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Cow Hollow Association
SB 50 Update
Constitutional Amendment



May 21, 2019

State Constitutional Amendment:
Protect Local Control of Land Use and Zoning Regulation
On May 16th, the State Senate Appropriations Committee did not advance Senator Wiener's controversial SB 50 housing bill to the Senate floor for a vote - see articleSB50 is not dead, and will be back, even if defeated!  (It will just be amended and amended, sporting new shades of lipstick).  The only solution to bar legislation like this and stop the whack-a-mole housing fight is with a constitutional amendment, and one is being prepared. It needs your support!  

Senator Wiener has vowed to get SB 50 passed.  He is running for re-election in 2020 by catering to the special interests of developers, real estate and tech and ignoring the strong opposition from the SF Board of Supervisors, his own SF constituents and the rest of California. 

Cities and communities know best how to meet their housing needs and they do not want Sacramento's one-size-fits-all, draconian, developer giveaway.  
Thank you to everyone who made calls to legislators, sent in emails and told their friends and neighbors to do the same.  Continuing to oppose SB 50 in Sacramento and get the State Constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2020  will be big undertakings and we will need your financial help for legal, lobbying and communications.   To learn more about the Amendment and donate, please go to

What is really causing rising housing prices

Cow Hollow Association
Board of Directors

Sherry Archer, David Bancroft, Anne Bertrand, Lori Brooke, 
Don Emmons, Cari Gennarelli, Cynthia Gissler,
Karen Laughlin, Claire Mills, Veronica Taisch, Geoff Wood