COVID-19 Update From Our Executive Director
The health and safety of our staff, partners and communities are of utmost concern to us during the COVID-19 crisis.
Project Update: Helping Municipalities Work Together to Achieve Clean Water in the Wyomissing
Over the past seven years, the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) has provided technical assistance to the Wyomissing Creek Watershed Coalition, a unique coalition of eight municipalities that drain to the Wyomissing Creek in Berks County, Pennsylvania. As a cold water fishery with a naturally reproducing trout population, Wyomissing Creek has a special set of TMDL requirements. These municipalities share a single wasteload allocation as identified in the 2004 sediment TMDL and they work together to meet federal and state Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) stormwater requirements.
CWPA Member Spotlight: Meet
Dr. Barbara Doll of NC State’s Biological & Agricultural Engineering Dept. and NC Sea Grant leads a team of engineers in NC State’s Stream Restoration Program. In addition to stream restoration projects and training workshops, the team’s recent research has focused on assisting Coastal Plain communities improve resilience to extreme rainfall events. Dr. Doll’s team has evaluated the flood reduction impacts of infrastructure modifications, floodplain restoration and floodplain management changes, as well as the potential impacts of increasing rainfall intensity due to climate change. Current research includes a multi-disciplinary modeling effort to evaluate the flood reduction potential, water quality benefits and economic impacts of large scale implementation of natural infrastructure - reforestation, wetland restoration and stream restoration - in North Carolina’s Coastal Plain watersheds.
Ethics and TMDLs: The ugly truth about meeting regulatory requirements
"Why choose a subject of “ethics” and why focus on total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) when so many bigger environmental problems exist that involve ethics (e.g., climate change)?" A blog from our Deputy Director of Programs, Bill Stack.
8,500 Glass Jars Create A Living Water Map Of The Towson, Maryland Area Watershed
Earlier this year, environmental artist Stacy Levy kicked off an interdisciplinary eco-art adventure with Towson University students and faculty, a process that brought participants up close and into contact with the myriad creeks, rivers, and runs that make up their campus watershed. For over a week, collaborators studied maps, learned to read urban and suburban landscapes, and used 5-gallon buckets to collect more than 1,000 gallons of water samples from over forty Chesapeake Bay tributaries. Now, those samples fill 8,500 recycled glass jars to create a living water map branching across the floor of the University’s Center for the Arts Gallery.
Katharine Hayhoe will still be speaking at the 2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Virtual Conference!
Need another reason to join us in Austin? How about hearing from one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People? Katharine Hayhoe is just that and so much more! Get your registration today to take advantage of our early bird pricing because you won't want to miss her.
2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Virtual Conference
The 2020 Watershed and Stormwater Conference is virtual and will provide a forum for watershed and stormwater professionals throughout the nation to learn how to increase the resiliency of our communities in response to emerging and persistent threats to our water resources — from headwaters to coasts.
- April 29th, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Webcast 2: TMDL Planning and Implementation
Often, larger regional TMDLs are “nested” with local TMDLs that address local impairments (e.g., for bacteria, biological standards, dissolved oxygen, local pollutants). The pollutants of concern are often different for the regional and local TMDLs. Several important questions emerge out of these situations. How do large, regional TMDLs translate to planning and implementation at smaller scales, such as states and local governments? If TMDLs are nested, how do the TMDLs at different scales “talk to each other,” and how can communities target the most effective suite of BMPs to address TMDLs at all levels. This webcast will explore the issue of regional and nested TMDLs and how analytical tools are emerging to integrate, and coordinate management practices implemented at the local and regional levels.
- May 20th, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
ast 3: Small Scale BMPs
Finding cost-effective stormwater retrofits in urban landscapes can be challenging and demands “staying with the problem.” In addition to all the usual suspects of limited space, utilities, disturbed soils, and expensive real-estate, it is often hard to design these retrofits with enough storage to capture the desired rainfall depth from the drainage area. However, these small retrofits are often the only opportunity to provide treatment in more urban landscapes. In this webcast we will looks at innovations to enhance rainfall capture and treatment in practices suited for smaller spaces.
A big thank you to our newest CWPA members!
Lake George Waterkeeper, Ranee B., John F., AED Library, Uriel C., Abbey S., Marzieh M., Joan U., Corey L., Ed r., Ken S., Katie E., Marty C., Jason S., Dave P., Isabella C., Irezama A., Adam B., Laura G., Baron S., James W., Brandon K., Roman J., Jack G., City of Boise, John G., Lynnae L., Kane Conservation District, Kyle T., Lisa H., Brooke F., Jim E., Naquetta P., Patricia C., Dawn H., Contech Engineering, Katie H., Kieth C., Chris B., Tommy B., Eric R., Mark W., Phillip M., Chris O., Michael C., Monica L., Saratoga County, Kevin E., Ivo L., Lee W., Danielle H., Mary W., Jeff R., Judith C., Jacqueline T., Jill S., Highspire, Pater J., Karen B., Capitol Region, Frances A., Romero R., Glen M., Michael N., Diane L., Laura V., Dorie S., Kent H., Brian D., Lancaster County, William R., Mark L., City of Atlanta, DFW Airport, City of Salem, Bob L., Virginia Beach, Brent R., Melanie C., STV inc., Matt S.
Connect with all of them and over 500 members in our community
Virtual Conference Sponsor Spotlight
We thank STV, Century Engineering, Lane Enterprises, Paverguide and Anderson Davis for supporting us virtually as Bronze sponsors!
Contact Karen Titus at
or 410-461-8323 ext.216 with any questions or if you need more information about sponsor opportunities!