguez
SBVC President
Foundation Secretary
Mr. Scott Stark
SBVC VP of Administrative Services
Foundation Treasurer
Dr. Susan Bangasser
SBVC Faculty, Retired

Mr. John Echevarria
Community Affairs Sergeant, San Bernardino Police Department
Mr. Robert Garcia
SBVC Alum & United States Air Force, Retired
Ms. Allynn Jackson
Administrative Office, San Bernardino City Unified School District

Mr. Gary Kelly
SBVC Faculty, Retired

Dr. Ken Lane
Kaiser Permanente, Retired
Mr. Justin R. Martinez
Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Mr. Kerry E. Neal
Nonprofit Director of Development
Ms. Patricia Nickols-Butler
Nonprofit Director

Ms. Faye Pointer

Mr. Michael Sola 
SBVC Head Athletic Trainer, Retired

Mr. Edward Szumski
SBVC Professor, Retired

Mr. Dexter Thomas
Police Captain, Retired

Ms. Beatriz Valdez
Chief of Fiscal Resources, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority

Dr. Anne L. Viricel
President, San Bernardino Community College District Board of Trustees
Ex- Officio Directors
Mr. Paul Bratulin
SBVC Campus Director, Marketing, Creative Services & Public Affairs

Ms. Davena Burns-Peters
SBVC Academic Senate President

Mr. Taylor DeBenedictis
SBVC Associated Student Government President
Mr. Mike Layne
SBVC Interim Executive Director, Development and Community Relations

Mr. Zohaib Rehman
SBVC Associated Student Government Executive Vice President

Mr. Jose Torres
Interim Chancellor, San Bernardino Community College District
Suggest an article or alumni spotlight by sending an email to: