November 2019 - Issue #83
Project Update:
Helping Historic New Market, MD Bring Stormwater Management into the Present
The Town of New Market, Maryland was established more than 200 years ago. As a result, runoff from the historic district (almost half the area of the Town), which was developed before the adoption of stormwater management regulations, flows untreated into storm drains and streams. Over the past two years, the Center for Watershed Protection has assisted the Town with efforts to better manage runoff from these areas to reduce pollution while also addressing other community concerns.
Staff Profile: Meet Travis
Marlyn Argueta interviews our newest staff member, Travis Ostrom, Water Resources Engineer
How did you get started working on watersheds?
I wanted to apply my math degree to make the world better in a tangible way, so I went back to school to become an engineer. My love for the environment and environmental engineering developed from being surrounded by environmentalists/engineers in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula.
Now for the silly questions. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
Which sea creature is your favorite?
What is your favorite river?
The Everglades
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
The ability to banter well with villains (or just people I don’t know very well).
What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
See a glacier.
CWP is now an approved supplier through Pennsylvania's Cooperative Purchasing Program!
The Center for Watershed Protection was recently awarded a COSTARS-41 contract to supply Stormwater Management Consulting and Engineering Services to COSTARS members.
More Info Here
Current COSTARS members can view the Center’s services and pricing by logging into the COSTARS Member Area
Contact Karen Cappiella to request a quote for stormwater management services at 410-461-9323 x3203 or
New Bulletin Available: Comparing the Performance of Shrubs and Trees in Parking Lot Plantings: Implications for Design
Greening parking lots has many benefits such as reducing stormwater runoff; increasing evapotranspiration, infiltration, and interception; lowering urban heat island effects; and making a harsh environment more habitable. Historically, trees represented most parking lot greenery. Unfortunately, much of the intended cover by trees is not realized because of inadequate soil volume, low quality soil, drought conditions, and parking lot management practices. This project compares tree versus shrub performance in parking lots and parks.
Conowingo WIP update from the Bay Journal
A coalition of nonprofits (including the Center) is developing a plan to reduce nutrient pollution to the Upper Bay to offset the impact of the Conowingo Dam. The current outlook: “It is certainly a challenge,” said Bryan Seipp, a watershed manager here at the Center who is helping to coordinate the effort.
Join our team! Now hiring a Water Resources Engineer.
Join the Center for Watershed Protection team and use your skills to make a real difference in watershed practices across the nation. We are looking for a mid-level water resources engineer with a strong project management skills that can be the project lead on various tasks related to the design of urban BMPs,(e.g., step pool stormwater conveyance, bioretention, permeable pavement) and other environmental engineering work. Work may also include site plan review on-site in the District of Columbia.
Click on the link below to see if you are a good fit for our team!
March 3rd-5th, 2020
BeaverCON 2020
Our partner, Ecotone Inc., invites you to learn the most effective beaver management practices to resolve beaver conflicts, improve water quality, and facilitate ecological restoration!
April 14th - 17th, 2020
2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
Join us in Austin, Texas.
A big thank you to our newest CWPA members!
City of Tumwater, APEX, Kim J.,Sabrina M., Deliah B., Arlington County, Jennifer B., NOVA College, Calvert County, Leslie Y., Frederick County, City of Whitefish, Wade T., Mike C., Laura N., Joshua D., Tham S., Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Christopher T., Michael F.
National Conference Sponsor Spotlight
Contact Karen Titus at
or 410-461-8323 ext.216 with any questions or if you need more information about sponsor opportunities!