Hi, Everyone.

We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, whether you were on the court, or tripping around the country with family!
An historic weekend just passed, with S2 hosting our first ever US Squash Event! Congratulations to all our Scozzie competitors who performed so well, and you can catch up with the report below! Shout out also to those Scozzies who continued to train hard throughout the event, training always runs, and the big matches of summer and beyond will be here before we know it! Well done!

Spring is the time for planning and we are holding parent meetings between now and June 1 to to sit down and discuss camp plans (both home and away), together with a review of the season and to help plan the most suitable and individualized squash pathway for your child. We are available to speak late morning and early afternoons most days, as well as select evenings post 8:00pm. Click here to make a meeting time - we're looking forward to catching up!

  1. Click here to go to our S2 website and read about summer options.
  2. When you have made a decision, click BOOK NOW and you will have exclusive access to our early bird discount offered until Memorial Day - no code required!
  3. Finally you will need to select the “change/forgot my password” option and follow the steps to create a new password using the email addresses you have provided to us previously.
  4. Any questions can come to us directly HERE!
As always, reply to this email with any questions and we'll see you at training!
Paul and Lyall