September 2022 - Issue #100
Project Update: Using a Novel Research Framework to Assess Water Quality Impacts of Urban Trees
Urban trees impact the hydrologic cycle by capturing runoff in the canopy, drawing water from the soil, and adding organic matter to the soil to increase infiltration. These processes collectively contribute to the ability of urban trees to reduce the amount of rainfall that contributes to stormwater runoff.
CWP Staff Profile: Meet Hye Yeong Kwon
Marlyn Argueta interviews Hye Yeong Kwon, CWP's Executive Director

Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
Riding Down the River – A Story of a Korean-American Woman’s Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs

Which sea creature is your favorite?
Seahorse for its beauty but blue crabs for their deliciousness.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
When my Dad died, I continued his stamp collection. I haven’t been great with keeping up with lately, but still love stamps.

What’s the strangest talent you have?
I can pickle jalapenos like nobody’s business.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
See as many parks and natural areas around the world as I can.
CWPA Member Spotlight: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency presents "A Measurement Based Approach to Crediting Street Sweeping"
Recent research indicates that targeted street sweeping in urban areas that experience annual leaf drop can be a cost-effective method for reducing phosphorus loads to receiving waters.
CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ has more water monitoring content coming your way
In-Situ Application Development Manager for Surface Water Kerry Caslow takes readers step-by-step through a recent installation of continuous monitoring equipment in Lynchburg, VA, in part one of a three-part blog series. In-Situ Software Product Owner Tom Koniuta talks about the convenient new Batch Calibration feature on the VuSitu mobile app. A new customer story features the Finnish company Profimeas putting VuLink telemetry to the test in frigid winter temperatures. And a new podcast on AquaPod looks at innovations in app-based and remote monitoring solutions.
Pets of CWP!
Shout out to our patron sponsor, Ecotone for this paws-itive idea!
Name: Molly
Age: 16 Weeks
Breed: Great Dane Retriever Mix
Home watershed: 8 digit Rocky Gorge Dam, 6 digit Patuxent River
Likes: He loves people and splashing around in water. He also has never met a food he hasn’t liked.
Dislikes: Going inside and getting picked up from daycare.
CWP News
New Case Studies from Randall Arendt on Conservation Design and Smart Growth
The case studies listed below describe and illustrate residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments that are notable for their innovative features, such as compact design enabling more land to be conserved for infiltration and recharge.
Guest Blog: How Not to Stress About the Effects of Climate Change on Our Planet
There’s no doubt about it — climate change is a very real phenomenon that is impacting the globe in a disturbing, almost surreal manner. And because we feel like we have little control over what is happening around us, it is easy to become overly distressed about the situation that we’re all faced with. However, it’s important not to let our experiences with nature thus far dampen our optimism for the future. Here’s how.
CWP National Watershed Research Network
Communities across the country are working hard to meet clean water goals but need answers to a growing set of research questions about the causes of watershed impacts and effective solutions to address them. Lack of information, funding, time, and staff resources often hinder progress on translating research into measurable action. That’s where the National Watershed Research Network comes in. This collaborative helps communities achieve clean water and healthy watersheds by funding applied research on topics determined by its members. Click here to learn more and join the network:

Upcoming Events
Instructor Preparation Program Virtual Training
October 10th - 14th, 2022
Successful completion of the 12-hr. online training will permit qualified candidates to teach the Center’s hands-on, ANSI-accredited certificate program that delivers industry-specific skills and knowledge for entry-level jobs in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) construction, inspection, and maintenance. Bring the Clean Water Certificate workforce training program to your community this summer, by becoming a CWC Instructor, or learn about opportunities to become a friend of the program!

2022 Webcast 8:Urban Forestry
October 26th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: The environmental benefits of forests are widely accepted, and research studies are ongoing to evaluate the runoff and pollutant-reducing impacts of trees in the urban landscape. This webcast will present research focused on the role of trees in modifying urban water and energy balances by turning stormwater into an opportunity, and how to use the i-Tree HydroPlus model to simulate stormwater runoff and pollutant loading, urban heat island effects, and other benefits. The second half of the talk will provide insights into “scaling-up” these and other green infrastructure practices–such as soil water infiltration in urban vacant lots–to best understand their watershed-level effects.

Speakers: Heather Golden from the US EPA and Theodore Endreny from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

2022 Coastal & Island Symposium
November 10th - 11th, 2022
Fulton, MD
If you live, work, or play in a coastal or island environment, the challenges to managing your watershed are often very different. High water tables, flooding, lack of elevation, difficulty in acquiring traditional materials, variations in soil type, and other issues play a critical role in the types and ways tools should be applied and practiced. This symposium is designed for practitioners to learn more about the challenges of coastal & island environments and share the tools, stories, challenges they face as practitioners in the coastal and island environment. Participants will hear from other experts around the country on watershed and stormwater issues while connecting with experts in the field.

2022 Webcast 9:Behavior Change for Watershed & Stormwater Management
November 16th, 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Description: How to encourage pro-environmental behavior? In the two presentations, the speakers will discuss how psychological insights can be leveraged to design behavioral solutions to address sustainability challenges and how using the right words can improve your outreach and communication efforts. Specifically,Dr. Zhao will describe a series of experiments on behavioral interventions on water conservation, waste reduction, and climate change mitigation were designed and tested to provide new insights on how to instigate effective behavior change, and also help inform the design and implementation of environmental policy.

Speaker: Jiaying Zhao, Ph.D, University of British Columbia

2023 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 24th - 27th, 2023
Join us in San Diego, California
Learning Links
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