January 2023 - Issue #102
Project Update: New Simple Tool Helps Chesapeake Bay Communities Calculate Benefits of Stormwater and Greening Projects
The Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) is pleased to announce the release of a new, simple tool to help communities in the Chesapeake Bay more easily and consistently estimate the water quality benefits of proposed stormwater retrofit and greening projects.
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Beth Uhler
Marlyn Argueta interviews Beth Uhler, CWP's new Pennsylvania Director.

How did you get started working on watersheds?
I entered college as a business major without any clear direction. Freshman year, I took an Intro to Geology course as an elective. It brought me back to my roots and inspired me to change my major to Geo-Environmental Studies. I had a wonderful experience in that department which really set the stage for my career. Over the years, I developed into a stormwater “nerd.”

What is your favorite part about working for the Center?
I love that the Center is mission-driven with each individual here having exceptional knowledge and skills, built upon a rich history of superior expertise and deep network of partner organizations. Fellow stormwater nerds!

At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
Backcountry.com – it fuels nearly all of my hobbies.

Which sea creature is your favorite?
Whales. I’d love to see one. I went on a zodiac boat whale-watching trip off the cost of British Columbia once, but the sea was too rough to see anything. It was a fun ride though!

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Read MS4 regulations…

What’s your favorite river?
The Brandywine. It’s the heart of Chester County. My family and I paddle the East Branch, West Branch, and main stem, and it’s one of my favorite things to do.

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Cabin on a lake by a ski mountain. Maybe on Rangeley Lake by Saddleback Mountain in Maine.
CWPA Member Spotlight: Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
Contech provides innovative, cost-effective site solutions to engineers, contractors, and developers on projects across North America. Their portfolio includes bridges, drainage, erosion control, retaining wall, sanitary sewer, and stormwater management products. Supporting every aspect of your project, their extensive network of local experts is available to help, providing agency and regulatory guidance, engineering calculations, site-specific drawings, solution development, cost estimates and installation support.
Keep up to date with Contech by following their blog below. They post new material on a wide variety of stormwater management topics throughout the year.
CWP News
Video: 2023 Outlook with CWP CEO Hye Yeong Kwon
Hye Yeong Kwon, Executive Director/ CEO of the Center for Watershed Protection, drops by to share what CWP has in store for 2023, what trends might come up for the industry this year and more.

2023 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference Field Trip Announcement!
Conference attendees are strongly encouraged to sign up for one of our field trips. We are planning possible trips that provide a variety of experiences all focused on the San Diego area and efforts to protect and preserve natural resources and water quality.
CWP in the news: California's concrete shell is making its flooding much worse
The "atmospheric river" that has dropped weeks of rain on California is showcasing how much of the state is paved over.

2023 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference Preconference Workshops Announcement!
CWP will offer two workshops to warm up our attendees to the big week. The first is, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination led by Amanda Pollack. The second workshop is, The Lifecycle of a BMP led by Greg Hoffmann.

CWP Opportunity: Chesapeake Conservation Corps 2023 – 2024
Looking to break into the environmental field and launch your career? Looking to make a difference and create change? Or know a young person who is? Young professionals gain experience, crucial career skills, a support system, and key connections within the environmental field through the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps.

Upcoming Events
Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY): Building Public Interest for Watershed Related Projects
February 9th, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Description: In order for any watershed management or environmental conservation effort to gain traction public buy-in and participation is critical. Over the past 20 years GBMc, now Alliance Technical Group (ATG), has worked with private, public and non-profit entities on watershed management and water resources conservation projects. The majority of these projects have had a public stakeholder and education component typically designed to gain knowledge of the situation and culminate in support for a given management or conservation effort. This support can be as simple as a “yes” vote (or an agreement to not be a road block) or as interactive and involved as a ”please take my property and use it as best suits the cause”. We have found that there are a myriad of activities, actions and programs that can be taken to garner the needed support of a public that cares more than you think! At this lunch and learn we will discuss many of these actions and share some hard learned lessons.

2023 Webcast 2: The Value of Biochar for Improved Soil & Water Quality Health
February 15th, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: Charles will present The Future of Biochar – Advancements and Opportunities. Dominique will present The Value of Biochar for Achieving Net Zero High Performance Green Infrastructure & Improved Soil & Water Quality Health in the Chesapeake Bay and Beyond

Speakers: Charles Hegberg of Infinite Solutions/Atlantic Biocarbons and Dominique Lueckenoff of Hugo Neu Group

2023 Webcast 3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
March 15th, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: This presentation will cover the design and implementation of an illicit discharge outfall monitoring program. Outfall inspection and monitoring is a major requirement of communities MS4 illicit discharge detection and elimination permit requirements. This presentation will specifically cover outfall identification and mapping, inspections and support applications, monitoring, and follow up investigations. Whether you have 50 or 1500 outfalls, are creating a brand-new program or have a program implemented already, we think you’ll find something useful in this presentation.
Making waters safer to swim and improving water quality by focusing on sources of human waste. Municipalities in South Orange County are partnering to implement a strategy that utilizes DNA sampling and other unique methods to help identify and abate sources of human waste discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).

Speakers: Chris Meehan of Stantec and Grant Sharp and Orange County CA Public Works

2023 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 24th - 27th, 2023
Join us in San Diego, California

2023 Ag & Watershed Symposium
October 18th - 19th, 2023
More info coming soon!
Join us in Fulton, Maryland
Learning Links
The Center for Watershed Protection | www.cwp.org