Rotary District 6440 Newsletter
Mike Yesner, District GovernorDecember, 2012
In This Issue
-- Governor's Message
-- TV Interviews Helped Rotary and Rotarian Efforts
-- Room for One More Inoculator for Nigeria
-- Ideas: Welcome kids and Welcome service.
-- Idea: "Elevator Speech" Made Easy
-- A Short List of Noteworthy Things
-- Newest Club Celebrates
-- Informative Links from Facebook Page
-- Welcome to Our New Members!
Quick Event Information
 See additional information about these events in this newsletter and on the District website at:
(Click Link for Info)
Jan 13, 2 p.m.- 5 p.m.
Makray Memorial Golf Club, Barrington
(Click Link for Info)
Allstate Arena  
Feb 24, 2013 03:00 PM
(Click Link for Info)
Westin Chicago Northwest in Itasca  
Mar 08, 2013 - Mar 10, 2013
(click link for info)
Apr 18, 2013 - Aprr 21, 2013 
(click link for info)
June 23, 2013 - June 26, 2013  (Also click here to go to related newsletter article)   
Quick Contact Links
The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles, and links to announcements, stories, and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary.
  Governor's Message
 RI 2012/13 Theme Logo


As I write this    

  Gov. Mike Yesner
My thoughts are on the celebrations of the holiday season and the New Year, and how they impact us as Rotarians.

How fortunate we are that we don't worry about where our next meal is coming from, while others in our communities are homeless or without food. How fortunate we are that we didn't experience the force of Hurricane Sandy, while our fellow Rotarians in NJ/NY face massive rebuilding that could take years. How fortunate we are that none of our kids has suffered from Polio, while adults in our midst still do, and kids in parts of the world may still become infected. How fortunate we are that we are able to enjoy holiday parties, while other families wondered if Santa Claus would make it to their homes.

How fortunate we are to live in this country, even if we don't know what the tax code will look like in the coming year. How fortunate we are that we can decide which of 32 bowl games (yes, there are 32 of them) we'll watch this season, with bowls of snacks, while others worry if they'll have enough to eat. How fortunate we are as Rotarians, to be part of The Family of Rotary, while others have no family.


As we approach the close of 2012, I ask that you consider those less fortunate as well as how you will celebrate. I even have some specific suggestions.

  • Keep in mind how much a ticket to one of those bowl games would cost. Donate a portion of that amount to one of the charities in the next three bullets.
  • Send a gift this year to End Polio Now. Next year it may not be tax deductible. You can do so at
  • Send a gift before the year ends to The Rotary Foundation. You can do so here.
  • Send a check to the Head Foundation for Hurricane Sandy relief. Details here.


As a District, we have a great deal to celebrate this month. The Rotary Club of Fox Valley Sunset had an outstanding Charter Night Banquet. Thanks to Rich Rivkin, plans are moving ahead for a National Immunization Day in Nigeria. Thanks to Larry Kanar and Chad Raymond, both Guatemala trips are filled to capacity. This month, we exhausted the fund for District Simplified Grants. Thanks to Sandy Frum and her committee for making this the earliest we've done it, and the most clubs ever getting grants. Thanks to Membership Chair Rodney Adams, our membership is up since July 1.  


Thanks to each and every one of you, I'm continuing to enjoy an experience I hope all of you consider having....the opportunity to serve as District Governor.  The Family of Rotary has no religion, but respects all religions: on behalf of Donna, me, and the rest of my family, our best wishes to everyone in the District 6440 family this holiday season for your dreams, and for peace in the world this coming year.


Nearly 6 months down, a little more than 6 months to go. I look forward to every minute of it.


Yours in Rotary Service 


Gov. Mike





Rotary and Polio Plus on Local TV, Thanks to Arlington Heights Rotarian Mary Stitt
TV stations interviewed Mary upon her return from the Nigeria inoculation project.  These were great PR for Rotary, Polio Eradication, and for Rotarians like Mary.  If you haven't seen them, links to the videos are here:

Keep up the good work, Mary.  You're Looking Good !  ...and You and Other Volunteers are helping Rotary Do Good.  Thank you for your work, and for being willing to be interviewed.  


Room for One More on Inoculation Day in Nigeria: but act soon.

There is now a lot more information about our NID trip (Nigeria Innoculation Day) on the web-site -- click here. You will find:

  • Nigeria 2013 Working Itinerary
  • Map 
  • Nigeria 2013 Costs ($1,500 double occupancy, $ 1,750 single, + airfare, trip cancellation insurance, alcoholic beverages, spending money, etc.
  • Nigeria 2013 NID Flight Options
  • Checklist for Participants
  • Staying Healthy in Nigeria
  • Miscellaneous Information Regarding Nigeria Travel
  • Sign up Information (Contact Richard Rivkin,Mobile Telephone: +1 847-909-9072 (Global Coverage), 
Ideas: Clubs that welcome kids can boost membership and service 
"Two days after my son, Wes, was born, my husband delivered celebratory cigars to the stogie-loving ladies and gentlemen at our Rotary club's Tuesday morning meeting. The gesture was genuine, but I secretly hoped it would also help cushion the impact of our RotaryFamilyPhoto next surprise: Our noisy, spit-up-spewing newborn was about to become a Rotary regular.


"Our club had not yet broken the baby barrier. We're a young and jovial group, but I had trouble envisioning an infant blending in at our weekly breakfasts. After a three-month leave, I stuffed a diaper bag with pacifiers, blankets, diapers, wipes, onesies, and enough spit-up rags to mop up the entire restaurant. Scott and I loaded up the car and hoped for the best...

To read more from this Rotarian Dec. article, click here.




Ideas: Tired of Having to Initiate the "Elevator Speech" about Rotary ?
Let someone else start the ball rolling by simply wearing your your lapel, on your shirt/blouse collar, wherever.  A Rotarian recently reported wearing his to the local coffee shop.  The young lady behind the counter asked, "Are you in Rotary?  My mom was a Rotarian !"   A conversation went on from there...though he still had to pay for the coffee !

He had a similar experience at a business reception.  There too he had to buy his own beverage, but it was enjoyable and easy to spread the word about Rotary.


A Short List...of Noteworthy Things:


  • Celebrated in the Zone Newsletter, December is Family Month -- it's an especially good edition.  Though the Zone newsletter is distributed to our District leadership group, it is short this month and has some really interesting articles including comments from Buffett, membership numbers/thoughts for various districts along with ours (6440),  photos/cartoons, and a description of our Rotary family/tribe.  Enjoy a quick stroll n' scroll by clicking here !  


  • In case you didn't see it, here's Rotary International's statement about the tragic killing of aid workers in Pakistan  (click the underlined link). 


  • Wrote Gov. Mike, "We know the World Didn't End on that recent Friday!  I guess that means each of us has a little over 6 months to do the best job we can for the best organization in the world...I encourage you to take a look at the goals you set for yourself and for your involvement in Rotary this year.  Revise as necessary.  Make plans to complete your goals."
  • Group Study Exchange Visit to Rotary District 3230,    Chennai, India -- Farewell Reception in Barrington.  Get to know Michael Carlino from Lake Zurich, and the four young adults who will represent us.
GSE LogoSunday, January 13, 2013, 2-5 p.m. at Makray Memorial Golf Club ($15 appetizer buffet and cash bar). RSVP and payment by Jan. 11.  Click to see flyer information.  



  • Christmas Clearing House- Woodstock Rotary Club -- To see a remarkable video and their story from YouTube, click here.

  • Noon Rotary Club of Barrington comes bearing gifts nearing $38,000 for 18 area non-profits -- to see how they do this, click here.

  • See the Top 5 Rotary stories of 2012 (from Rotary International Website) -- click here.

  • From the Rotarian Magazine, Rotary News in Brief from Around the Globe -- click here


Our 72nd Club is Now Official   
From our District Facebook Page, "A great Charter Night Banquet, with Mary Beth Selene Growney speaking. The food was
Paul Metivier, Charter President of The Rotary Club of Fox Valley Sunset
good, the bar well stocked, the speeches short, and 29 new people proudly wearing Rotary Pins. The handsome dude holding the Charter and RI President's Letter is Paul Metivier, Charter President of The Rotary Club of Fox Valley Sunset."


Useful Links (from our District Facebook Page) 


Try this link for a useful summary -- to print, to show, or to remind us:




And try this one to see the Rotary video and to see the e-inquiry form for the public to use:

What Is Rotary art  

Welcome, New the Best Service Organization in the World


Crystal Lake DawnbreakersDaveBlum
Lake in the HillsJohnBurkey
Libertyville SunriseWilliamTaranowski
Mundelein-Vernon HillsJohnPetrovskis
North ChicagoJohnHillary
Skokie ValleyJosephRoznai
St. Charles BreakfastMeghanPapke



Bob Paddock