July 2022 - Issue #99
Project Update: Stormwater Management Retrofit Inventory in Strasburg Borough, PA
For the past three years, the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) has operated a Circuit Rider program to provide technical assistance to municipalities in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on reducing stormwater pollution.
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Allison Lee
Marlyn Argueta interviews Allison Lee, CWP's newest Water Resources Engineer.

How did you get started working on watersheds?
I originally went to Virginia Tech for Civil Engineering with the intention of being a structural engineer, but after taking courses in water resources, I realized that was my true calling. Which, given my passion for the environment, makes a lot more sense for me in hindsight! I grew up in Virginia Beach where the Chesapeake Bay was a source of both fun and food, so I loved the idea of being able to make a positive impact on the Bay for future generations.

What is your favorite part about working for the Center?
My favorite part about working for the Center is being able to learn from such a knowledgeable and passionate group of people!

Now for the silly questions. What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up?
Hard to pick just one… but maybe Pokemon. That was an essential Saturday morning cartoon for me and my brother.

Which sea creature is your favorite?
I’m a big fan of sea otters! They’re so cute and clever. Plus, they have pockets!

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Flying because it seems like a fast and environmentally friendly way to travel. More importantly, I don’t have to worry about traffic!

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A big house for my parents and plane tickets around the world for me.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
Currently I’m in a #VanLife mood, so one day I’d like to travel across the country in a van and visit all 50 states and all the national parks along the way.
Pets of CWP!
Shout out to our patron sponsor, Ecotone for this paws-itive idea!
Name: PJ
Age: 16 Weeks
Breed: Great Dane Retriever Mix
Home watershed: 8 digit Rocky Gorge Dam, 6 digit Patuxent River
Likes: He loves people and splashing around in water. He also has never met a food he hasn’t liked.
Dislikes: Going inside and getting picked up from daycare.
CWP News
Info on the CWC Instructor Preparation Program
The The Center for Watershed Protection provides training for individuals interested in delivering the Clean Water Certificate (CWC) training program to residents in their communities, new employees,or participants in their local workforce development programs
State Revolving Funds Support for Stormwater Solutions
Is obtaining external funding essential to accomplish your capital projects? Do you need help preparing successful funding applications? Do you struggle finding staff with the expertise to administer grants and loans?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then the Center for Watershed Protection can help you! CWP has engineers and professionals with experience to assist you in writing successful applications and administering funding after award. CWP staff can:
CWP National Watershed Research Network Updates
Communities across the country are working hard to meet clean water goals but need answers to a growing set of research questions about the causes of watershed impacts and effective solutions to address them. Lack of information, funding, time, and staff resources often hinder progress on translating research into measurable action. That’s where the National Watershed Research Network comes in. This collaborative helps communities achieve clean water and healthy watersheds by funding applied research on topics determined by its members. Click here to learn more and join the network:

Celebrate our 30th anniversary by going “back to the basics” with experts at the CWP
The Center for Watershed Protection is celebrating our 30th anniversary by sharing our experience, resources, and tools curated from decades of collaboration and industry leadership with you! Are you looking to enhance your industry knowledge and skillset, receive curated lists of guidance documents, manuals and tools, network with industry professionals, and earn Center for Watershed Protection CEUs/PDHs? Register now for this late summer virtual training series, beginning August 23, 2022!

Now Accepting Abstracts for the 2022 Coastal & Island Symposium!
If you live, work, or play in a coastal or island environment, the challenges to managing your watershed are often very different. High water tables, flooding, lack of elevation, difficulty in acquiring traditional materials, variations in soil type, and other issues play a critical role in the types and ways tools should be applied and practiced. This symposium is designed for practitioners to learn more about the challenges of coastal & island environments and share the tools, stories, challenges they face as practitioners in the coastal and island environment. Participants will hear from other experts around the country on watershed and stormwater issues while connecting with experts in the field.

Upcoming Events
2022 Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY)
Next Webcast:
  • Geospatial Presentation
  • Brandon Palin from Ecopia AI and Nate Herold from NOAA's Office for Coastal Management
  • The CWPA offers free monthly lunch & learns to members only. But we are inviting EVERYONE to join our August Lunch & Learn so that you can experience just one of the many benefits that the CWPA offers.
  • August 18th, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Virtual Training Series
August 23rd - September 27th, 2022
Experts at the Center for Watershed Protection will share their experience, resources, and tools curated from decades of collaboration and industry leadership so that you may do more effective and efficient watershed work. This late summer virtual training series, beginning August 23, 2022 is comprised of six training modules, each of which is 90-minutes of live, interactive training with Center for Watershed Protection staff. Attendees will enhance their industry knowledge and skillset, network with industry professionals, receive access to guidance documents and manuals, and earn Center for Watershed Protection continued education units (CEUs) or professional development hours (PDHs).

2022 Webcast 7:Climate Change and Urban Flooding Issues
September 21st, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: Changes in temperature and climate patterns are making floods more common in parts of the United States. As more communities experience extreme weather changes and coastal communities plan for sea level rise, floodplains are expected to grow and areas that were once considered safe are now facing unexpected water levels. This webcast will look at climate change and the role it plays in flooding, and how communities are addressing this increasing challenge.

Speakers: Franco Montalto from Drexel University & Samantha Ward from the City of Surrey Engineering Department

Instructor Preparation Program Virtual Training
October 10th - 14th, 2022
Successful completion of the 12-hr. online training will permit qualified candidates to teach the Center’s hands-on, ANSI-accredited certificate program that delivers industry-specific skills and knowledge for entry-level jobs in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) construction, inspection, and maintenance. Bring the Clean Water Certificate workforce training program to your community this summer, by becoming a CWC Instructor, or learn about opportunities to become a friend of the program!

2022 Coastal & Island Symposium
November 10th - 11th, 2022
Fulton, MD
If you live, work, or play in a coastal or island environment, the challenges to managing your watershed are often very different. High water tables, flooding, lack of elevation, difficulty in acquiring traditional materials, variations in soil type, and other issues play a critical role in the types and ways tools should be applied and practiced. This symposium is designed for practitioners to learn more about the challenges of coastal & island environments and share the tools, stories, challenges they face as practitioners in the coastal and island environment. Participants will hear from other experts around the country on watershed and stormwater issues while connecting with experts in the field.

2023 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 24th - 27th, 2023
Join us in San Diego, California
Learning Links
The Center for Watershed Protection | www.cwp.org