March 2022 - Issue #97
Project Update: Evaluating the Economic Benefits of Land Protection in the Savannah River Basin
The mission of the Savannah River Clean Water Fund is to protect and restore forests in the Savannah River Basin to help provide safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water for the communities and businesses in the region. The Fund was formed based on the shared recognition among public and private interests in the Savannah River Basin of the explicit connection between the Basin’s land resources and uses and their impacts on raw water supplies.
CWPA Member Spotlight: New Surface Water Monitoring Content at In-Situ
If you’re collecting water quality or water level data in rivers, lakes, streams or wetlands, In-Situ has a wealth of newly released content to support your efforts. Go to to download the new webinar 5 Steps to Successful Continuous Surface Water Monitoring with Kerry Caslow. On the blog, read about why the new VuSitu Graphing Assistant is good news for anyone doing spot-checking or profiling. Listen to the latest episode of the AquaPod podcast for an engaging conversation with In-Situ’s application specialists for surface water, coastal waters and groundwater. And the check out the success story on Nclear’s herculean effort to remediate millions of gallons of toxic wastewater at the Piney Point phosphate plant in Florida.

In-Situ works serves a global customer base, providing superior water monitoring instrumentation and software, application expertise and technical support.
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Amanda Pollack
Marlyn Argueta interviews Amanda Pollack, CWP's newest Water Resources Engineer.

How did you get started working on watersheds?
I majored in engineering because of my math and science abilities and chose civil because of my love for the environment. I enjoy seeing projects come to fruition and knowing that I have helped my community.

What is your favorite part about working for the Center?
My favorite part about working at the Center so far is the variety of projects and that everyone shares the same mission and passion for environmental issues.

Now for the silly questions. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Puzzles, typically 1,000 to 2,000 pieces. During 2020, I kept a list of my quarantine puzzles and I finished 21! I trade puzzles with friends because I don’t like to do the same puzzle twice.
What is your favorite river?
The Pocomoke River. There are cypress trees along the riverbanks and very little development. We love to boat and kayak from Shad Landing.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Being able to teleport. It would make traveling so much easier!
If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
All of the huge Harry Potter Lego sets and then probably a Tesla.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
I want to see the Northern lights from Norway. I also want to decorate a float for the Rose Bowl Parade.
Pets of CWP!
Shout out to our patron sponsor, Ecotone for this paws-itive idea!
Name: Jupiter Fox (Jupi, pronounced "hoopy" for short)
Age: 7
Breed: Chuggle (chihuahua + pug + beagle)
Home watershed: Patuxent River
Likes: Beef bone broth, being wrapped in throw blankets, being the "Porch Supervisor" (watching birds at the feeders and barking at squirrels)
Dislikes: Apartment maintenance personnel and rainy days
CWP News
Five Reasons to Join Us in St. Pete
Despite being one of the nation’s fastest-growing cities, being consistently ranked as a top arts and cultural destination among cities its size and holding the Guinness World Record for the longest number of consecutive sunshine days in the world (768 days), the city of St. Petersburg, Florida still somehow manages to slip under the radar as a top destination. I’ve been visiting St. Pete for a couple years now and every time I go, I find another reason to go back!

Check out our new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025
CWP recently released a new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. Click here to read more about our goals and strategies for the coming years:

Explore St. Pete, Florida With Us!
Conference attendees are strongly encouraged to sign up for one of our field trips. We have a total of 5 possible trips that provide a variety of experiences all focused on the St. Petersburg area and efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and water quality.
Come to the National Conference early and experience one of our Pre-Conference Workshops!
Network with MS4 communities and CWP experts to explore solutions to your most pressing questions or join John Bilotta from Minnesota Sea Grant for "The Watershed Game – train-the-trainer workshop featuring the new Coast Model" Sign up today as space is limited:

Sponsor space is running out. Six spots left!
The Center for Watershed Protection’s 2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference will provide access to stormwater professionals, researchers, and government employees. Your sponsorship is an easy and affordable way to promote your organization to the stormwater community, while supporting the continued development of this field.

Upcoming Events
2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 25th - 28th, 2022
Join us in St. Pete, Florida
The 2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference will provide a forum for watershed and stormwater professionals throughout the nation to learn how to increase the resiliency of our communities in response to emerging and persistent threats to our water resources — from headwaters to coasts. Network with water resource managers, practitioners, researchers, and regulators from all over the United States. The conference will include technical presentations, case studies, panel discussions, and workshops.

2022 Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY)
Next Webcasts:
  • Envirolok Presentation
  • May 12th, 2022 at 1:00 PM
  • CWPA Members will receive the link the week of the presentation.

2022 Webcast 4: Agriculture and Watersheds
May 25th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Agriculture practices can have a huge influence on watersheds and stream health. Lately there has been an increased discussion of concepts that promote holistic land management practices to improve soil health, crop resilience and increase soil organic matter. This not only aids in increasing soil biota diversity but also increases the water holding capacity and carbon sequestration of agricultural soils. This webcast will discuss these regenerative agricultural practices and other strategies to promote a more sustainable approach to growing crops while protecting water quality.

Speakers: Carl Rosen from the University of Minnesota and Charles Hegberg from Ecotone, Inc.

River Network's River Rally 2022
June 4th - 7th, 2022
Washington, D.C.
Hosted annually by River Network, River Rally provides an inspiring and energy-infused touchpoint for nonprofit groups from across the US and beyond, as well as for agency and foundation representatives, industry innovators, philanthropists, academics, students, and community leaders. We bring thought leaders and practitioners together to accelerate progress towards an equitable and sustainable water future. 

Ecotone's BeaverCON 2022
June 14th - 16th, 2022
Hunt Valley, MD
Inspired by, and building on others' endeavors, BeaverCON brings to light much of the cutting edge research showing how beaver provide necessary ecological recovery, assist with restoring threatened and endangered species, improve water quality, and provide important adaptations to climate change. 
Learning Links
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