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What Can You Do at RyeTV

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Check out the RyeTV public access website.

The site includes streaming of the public channel, twitter and facebook links, as well as, space for not-for-profits, news, calendars and schedules.

March  2014 

Dear Rye Not-for-Profit Organizations: 


RyeTV offers training in production, editing and online outreach skills to Rye not-for-profits. We also produce short informational videos for not-for-profits at no cost.  


We have a three camera studio and editing stations that are available to Rye citizens, along with portable video equipment to create programs that cablecast on the public channel and stream at  http://www.ryetv.org/.


We invite you to join us for a short, informational meeting that will help you get your message out.



Stephen Fairchild

Rye Cable and Communications Committee          

You are Invited

to a

30 minute Presentation


What We Can Do for You!


Thursday, March 27th

7:00 pm


RyeTV Studio

Rye Middle School

(Entrance is to the left of the dumpster)


Rye Youth Council, SPRYE, The Osborn, Rye YMCA, and others have taken advantage of this FREE service to document important events and to let the Rye community know what they do.


Will you?


RSVP: Nicole Levitsky at



 RyeTV is a free service to the Rye community

 and we want to help you get your message out.

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