Issue 07 | February 16, 2024

Happy Valentine’s Day week! We certainly hope you had a day full of cherished moments and love!


Last Sunday, we had the honor of participating in Rowan Virtua’s Scholarship Reception where Rowan-Virtual School of Osteopathic Medicine honored all the scholarship recipients as well as the donors. To view the full list of honored scholarships, please click here.

On Monday morning, we also had the pleasure in attending a legislative event for Assemblyman Roy Freiman (D-16). Assemblyman Freiman is the Deputy Majority Leader and is the Chair of the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee as well as te Vice-Chair of the Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee. Assemblyman also serves on the Budget Committee.

We look forward to releasing the full AROC 2024 schedule soon. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this President’s Day weekend. For our southern New Jersey osteopathic physicians, we hope you enjoy the snow!

George Scott, DO, DPM

President, 2023-2024, NJAOPS

Tajma Kotoric 

Chief Executive Officer, NJAOPS 

DEA Requirement

For 2024, AROC is offering 2.0 Category 1-A AOA CME Credits and 2.0 Category 1 PRA CME Credits ™ for the new DEA requirement.

Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits

In 2024, AROC will be offering MOC credits for the following certifying boards: 


  • American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
  • American Board of Orthopedic Surgery (ABOS)

The main page on our website for Attendees is: and here is where you will find credit information and registration forms, among other details...

Online Registration 
Print Registration Download

Discount Code for Hard Rock Hotel: GARC24z

Phone: Call 609-449-6860


Call for Poster Abstracts

Residents & Medical Students

We are accepting poster abstracts for the AROC 2024 Conference. This is your opportunity to present a clinical or research project to over 500 physicians.

Posters will be judged by an expert panel and awarded monetary prizes for first place in each of the categories below:

Research – Summarize the results of a well-defined basic or clinical research project, including a hypothesis, dependent and independent variables, tests for measures of association, succinct discussion of data, etc. All work should be original. Projects may involve observational or interventional studies.

Research also includes Quality Improvement Studies that report on efforts to improve patient safety or outcomes measurement. Such efforts may be projects developed and initiated to promote patient safety and/or processes that have improved or created a safer environment for patients.

Case Presentation – Present a clinical scenario with discussion of an actual patient presentation. A clinical case presentation must include an introduction, case description, and discussion of current practice guidelines for management of the patient’s condition.

For Instructions for Submissions, Click Here.

Lame Duck Session “Wrap Up” – Outstanding Victories

The Lame Duck Session has officially concluded. I am very happy to report that all the scope of practice expansion bills we were opposed to did NOT make it to the Governor’s Desk. Those bills as of January 8, 2024, received no further action. Most of those have been reintroduced in the new Legislative Session which is ongoing as of January 9, 2024.

January 16 at 5 pm was the last day bills on the Governor’s desk could be signed or face a pocket veto. More good news on that front. Two more of our key legislative priorities were signed into law, for a total of three bills where the efforts of the insurance industry to derail them were beaten back.

Many thanks to our leadership, board members, general membership and coalition partners for their support! Membership matters!


A4913/S3133  Requires payers to offer health care providers’ reimbursement by all reasonably available methods of payment. The law becomes effective in 180 days, and applies to all coverage renewals after that date. Credit card payments cannot be the only method of payment offered. This is plainly stated in the law.

Current Status: Signed Into law on 1-8-2024

P.L. 2023, c.247


A1255/S1794  Ensuring Transparency in Prior Authorization Act

This new law moves the needle in a major way. On all “peer to peer” reviews a reviewer must be in the same specialty as the physician requesting. The new tem frames are as follows:

  • Medications: Under current law, PA requests for medications must be decided within 15 days. Under the bill, urgent PA requests for medications must now be decided within 24 hours. Non-urgent requests must be decided in 72 hours. The treating physician decides whether the request is urgent.
  • Diagnostics and procedures: Under current law, insurers must decide PA requests within 15 days. Under the bill, urgent PA requests must be decided within 72 hours; non-urgent requests within nine days if submitted electronically, 12 if submitted on paper. Note: 72 hour turnaround can be decreased if required by medical exigencies of the case. Again, treating physician determines medical exigencies.
  •  Missed deadlines result in automatically approved PA requests.
  • Chronic Conditions and Multiple Dates of Service: Where a PA has been granted for treatment of a chronic condition or for a defined series of services (e.g., chemotherapy course of treatment, psychotherapy sessions) no further PA is permitted for six months.
  • In-Specialty Physician Review on Appeals: All denials on appeal must be issued by a physician who has Board certification in a specialty that treats the condition at issue, or the physician must have had experience treating the condition at issue within the last five years.
  •  Peer-to-Peer Right: Insurers must provide for a peer-to peer between the reviewing physician and treating physician, at the treating physician’s request, on any denial of an appeal.
  •  Insurer Reporting Requirements: Insurers must now report a host of statistics about their PA processes such as the tests/therapies that are subject to PA, approval/denial rates, reasons for denials, and various information about appeals.
  • The new law takes effect on January 1, 2025.


This new law makes major strides in modifying prior authorization requirements.

Current Status: Signed into law on 1-16-2024 P.L. 2023, c.296                                                     


A5757/S4127Revises Reimbursement Payments for provides using telemedicine and telehealth       

Current Status: Signed into Law



S1522 A2296 Eliminates certain practice restrictions for advance practice nurses.

Current Status: No further action in Lame Duck Session


S4042/A5674 Creates Midwifery Licensing Act                                

Current Status: No further action in Lame Duck Session 


S3841/A5445- Updates scope of practice of optometrists

Current Status: No further action in Lame Duck Session 


A560/S135 –  Revises the “Athletic Training Licensure Act”          

Current Status: No further action in Lame Duck Session

Have you renewed your membership? Have you contributed to JOPAC?

Thank you in advance.

We need your help…

JOPAC Contributions Helping to Make Connections

NJAOPS’ President, George Scott, DO, DPM with Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt (D-6). Your support is needed and appreciated!

Click here to help make a difference for DOs in

New Jersey!

Healthcare Headlines

FDA Approves First Medication to Help Reduce Allergic Reactions to Multiple Foods After Accidental Exposure

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Xolair (omalizumab) injection for immunoglobulin E-mediated food allergy in certain adults and children 1 year or older for the reduction of allergic reactions (Type I), including reducing the risk of anaphylaxis, that may occur with accidental exposure to one or more foods. Patients who take Xolair must continue to avoid foods they are allergic to. Xolair is intended for repeated use to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and is not approved for the immediate emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. 

Xolair was originally approved in 2003 for the treatment of moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma in certain patients. Xolair is also approved to treat chronic spontaneous urticaria and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps in certain patients.

The most common side effects of Xolair observed included injection site reactions and fever. Xolair comes with certain warnings and precautions, such as anaphylaxis, malignancy, fever, joint pain, rash, parasitic (worm) infection and abnormal laboratory tests.

In addition, Xolair comes with a boxed warning for anaphylaxis, which can be life threatening, based on pre-marketing and post-marketing reports of anaphylaxis that occurred after Xolair administration. Anaphylaxis has occurred after the first dose of Xolair, but also has occurred beyond one year after beginning treatment. Xolair should only be started in a healthcare setting equipped to manage anaphylaxis. For selected patients who tolerate initial Xolair treatments in a healthcare setting without anaphylaxis, self-administration (or administration by a caregiver) may be appropriate and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.  

Note to e-mail recipients: We send NJAOPS Update on a weekly basis to stay connected and provide timely information about programs and news. The e-mail platform that we use is also what we use to communicate with member groups about association matters like AROC, County Meetings, CME Credit and other general announcements. If you unsubscribe from the weekly NJAOPS Update, you also remove your e-mail from other contact lists in our system. Once you "unsubscribe", there is a two-step, manual process to re-subscribe your e-mail. Please consider not unsubscribing from this e-mail so that we can effectively communicate with you on other matters. Thank you again for your continued support.