SAGA Alumni & Friends

Monthly News & Updates

April 24, 2024 | April Newsletter

Notes from Anjanette's Desk | Flohmarkt 2024 | SAGA is Hiring | Summer Camp Registration | Community News

Liebe SAGA Alumni and Friends,

Spring is always a wonderful time of year. We watch the trees and flowers blooming; the later sunset allows neighbors to visit longer, and in general, the Pacific Northwest seems to awaken with a renewed vibrancy. As you will see in this newsletter, there are many opportunities for our community to come together during the springtime. Join SAGA for our annual Flohmarkt, support the Austrian Club gathering, or attend a classical concert hosted by the German Honorary Consulate in support of Ukraine. Together we are stronger!

~Anjanette Gonzales, Head of School

SAGA Flohmarkt & Bake Sale

Sat. May 4, 10am-1pm at SAGA+

11050 Greenwood Ave. N.

Seattle WA 98133

Join us for this cherished SAGA tradition! Shop for hidden gems and nibble on scrumptious home-baked goods at this event, where vendors sell lightly-used or homemade items.

We're still seeking Flohmarkt vendors, bakers, and volunteers! This is a cherished event that connects us as a broader SAGA community and neighborhood. Please join us!

Sign Up to Sell or Volunteer by April 26th

SAGA Summer Camp Registration

Spots remain open for SAGA Summer Camps! We offer exciting and engaging camp opportunities for children ages 30 mos.–10 years.

Summer Break Camps

July 8–12, 2024

July 15–19, 2024

July 29–August 2, 2024

August 5–9, 2024

9:00am to 1:15pm/3:00pm daily

Learn more and register

SAGA is Hiring

Do you know of someone who would be a great fit to work at SAGA? Please send them our way! We are hiring a variety of teaching and caregiving roles in support of our growth and the upcoming 2024-25 school year.

Learn more: SAGA job opportunities

Community News

Seeking German-Speaking Babysitter

Several days/week, 9:30-11:30am

A SAGA family in Loyal Heights is looking for a German-speaking babysitter to care for / play with their two-year-old son. Exact schedule per arrangement. If you know of someone who may be interested, please reach out to Anastasia.

EGLS Book and Bake Sale

May 11th, 11:00am to 1:00pm

1934 108th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA

Explore German literature and satisfy your sweet tooth at the Eastside German Language School Book and Bake Sale on May 11th! Browse a selection of German books, games, and movies, and purchase delicious homemade treats.

Austria Club: Family Maifest

May 19th, 2-5pm

7304 NE 175th St, Kenmore, WA

Bring the whole family the Austria Club's annual spring festival. Music, dancing by the Enzian Schuhplattler, and food available. Ticket pricing, sign up information, and details HERE.

Kyiv Classic Orchestra: A Child's Dream

May 25th, 2024, 8pm

Benaroya Hall

More info and purchase tickets

Come hear the Kyiv Classic Orchestra perform internationally recognized Ukrainian classical pieces, folklore melodies, as well as recent modern and original compositions by young Ukrainian composers. All proceeds benefit Ukraine’s largest children's hospital, Ohmatdyt. Sponsored by Benaroya Hall and the Honorary Consul of Germany in Seattle.

Host a High School Exchange Student

Student Ambassador Exchange Global is seeking host families for German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese high school students who will attend local schools. Upcoming hosting opportunities for semester-only or full year. Learn more


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