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Marco T. Paredes, Jr.
Director of
Government Affairs
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Below is a high-level update of significant bills and issues that occurred during the 2023 Florida Legislative session’s seventh week, April 24-28.

Session Begins to Wind Down

Session is set to adjourn next Friday, May 5. The final day for committee meetings was Tuesday. Legislators are winding down with floor sessions and any final budget negotiations planned for next week. At this point of the session, most bills that remain alive have made it through the committee process and have been placed on the calendars for floor consideration.

Budget Conference Concludes – Issues Remain

Budget conference committees began working on negotiating a final budget on Monday, and most wrapped up yesterday. A few budget issues remain and will now be resolved by the chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations committees. A final budget is expected to be ready by next Monday or Tuesday. Due to the constitutionally mandated 72-hour “cooling off” period, before a vote on the budget can take place, a final budget must be ready by Tuesday in order for the Legislature to adjourn on time.    

Senate Immigration Bill Passes

The full Senate passed SB 1718, a broad immigration reform bill. The bill would require private businesses to use the federal E-verify system to check the immigration status of workers, require hospitals to collect data on immigration status, and create new criminal penalties for transporting migrants in certain situations, among other changes. The House companion, HB 1617 is on the House calendar.

House Passes Tax Package

The House unanimous passed HB 7063, a $1.4 billion tax package. The package provides tax exemptions for both consumers and businesses and includes a permanent sales tax exemption on baby and toddler necessities including diapers, clothes, changing tables, strollers, and other items. It also includes a business rent tax reduction of 1%, from 5.5% to 4.5% for 13 months, which is expected to save businesses around $394.4 million, a permanent sales tax break on gas stoves and several tax-free holidays. The Senate companion, SB 7062, is currently on the Senate calendar. A final tax package will be agreed to during final budget negotiations.  

Data Privacy Bill Passes Senate

SB 262 passed the full Senate and is now ready for consideration by the full House. The House companion, HB 1547, is on the House calendar. The bill requires businesses to obtain permission to collect and sell a person’s personal data and imposes new disclosure requirements so that customers can know when and if their personal data is collected. The legislation also prevents businesses from selling a person’s personal data to a data broker without the person’s consent.  

I would be happy to speak with you regarding issues this session that could impact your business. For more information, please contact me.


Our Government Affairs practice group closely monitors both the legislative and executive branches to keep our clients well-informed of emerging legislative and regulatory developments. By regularly analyzing and tracking the progress of significant legislation and agency actions that will impact our clients, we are able to protect their interests and provide them with critical insights into avoiding regulatory obstacles. Additionally, we proactively advocate for clients’ positions, enabling them to take advantage of new opportunities. Our representation is ongoing, advising clients before, during and after changes occur. We are committed to relentlessly championing for our clients to ensure they are well-represented before the Florida legislature, executive agencies, and local governments year-round. For more information on our Government Affairs group, please visit our website.