CWPA Member Virtual Happy Hour
August 12th, 2020, 4:00 - 5:00 PM EST
Grab something to drink and join Ari Daniels from CWP for a east coast happy hour and discuss why Mother Nature is the Best Engineer
Webcast 4:
Impacts of Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs)
August 12th, 2020,
1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Chemicals of emerging concern (CEC), including pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PCPs), pesticides, industrial products and plasticizers can disrupt the endocrine system. Many of these CEC’s have been linked to morphological changes in aquatic habitats. This webcast will present examples of CEC impacts and implications for the larger watershed protection community.
Speaker: Nora Demers of Florida Gulf Coast University & Dr. Serge Thomas of Florida Gulf Coast University
Virtual Ohio Stormwater Conference
August 26th - 28th, 2020
The 2020 Ohio Stormwater Conference is an annual conference dedicated to advance the knowledge and understanding of comprehensive stormwater management for those dealing in all aspects of planning, design, implementation and regulatory compliance.
Webcast 5:
IDDE – New Technologies and Techniques
September 16th, 2020,
1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Illicit discharges are finally being recognized for playing a major role in contributing to water quality impairments as a substantial contributor of bacteria, nutrients and other pollutants in some watersheds. Recent research has shown that the problems emanating from these sources may be larger than we have imagined. However, controlling these substances through programs such as illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) may be one of the easier, less expensive options for meeting contaminant load reductions. This webcast will look at the recent innovations in best practices to control illicit discharges and gross stormwater solids and provide some case studies to illustrate the quantifiable pollutant load reduction benefits for water quality of these cost-effective stormwater BMPs.
Speakers: Darcy Ebentier of Wood Environment and Infrastructure & Karen Reynolds of Environmental Canine Services LLC
CWP Virtual Coastal & Island Specialty Conference
November 16th - 17th, 2020
The Center for Watershed Protection’s Coastal & Island Specialty Conference will focus on the unique challenges of these communities including the importance of climate resiliency. An opportunity to hear about the broad spectrum of topics and to take a deeper dive into the issues, this conference will focus on connecting those that live and work in areas surrounded by water, information sharing on the most applicable topics of concern, and hearing about case studies as a way to share experiences and best practices.
2021 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 13th - 15th, 202
Join us in St. Pete, Florida