2021 Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY)
Next Webcasts:
Underwood & Associates, Inc. Presentation
Chris Becraft Presents “Nature-based solutions”
December 16th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
PaveDrain Presentation
Aaron Fisher Presents "Permeable Articulating Concrete Blocks (P-ACB) for Stormwater Management
- January 6th, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Underwood & Associates, Inc. Presentation
- Chris Becraft will discuss the many applications where tidal flooding and dry weather flooding can be mitigated using WaStop check valves, and basement flooding eliminated with WaBack check valve chamber.
- January 13th, 2022 at 1:00 PM
Webcast 10: Watershed Based Planning Tools & Techniques
December 8th, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
St. John is one of three main Caribbean islands that make up the US Virgin Islands (USVI) archipelago. Within the past 30 years, the Coral Bay Watershed (on the island’s east side) experienced close to 80% growth, making it the fastest growing area in the USVI. Coral Bay Coral Bay Community Council (CBCC) has lead watershed management efforts in the community since the first watershed management plan was developed in 2008. Back-to-back hurricanes that hit Coral Bay in 2017 caused extensive damage which not only destroyed infrastructure but also altered the landscape. The 2020 watershed management plan update is focused on understanding the impacts of the 2017 hurricanes from a water quality perspective by utilizing an innovative approach of analyzing vegetation patterns before and after the hurricanes with the Watershed Treatment Model (WTM), and completing an intensive pollutant loading analysis to prioritize restoration efforts in key subwatershed areas of Coral Bay. This webcast will discuss the current planning efforts and update attendees on the tools developed and progress to further improve watershed health in Coral Bay from a community and environmental projects-based perspective.
Speakers: Andres Torizzo from Watershed Consulting Associates, LLC and Rachel McKinley from Coral Bay Community Council
AbTech's Stormwater Purification & Treatment Webinar
December 9th, 2021, 3:00 PM EST
Join an exciting webinar on December 9th hosted by AbTech Industries and the Center for Watershed Protection. The presentation will provide details about the innovative enterprise of a strategic service delivery model, called Stormwater as a Service (SwaaS). The SwaaS model facilitates increased asset efficiency through total program service, including regulatory compliance, inventory, and document digitization. In this presentation you will learn about the challenges stormwater compliance brings and how SIG, through their SwaaS platform and its portfolio providers can be a resource fora comprehensive solution to the stormwater challenges that municipal, private, and commercial entities face.
2022 Webcast 1: Stream Restoration and Beavers
January 26th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
This is a webcast for those interested in creating ecologically functional, resilient, and cost-efficient projects. Participants will learn how to incorporate sustainable strategies, methods, and techniques into project site analysis, design, and construction/long term site integrity. Participants will learn how to realize tremendous overall cost savings with increased ecological uplift in their designs, including those provided by the North American beaver, to create long term positive ecological feedback loops in their projects. The speakers will share their approaches to ecological restoration design and construction, particularly the philosophies and techniques that differ from conventional/traditional engineering methods.
Speakers: Scott McGill from Ecotone Inc. and Bob Boucher from the Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Ecotone's BeaverCON 2022
March 8th - 10th, 2022
Inspired by, and building on others' endeavors, BeaverCON brings to light much of the cutting edge research showing how beaver provide necessary ecological recovery, assist with restoring threatened and endangered species, improve water quality, and provide important adaptations to climate change.
2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 25th - 28th, 2022
Join us in St. Pete, Florida