What better time than during this season of hope, joy and giving to announce that Reading Buddies are once again meeting in person with children across San Antonio. It has been well over a year and a half since the pandemic shuttered the schools and changed all our lives forever....more
Volunteer Spotlight
Please meet Kye Fox, our Reading Buddy of the month! After more than a year of being gone due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kye was the first Reading Buddy to step foot inside the Elementary. This is her third-year volunteering as a Reading Buddy and has done so at three different schools! She believes that “Children benefit by personal one-on-one contact. Smiles and genuine interest in them is so important.” When asked about her experience with the children she emphasizes, “They look forward to our meeting each week…and it’s so satisfying to see them grow. It is truly a beautiful experience!” We are so grateful for all our volunteers, the dedication and passion of Reading Buddies like Kye Fox is what truly makes a difference in the lives of these children. Thank you Kye and every single volunteer who has come back this year to help us return to pre-pandemic levels.
School Spotlight

This month we are excited to recognize Bonham Academy as our School Spotlight! Our Site Director, Monica Guhlin, is also a 2nd grade teacher at Bonham Academy and continues to facilitate our program on the campus. The dedication and love from Bonham Academy continue to make our program a success. This year, it was the first school to resume our Reading Buddy program on campus. We are thrilled to be back in action at Bonham and are so grateful for all the hard work presented by the Bonham Academy faculty and staff.
Donor Spotlight
Valero has been a long-time supporter of our SAYL Reading Buddy Program, and once again we would like to give a special thank you for their $5,000 grant award. Research shows that young children who are not fluent readers by 3rd grade may never catch up to their peers. With the help of donors like Valero, San Antonio Youth Literacy can address that need by helping 2nd graders in San Antonio Elementary schools who are struggling to read on grade level.
May your holidays sparkle with moments of love, laughter, and goodwill!

- San Antonio Youth Literacy
The gift of giving back
this Holiday Season!
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