November 2018 - Issue #77
Project Update: Guidance for Developing an Offsite Stormwater Compliance Program for Redevelopment Projects in Massachusetts
A new guidance document was recently developed by the Center for Watershed Protection to assist regulated small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) communities in Massachusetts develop an offsite mitigation program for redevelopment projects.
Project Update: Refining Stream Erosion Rates and Stream Restoration Credits in York County, PA
The Center for Watershed Protection, in partnership with Ecosystem Planning and Restoration Inc. (EPR), assisted the York County Stormwater Consortium with evaluation of stream bank erosion rates on twelve stream reaches identified for restoration in York County, PA.
Project Update: Improving Stormwater Management at Maryland State Parks
The Center developed designs for state park lands and worked with DNR Parks Service, DNR CCS, and Maryland Department of the Environment to ensure that the projects addressed the park maintenance issues while providing water quality benefits.
Staff Profile: Meet Karen
Marlyn Argueta interviews Karen Titus, NEW Membership Sales Manager.

Why did you choose the Center as your next challenge?
I've always had an interest in the environment and clean water. I was fascinated by the work that Center does and wanted to learn more.

What do you hope to accomplish at the Center?
My main goal is to grow the membership program at the Center. I would also like to promote the work that the Center is doing to the general public and increase the awareness of water related issues throughout communities across the nation.

Now for the silly questions. At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
I am not a fan of shopping and try to avoid malls whenever possible!

What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
I Dream of Jeannie (Yeah.. I’m old)

Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
The Pursuit of Happiness

Which sea creature is your favorite?

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
I love to watch documentaries

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I would buy a cottage on the beach.
CWP News
5 Reasons to Attend our Conference
Blog from Chris Swann, Environmental Analyst/CIO for the Center for Watershed Protection, Inc.

The Center for Watershed Protection is once again hosting its annual Watershed and Stormwater Conference from April 29-May 2, 2019. The conference is the place to connect with water quality experts from across the country. Read the top five reasons why you should attend.

Donate while you shop for the holidays!
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support the Center every time you shop. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same shopping experience as but with the added benefit that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Center.

Follow us on Instagram
CWP has a new way to engage with all of our supporters. We have so many great pictures that we want to share with the world! Connect with us and our followers to grow your water professionals community, keep up with our projects and to continue learning about the ever changing water world.

Upcoming Events
November 27th, 2018

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Make your contribution to support clean water today!

April 29th - May 2rd, 2019

2019 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
Charleston, South Carolina
The Center for Watershed Protection |

The Center would like to acknowledge the Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. for their support of our work.