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Fall 2022 Newsletter

Message from the President


Hello SBCAMFT community, 

As summer fades to fall, we wrapped up our summer at SBCAMFT with our annual summer mixer at the Mission Rose Garden – it was a joyful evening of connection, camaraderie and one of our best attended events since 2020. 

It’s clear that our community is seeking just that – connection, and we are honored to be holding space to create that and to facilitate friendships, growth and opportunity for both personal and professional development.

In addition to this, our board has been hard at work preparing for our upcoming election, interviewing potential candidates and preparing our slate - which we are excited to share with you soon! We have a vibrant current board, with many terms continuing into next year and look forward to welcoming a few new additions to our leadership team in January.

And as this year begins to wind down, things are just beginning at SBCAMFT in terms of cultivating community. We have our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) launching soon, and our second coffee with SBCAMFT - a complimentary event to encourage networking and connecting with our SBCAMFT community. Alongside this, we have our diversity offering - Tea with JT, with two upcoming dates to get involved with deepening our personal and collective diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) efforts. We are wrapping up our CEU offerings with our upcoming Law and Ethics In October, alongside our monthly prelicensed support groups and an upcoming prelicensed panel.

As we continue fostering the mission of community + connection - the theme and focus of my presidency these next two years, we hope that whether attending a coffee meet up, a diversity conversation or our end of year holiday party in December, that you find a space in SBCAMFT where you belong and find encouragement. So often as therapists, we hold such great space for others – but this community is here to hold space for you too – as a human, and a therapist.

We are grateful you are here and a part of our SBCAMFT chapter. See you soon!

Claire Blakey

Claire Blakey (she/her), MA, LMFT, PMH-C

President, SBCAMFT

Message from the Communications Director

This fall our newsletter looks a little different. Instead of featuring full-length articles, we are placing content on the website. Why are we doing this? Our analytics show that there may not be a lot of engagement with our newsletters and we want to put our volunteer hours where they are needed the most. Show us what matters to you as a member by clicking on the sections that you are interested in so we can keep giving you content that matters. Clicking links and buttons helps us see reader engagement.

Thank you to everyone who nominated a therapist to write a reflection this quarter. Let's keep the momentum going!

Kady Fleckenstein

Kady Fleckenstein (she/her), MA

Director of Communications, SBCAMFT

Member Reflections

The theme of this quarter's reflections is "gratitude". The prompt was: what therapy niche, modality or specialty are you grateful for as therapist? Is there a method, theory or technique that you have seen incredible healing and growth from in your clinical practice? Click on any reflection below to read them in full on our website. We are excited to highlight the incredible work you all are doing in the community as we gear our focus towards the holidays and appreciation for the work we all do. Please thank these contributors by taking a moment to read their reflections on our website.

Petra Beumer, LMFT

My Non-Diet Approach to Weight Management & Emotional Eating

Diets fail when emotional eating is not addressed. I have developed a mindful approach to weight loss and emotional eating. My program is deeply rooted in positive psychology as well as self-compassion and mindfulness principles.

During our initial consultation my clients share their unique weight loss journey and diet history.....

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Erin Pollaro, LMFT

Grateful for the Role of Feminism in Psychotherapy 


As an integrative practitioner with a wide range of clients who deeply loves so many aspects of my job, it’s challenging to narrow down and succinctly describe a modality, niche or specialty for which I am grateful. “The work”, as we all know, is immensely complex, and I have high regard for all the many layers involved....

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Annie Finch, AMFT

I am blessed to work with a diverse clientele. I specialize in treating clients with anxiety and trauma and am trained in EMDR. I work with couples using the Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused therapy. As well as being an AMFT, I am a certified substance use treatment counselor. My go-to, know-it-in-my-bones modality is CBT, and I am grateful that it can be applied to a diverse clientele, individuals, groups and couples. However, CBT is not for everyone, so knowing and using other theories and modalities is essential in my work....

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Yolanda Yturralde, LMFT


I am grateful for my life in Santa Barbara, for being able to make a difference in the lives of my clients and family, to live near the glorious nature between sea and hills. To speak about gratitude is a regular occurrence in my private practice today. I was burned out after seeing double the amount of highly traumatized and distressed clients over the past several years and recently began to expand my own contemplative practices....

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Diversity Spotlight

Congratulations to Jonathan for becoming licensed since our last newsletter!

Message from Diversity Committee Chair,

Jonathan Thompson II

As Autumn is upon us there is the opportunity to engage as a community in increasing diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ). I am excited to share that we are working on opportunities for you to become more actively involved beyond just the membership perks including a book group, micro-volunteerism appeals, and continuing my talks (Tea with JT) countywide to start the dialogue around issues of DEIJ. We are providing several on-ramps to community and I look forward seeing you becoming more active in your local chapter.

Jonathan Thompson II

Jonathan Thompson II (he/his), MA, LMFT, APCC

Diversity Director, SBCAMFT

DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice) Statement

SBCAMFT is committed to working in practical and substantive ways to take action in both our organization and our community, in order to learn about and remain aware of longstanding patterns of historical and systemic discrimination and biases, and to take action towards breaking these patterns. Click here to visit our Diversity page on

Save the Dates: Tea with J.T.

Tea with J.T. final draft.png

SBCAMFT is providing an opportunity to engage in building trust, practicing active listening, and working to have a place to create action both personally and professionally. The purpose of this group is to provide space for clinicians and those who desire to better understand longstanding patterns that impact our community. This will allow for dialogue as often the question is posed "Where do I start?".


Where: Lucky Llama Coffee House, 5100 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria

When: Saturday, October 15, 2022, 10am-Noon

What: This in-person event invites clinicians to come together to get to know our new Diversity Director and build a community conversation about diversity.

Cost: FREE for all SBCAMFT and Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

Sponsored by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health 



Where: TBD at a Lompoc Location

When: Saturday, November 12, 2022, 10am-Noon

What: This in-person event invites clinicians to come together to get to know our new Diversity Director and build a community conversation about diversity.

Cost: FREE for all SBCAMFT and Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

Sponsored by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health 


CE Events

SBCAMFT's Annual Law & Ethics Workshop

Where: Online, Zoom

When: Friday October 21, 2022, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with a 60-minute lunch break (Session 1: 9:00 a.m. - Noon & Session 2: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

What: 6 CE credit for 2 topics, 3 CE for 1 topic (Find more details by clicking the button below).

Session 1:

  • You Are Ordered to Appear in Person: When a Therapist is Called to Testify

Session 2:

  • Recommended Practices for School-Based Psychotherapists

Cost: $25 for Student/Associate members, $35 for SBCAMFT members and $75 for Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

About the Presenters:

Click the button below to read more about CAMFT attorneys Kristin Roscoe, Esq., Mike Griffin, Esq., Sara Jasper, Esq.

Sponsored by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health 

Information & Registration

Pre-licensed Spotlight

Joshua Manney.jpg

Message from Pre-licensed Committee Chair, Josh Manney

Hello Pre-licensed community! I am Josh, your Director or Pre-licensing at SB CAMFT and am excited to share with you some upcoming opportunities for the community. 

First up, we have an ongoing monthly Pre-Licensed Peer Support Group that meets over Zoom on a monthly basis. This is a great way to connect, ask questions, and hear from special guest speakers on all things Pre-licensed. Next, we have a very special Pre-licensed Panel event where we will feature experts in areas like; private practice as an associate, applying for licensure, becoming an associate, and more! Lastly, we are looking for members to join our Pre-licensed Committee who will help with planning and hosting events, bringing new ideas to the SB CAMFT Board, and anything else that would be helpful for this community. You can email me at prelicensed@sbcamft.orgwith a quick blurb about why you want to join and your resume. Check out below and our SB CAMFT website to for more information and to register for these events!

Hope to see you all out there,

Josh Manney

Josh Manney (he/his), MS, AMFT, APCC

Pre-Licensed Director, SBCAMFT

Pre-licensed Events


Who: Pre-licensed SBCAMFT members and Non-SBCAMFT members  (Join now!)

Where: Zoom

Where: Friday, November 4, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

What: This virtual event for the pre-licensed community will host an expert panel to discuss pre-licensed topics such as; working in private practice as an associate, applying for your license and taking the exam, applying for your associate number, and more! 

Cost: FREE for all SBCAMFT and $10 for Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

Sponsored by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health 

More Info


A monthly event for pre-licensed clinicians

Where: Zoom (link will be provided with registration)

When: First Friday of every month from 10am-11am

What: This virtual event for pre-licensed clinicians is a great place to come together to support one another during your pre-licensed journey. We will have a guest speaker each meeting who is a licensed clinician who can share their journey and answer questions the group has for them. Peer support groups do not include case consultations.

Cost: FREE for all SBCAMFT and Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

Sponsored by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health 

More Info

Member Events



Where: CAJE Coffee - 1316 State Street, Santa Barbara, Ca 93101


When: Friday, September 30, 7:30 - 9:00 AM


What: Connect with other clinicians over a cup of coffee or tea. Stop in on your way to work or stay for a while. We can’t wait to see you!


Cost:  FREE! Includes complimentary drip coffee*

More Info



Where: Zoom


When: Friday, October 21, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM with a 60-minute lunch included


What: Subpoenas/Testifying & Legal and Ethical Issues for Therapists Working in a School Setting (6 CEs for 2 sessions and 3 CEs for one session.)


Cost: $25 for Student/Associate members, $35 for SBCAMFT members and $75 for Non-SBCAMFT members (Join now!)

Click below for more details.

More Info




Where: To be announced soon! 


When: Thursday, December 1, 5:30 - 8:30 PM


What: Come and connect with other clinicians in the community over food, drinks and fun! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!


Cost: SBCAMFT Licensed Members: $30, SBCAMFT pre-licensed/associate members: $20, SBCAMFT student members: $15, Non-SBCAMFT members: $40

More Info
See All Events


Meet SBCAMFT's New Social Media Director

Meet Karla-Julia Ramos. Karla-Julia is a recent Antioch graduate where she focused on Latinx Mental Health. She is currently gaining her clinical hours with the Family Service Agency in their senior service program. Looking into the future, she hopes to continue communication between therapist and community while combining her passion for dance with counseling.

Meet our Board

Open Board Positions

SBCAMFT is currently seeking three new, two-term positions on its 2023 Board of Directors: President elect, Director of Membership and Director of CE Events.

To apply, please email or click the button below for position details.

More Information

New Webpages

We are consistently trying to make our website easier to navigate. Recently we made a few more updates. Click on any of the page names below to access the corresponding webpage throughout the next year!

  • Updated! NEWSLETTERSFind newsletters, reflection prompts and contact information directly from our main menu.
  • Updated! MEMBERSHIP: You will find links to all of your membership needs on the main membership page. This cleans up our main menu, making it easier to navigate.
  • GET INVOLVEDFind information on how you can get involved via volunteering, subcommittees, special interest groups, joining our board of directors, sponsorship, surveys and more. Be sure to check back regularly for updated information.
  • DIRECTORY & RESOURCES: You can now find our therapist and supervision directories as well as crisis response information under the menu item "Directory & Resources". 

Special Interest Groups


Hi everyone! 

We’re excited to be putting the finishing touches on our special interest groups!! Our offerings include a hiking group, in person and online consultation groups, a book club and, drumroll please… Pickleball!!! 

Whether you prefer to connect via zoom or in person, or a little bit of both, we’ve got something for you. And thank you so much to those who have reached out saying they’d like to support and lead within the groups.

If you haven’t yet filled out our Google form but would like to participate, now is your chance, fill it out this week to get an invite for first meetings! And if you’d like to support this effort by taking a leadership role, we can always use the help so shoot me an email and we’ll get something going.

As the light begins to change and the heat of summer begins to fade, we are so looking forward to a fall season of greater community and connection. See you out there!


Megan Attore

Megan Attore, AMFT

Community Engagement Director, SBCAMFT


Sponsor Spotlight

Mission Harbor Behavioral Health

Thank you to our Platinum sponsor, Mission Harbor Behavioral Health, for supporting SBCAMFT's programming including events, mixers and our quarterly newsletter.

Please find a helpful mental health guide for Santa Barbara-area Marriage Family Therapists provided by Mission Harbor Behavioral Health on our sponsorship page. Click below to access their College Student Mental Health and Substance Abuse Support Resource Guide.

College Guide

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