July 2021 - Issue #93
Project Update: Redevelopment and Stormwater Management Projects Transform Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area
Six years in the making, this project rehabilitated a large impervious area at the Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area (NRMA) in Cecil County, Maryland. The site included a large barn complex that had deteriorated over the years and was destroyed by a significant fire.
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Executive Director, Hye Yeong Kwon
As the Executive Director/ CEO of a national organization, one of the biggest challenges for me is to get people to say and remember my name, Hye Yeong Kwon. People laugh that my email signature says, “First name sounds like Hay Young,” but being memorable is so key to generating trust and long-lasting relationships. I want people to remember me, but I also want them to remember the work that I’ve done and my deep passion for work to preserve nature and life itself.

Food for thought-- with the change in guard at the federal level, is it time to revisit these concepts and look at a broader array of tools and practices? Here is an article that I wrote a few years ago for the University of Louisville about watershed protection. The article entitled, “The Beauty of Stream Restoration and Pet Waste Reduction Programs was published in Sustain: a Journal of Environmental & Sustainability Issues, Issue 32 June/July 2015 can be found below.
CWP News
The CWP main office has moved to 11711 E. Market Place, Suite 200, Fulton, MD 20759
Easy Water Conservation Tips
Save money and water by following these tips. Most people are not aware of how small adjustments in water conservation can bring a significant impact.

Last call for abstracts to the Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium
The Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. is now accepting abstracts from those interested in presenting at our 2021 Sustainable Watersheds and Agriculture Symposium. The Symposium will take place Tuesday, October 26th – Wednesday, October 27th, 2021. In-person event in Fulton, Maryland.

Upcoming Events
2021 Salt Symposium
August 3rd - 4th, 2021
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with Fortin Consulting. They are hosting two days of Chloride research and innovation!

2021 Lunch and Learn Series (CWPA MEMBERS ONLY)
Next Webcast:

  • McCormick & Taylor Presentation
  • August 25th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • Opti Presentation
  • September 29th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • GBMc Presentation
  • October 7th, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Webcast 7: Public Involvement and Education Programs
September 15th, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Public Involvement and education are two of the cornerstones of the Six Minimum Control Measures required for Small MS4’s. Without the support of the general public, stormwater managers can struggle to be able to get the participation they need to make their programs successful. In this webcast we will highlight tools and practices that programs from around the country are using to satisfy these measures.

Speakers: Bob Bathurst from Century Engineering, Inc. and Carolyn Dindorf from Fortin Consulting

IDDE Webcast
September 23rd, 2021
The Center for Watershed Protection and Storm Water Solutions have partnered to offer a webcast on IDDE. The speaker will be Ken Schiff from Southern California Coastal Water Research Project

Webcast 8: Post-Construction Stormwater Management
October 20th, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
For many MS4s, the post-construction minimum measure is the most complicated, and the one that requires the highest level of local program development. Post-construction stormwater management involves development of stormwater standards, plan review, inspections, and verification of long-term maintenance. This webcast will explore innovations and trends in post-construction stormwater management, with case studies featuring program components and budgets as well as best management practices.

Speakers: Alycia Overbo from the Minnesota Department of Health and Trey Burns from Anderson Regional Joint Water System

2021 Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium
October 26th - 27th, 2021
The 2021 Sustainable Watersheds & Agriculture Symposium provides an opportunity for watershed and resource conservation professionals to discuss and learn about the role agriculture can play in improving watershed health and water quality. The symposium will gather together watershed managers, agricultural practice specialists and researchers from around the country. The in-person event will include technical and practical presentations, as well as plenty of opportunities to network with other professionals and discuss this important topic.

2022 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 25th - 28th, 2021
Join us in St. Pete, Florida
Learning Links
The Center for Watershed Protection | www.cwp.org