November 2022 - Issue #101
Project Update: Maintaining Forests in Stream Corridor Restoration
A recent, rapid increase in the implementation of stream restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed has led to growing controversy over the short-term adverse impacts of these projects on streamside forest buffers. Stream restoration may also contribute to long-term impacts on the riparian community as delayed tree loss occurs due to altered water levels, soil compaction, and other effects from the adjacent construction activity.
Happy Retirement Bill Hodgins!
Bill Hodgins, our Senior Water Resources Engineer, will be retiring at the end of the year. Bill joined CWP in 2015 from the City of Savannah where he served as the Environmental Administrator for the Stormwater Management Department. Bill was responsible for the City’s Phase I MS4 permit and managed the Department’s GIS and Site Plan Review programs. Prior to the City he was in private environmental consulting to industrial trade associations, and held corporate and manufacturing plant positions in the pulp and paper and fiberglass industries.

His work with CWP has been a part of his continuum of a quest for clean water in his community. It began with his attempts to find and catch fish from the polluted ditches and streams draining the rich farm country of southeast Michigan and northwest Ohio. The Clean Water Act has since been his passion through work as an environmental engineer in the fiberglass industry, a water resources engineer in the forest products industry, an engineering consultant, a municipal stormwater engineer and here as a water resources engineer.

Thank you Bill! Congratulations on your retirement and your wonderful career.
CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ has more water monitoring content coming your way
What’s keeping you from your water monitoring data? Time-consuming trips to the field? User-unfriendly handhelds? Complex telemetry setups? Inflexible data services platforms? On the latest episode of the AquaPod podcast, In-Situ software and solutions leaders Matt Trumbo and Tom Koniuta talk about the company’s tireless quest for the “happy path,” improving app-based and remote monitoring options to make it easier than ever to collect, access and manage your data. Listen here and subscribe to AquaPod for more episodes on water monitoring.
Pets of CWP!
Shout out to our patron sponsor, Ecotone for this paws-itive idea!
Name: Molly
Age: 10 Years
Breed: German Shepherd/Lab Mix
Home watershed: Patapsco River Watershed
Likes: Playing catch, chasing bun buns, and being dried off.
Dislikes: New people and the pool.
CWP News
Our 2021 Annual Report is now available!
Check out our latest report that sums up our past year. It includes accomplishments and financials, and acknowledges contributors

Join us in San Diego for the 2023 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference!
The conference will explore the value of water through case studies and workshop discussions. Topics will include the opportunities and challenges with stormwater harvesting and reuse. Nutrient trading and placing a value on natural infrastructure will be investigated, as well as traditional and innovative funding mechanisms for stormwater solutions. Is water valued differently by different people? What does environmental justice mean in relation to the value of water?
Check out the 2023 CWP Webcast Lineup!
We are working on our 2023 lineup of webcasts. If you are not a member, now is a great time to join our network and access all of the resources the Center has to offer.

Maryland Fairgrounds Going Green
CWP is collaborating with the Maryland State Fairgrounds to install green infrastructure to reduce polluted runoff and protect the farm animals from flooding during future State Fairs.”

National Watershed Research Network Update!
CWP is excited to announce the official launch of the National Watershed Research Network, a collaborative that helps communities achieve clean water and healthy watersheds by funding applied research on topics determined by its members. The Network’s Steering Committee will be meeting next month to decide on what research project to fund in 2023. Membership is open to all.

Upcoming Events
2022 Webcast 10: Stormwater Retrofitting
December 7th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: In many urban and suburban watersheds, the landscape has already been developed without stormwater controls. This can make it difficult to address local watershed and stormwater management goals, such as reducing pollutant loads to meet total maximum daily load (TMDL) regulations. The task at hand for watershed managers in these already developed urban and suburban watersheds is watershed restoration. This webcast will focus on the restoration of urban and suburban watersheds through implementing practices such as permeable pavement and bioretention to intercept and treat runoff to reduce pollutant loads or reduce runoff volume, and how to avoid the pitfalls of common designs.

Speakers: David R. Hanny from Barton & Loguidice and Andy Erickson from the University of Minnesota

Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY): Concepts in Invasive Species
December 15th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Description: Have you been handed a project that involves invasive species and don’t know where to start? Maybe you are planning a new bio-swale or a working in aquatic areas and are responsible for selecting the plant species to restore the area. As we globalize there are ways invasive species effect our waterways and watersheds, a major pathway has been through horticulture in our residential and commercial urban areas. Join Tina McIntyre, UF/IFAS Extension Agent in Seminole County to learn how you can be a part of preventing the spread of these organisms that negatively effect our economy, society and environment.

2023 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 24th - 27th, 2023
Join us in San Diego, California
Learning Links
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