Project Update: Building Tree-Friendly Policies in the City of Charlotte
The City of Charlotte, North Carolina has adopted a “50% in 2050” city-wide tree canopy goal in recognition that trees and other green and open spaces are central elements to connect urban places and create access to the natural environment in Charlotte; and that the urban forest generates resiliency, sustainability, and supports a livable and healthy Charlotte.
CWPA Member Spotlight: In-Situ presents "Numbers Matter: Landscape Restoration Group Backs Up Results with Hard Data"
Every year, Wildlands Restoration Volunteers organizes thousands of volunteers who donate more than a million dollars worth of time to complete more than 100 conservation projects. A thrifty and dedicated staff has tapped Colorado residents’ passion for the place where they live and, over 22 years, built programs and partnerships that contribute to the restoration and stewardship of priceless landscapes: among them the lovely Campbell Valley.
Stop The Drip! Water Conservation Around The Home
It’s our most precious resource, yet millions of us think nothing of wasting water, and throwing money down the drain. Protecting our watershed starts with water conservation around the home- both inside and out.
Here are some easy ways to start conserving water around your home — and cut down on the pollution flowing into our rivers and streams.
Roads Great Lakes Communities to Gain Stormwater Expert
The Center for Watershed Protection, a national leader in stormwater management and watershed planning, is expanding its work to the Great Lakes region. Greg Hoffmann, the Center’s Director of Stormwater Services, recently opened a satellite office in Marquette, Michigan to serve the watershed.
CWP 2021 National Stormwater & Watershed Conference Agenda is now available!
For the past four years, our annual conference has served as an important forum for watershed and stormwater professionals to learn about innovative restoration approaches from experts, build partnerships, and share best practices. Check out what sessions you want to attend below!
2021 Lunch and Learn Series
Next Webcasts:
- EQR Presentation on the Impact of Ecological Restoration
- April 28th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
- Better Food Foundation Presentation on Increasing Sustainability
- May 26th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
- OTT Hydromet Presentation
- June 9th, 2021 at 1:00 PM
2021 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference
April 13th - 16th, 2021
The National Conference’s central theme is: Water Issues & Solutions to Climatic Regions Nationwide. As the climate changes, our water resource management techniques and research areas must also evolve. While different regions face specific concerns, there are ubiquitous lessons to be learned from our coastal communities that apply to regions throughout the country. This conference will explore high-priority water issues and solutions nation wide that also hold weight for communities in other climatic regions. The integration of coastal and upland restoration affects all coastal communities. Pollutants such as microplastics, water-borne trash, harmful algal blooms, and emerging contaminants of concern are pervasive across all climatic zones.
2021 Webcast 4: Planning & Implementation for TMDLs
May 19th, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) calculate numeric targets for attainment of water quality standards set by federal standard for a certain pollutant. Effective TMDL implementation plans are often part of a larger, more comprehensive watershed planning efforts to determine which practices to achieve needed reductions. TMDL implementation plans will also require monitoring, tracking and logistical measures to demonstrate compliance. In this webcast we will use case studies and speaker experience to explore TMDLs and how to integrate and coordinate management practices to ensure compliance.
Speakers: Todd Weik of CBC Engineers & Associates, Ltd. and Brett Connell of Trutta Environmental Solutions LLC
2021 Salt Symposium
August 3rd - 4th, 2021
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with Fortin Consulting. They are hosting two days of Chloride research and innovation!
Thank you to our newest CWPA members!
Russel S., Joan U., Butler County, Tommy B., WAI: Wastewater Alternatives & Innovations, Franklin Soil, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Snyder & Associates Jeff R., City of Wilmington, Ken S., Jacob D., Andrew H.,Ott Hydromet, Ada County Highway District, Saratoga County Intermunicipal Stormwater Management Program, David R., City of Irving, David Q., City of Lubbock, Douglas County, Brett C., Elizabeth K., David M., Kevin D., City of Sequoia, Tina M., Dacia M., Dan B., Alexander P., Robin F., Marcy F., Ramsey M., Patsy F., Rebecca T., Sara S., Sharon S., Katie H., Nathan B., Michael M., Eric R., Jessica F., Steve F., Lenore A., Lynn D., Martinette B., Keith P., Stuart E., Alaina M., Jeanette P., Robert B., Holly V., Brian D., McCormick & Taylor, Jermain G., Robert G., Bob L., Opti, In-Situ, Carter M., City of Gaithersburg, Boston Sewer & Water, Lewes Board of Public Works, City of Newport News, Katelyn B., Kyle T., CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Steve M., Beth E., Kris H., Alan V., Matt T.
Connect with all of them and over 1,600 members in our community