May 2021 - Issue #92
Project Update: Analysis of MS4 Monitoring Data in Maryland: What are the Effects of Restoration on Stream Quality?
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittees in Maryland have been conducting monitoring for more than 20 years to meet their permit requirements, the most recent of which specifies the use of monitoring to assess the effectiveness of watershed restoration efforts.
CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ presents "University of Maryland Becomes “Living Laboratory” for Stormwater Management"
The University of Maryland has taken an interdisciplinary approach to stormwater management with a bold project to monitor runoff at major outfalls on campus. Data collected from multiple locations on the 1,335-acre campus could be used to address both short-term responses and longer-term restoration projects that would improve water quality, maintain regulatory compliance, and enhance the sustainability and resilience of the university’s built environment.
CWPA Member Spotlight: Opti
Opti is the world's largest provider of cloud-based stormwater management. Opti enables communities to continuously improve stormwater management by delivering real-time visibility, adaptively controlling assets, and supporting smart city initiatives.

Opti is excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website, featuring technology to ensure healthier communities and cleaner water. Read through customer stories and product benefits, watch resourceful videos, and catch up on our latest webinars and newsletters at Read more about our website launch here. For questions, please reach out to us at
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Lea Spencer
Marlyn Argueta interviews one of our newest staff members, Lea Spencer, Watershed & Stormwater Training Manager

How did you get started working on watersheds?
I was an outdoorsy kid. I would beg my parents to take me and my friends camping for my birthday every year and I climbed just about every climbable tree in my neighborhood, and some that probably were not. I had an extreme appreciation for fresh air, clean streams, and green space. I always knew I wanted to protect the environment and make it a safe place for future generations.

What is your favorite part about working for the Center?
My favorite part about working for the Center for Watershed Protection is that I get to teach others how to protect their environment and keep their communities safe to enjoy.      

Now for the silly questions. At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
If I could pick a store to max-out my credit card, it would for sure be REI. I would love to camp in style. Get a YETI cooler so I would not have to replace my ice all weekend. I would buy some top-notch fishing gear, then grill my fresh catch over open fire. Maybe even one of those portable espresso makers.

Which sea creature is your favorite?
My favorite sea creature is the Sea Cucumbers. Not only are they soft and fun to hold, but they also clean the ocean by simply eating and digesting food, these sea creatures help keep the ocean clean and resilient, even fighting climate change.

What is your favorite river?
My favorite river would have to be the Potomac, for nostalgic reasons. I grew up playing in the streams that feed into the Potomac.  

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
If I could choose a superpower, it would be teleportation. I would love to travel the world and skip the airport lines.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
Before I die, I want to travel to every continent, meet people, experience different cultures, eat different foods, and learn new techniques to protect our environment. 
CWP News
2021 National Watershed & Stormwater Conference Highlights
On April 13th through April 16th, the Center for Watershed Protection hosted its sixth annual National Watershed & Stormwater Conference virtually. Our National Watershed & Stormwater Conferences are offered each Spring, and they provide a forum for sharing fresh ideas on the principles and practices of watershed and stormwater management.

Save the Date for CWP’s Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium
The 2021 Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium provides an opportunity for watershed and resource conservation professionals to discuss and learn about the role agriculture can play in improving watershed health and water quality.

Upcoming Events
Webcast 4: Planning & Implementation for TMDLs
June 2nd, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) calculate numeric targets for attainment of water quality standards set by federal standard for a certain pollutant. Effective TMDL implementation plans are often part of a larger, more comprehensive watershed planning efforts to determine which practices to achieve needed reductions. TMDL implementation plans will also require monitoring, tracking and logistical measures to demonstrate compliance. In this webcast we will use case studies and speaker experience to explore TMDLs and how to integrate and coordinate management practices to ensure compliance.

Speakers: Todd Weik of CBC Engineers & Associates, Ltd. and Brett Connell of Trutta Environmental Solutions LLC

2021 Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY)
Next Webcast:

  • OTT Hydromet Presentation
  • June 30th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • Furbish Presentation
  • July 21st, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • McCormick & Taylor Presentation
  • August 25th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • Opti Presentation
  • September 29th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • GBMc Presentation
  • October 7th, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Webcast 5: Stormwater BMP Selection
June 9th, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
The focus of this webcast is on how local policy and development guidance must support deploying the most appropriate BMP(s) for the conditions to effectively combat the negative effects of a changing climate. It’s critical to understand how the BMP is intended to work, consider inherent design limitations, and account for maintenance needs in order to ensure the practice will function as expected over time and continue to meet water quality and community-based goals. Local policy and development guidance must support deploying the most appropriate BMP(s) for the current and future conditions. This presentation will examine how to effectively utilize hybrid infrastructure to create holistic projects that succeed in meeting more than just water quality goals within our communities. Investing in hybrid infrastructure will help communities build a more resilient future.

Speakers: Jacob Dorman and Chris Allen of Contech® Engineered Solutions

Webcast 6: Stormwater Retrofitting
July 14th, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
In many urban and suburban watersheds, the landscape has already been developed without stormwater controls. This can make it difficult to address local watershed and stormwater management goals, such as reducing pollutant loads to meet total maximum daily load (TMDL) regulations. The task at hand for watershed managers in these already developed urban and suburban watersheds is watershed restoration. This webcast will focus on the restoration of urban and suburban watersheds through implementing practices to intercept and treat runoff to reduce pollutant loads or reduce runoff volume.

Speakers: Ruth Ayn Hocker from the Center for Watershed Protection and Kathryn Austin from the City of Lancaster, PA

2021 Salt Symposium
August 3rd - 4th, 2021
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with Fortin Consulting. They are hosting two days of Chloride research and innovation!

IDDE Webcast
September 23rd, 2021
The Center for Watershed Protection and Storm Water Solutions partner to offer a webcast on IDDE. The speaker will be Ken Schiff from Southern California Coastal Water Research Project

2021 Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium
October 26th - 27th, 2021
The 2021 Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium provides an opportunity for watershed and resource conservation professionals to discuss and learn about the role agriculture can play in improving watershed health and water quality. The symposium will gather together watershed managers, agricultural practice specialists and researchers from around the country. The in-person event will include technical and practical presentations, as well as plenty of opportunities to network with other professionals and discuss this important topic.

2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 25th - 28th, 2021
Join us in St. Pete, Florida
Learning Links
Thank you to our newest CWPA members!

William Penn Foundation, City of Rockville, St. Mary's County, Christine F., Amy R., Danny B., STV Inc., Mass Development, Donald C., Wapro, Land Logics, Lisa K., Garret P., Jan B., Mark S., Jessica C., Laura A., Sharon H., Jim B., Fairfax County William A., Ed P., Richland County, WA State Department of Ecology, New Castle County, Virginia Tech, City of Austin

Connect with all of them and over 1,600 members in our community

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