Quick Event Information
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(click link for info) Medinah Banquets
Jul 27, 2013 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary.
As I write this --
...I am sitting in my hotel room in Lisbon, Portugal, about to attend the final day of The Rotary International Convention. I have such mixed feelings as I write for the last newsletter of this Rotary Year.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve our 72 clubs and 2400 + members as District Governor this year. I leave it to each of you to determine for yourself how well we, as a District, did this year. I leave office satisfied that I did my best to engage each and every member, and to help, as best I could, to make each of our clubs the best it could be.
There's a strong temptation to offer thanks, by name, to the numerous people who worked with me all year. But, that runs the risk of inadvertently missing someone. So, let me simply offer a heart-felt "Thank you !" to each person who worked at Club or District level.
A year ago, I entered office full of hope and enthusiasm. Neither waned as I visited each of your clubs and spoke with as many of you as I possibly could.
As I listened earlier today to Rotary International President-Elect Ron Burton discuss his theme of "Engage Rotary, Change Lives," and how the life most likely to be changed would be the life of the Rotarian; I smiled. For more than a year now, I've been asking each of you to "Engage Rotarians." I've seen the engagement as I've traveled the District, and attended your events.
I ask each of you to give District Governor-Elect Sarah the kind of support you have given me as she starts her year. I hope a year from now, she has the same feeling I have of completing perhaps the most satisfying and enjoyable year of my life.
I've been asked a lot lately how I feel about leaving office. As an engaged Rotarian, I look forward to taking on new challenges as I support the 2013-2014 leaders.
Let me close by again giving each of you my thanks for permitting me to serve this year, and doing my best to engage Rotarians.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Gov. Mike
What was the International Convention Like ? Read the samples of experiences below.
- The Convention drew to a close with recognition of outstanding peace efforts: to read the story, click here.
- To see what Lisbon was like, click the image from the Rotary promotional video.
 | 2013 Lisbon RI Convention Promo |
- While traveling to the convention, Gov. Mike wrote the following: "I am writing this Bulletin from Jerusalem, where Donna and I have been for the last few days prior to heading to Lisbon. In addition to the historic sites we've seen, I had the chance to visit my Club's Centennial Project, a play lot near City Hall where kids of all religions play together in peace and harmony. PDG David Newman gave us a tour. While this is officially the year of "Peace Through Service," projects like this one that endure, and teach kids to peacefully co-exist are appropriate in any year."
- For Convention speeches, reports, and resources, click here.
- To see the opening plenary session, click the image below.
 | 23-Jun-2013 Lisboa, Portugal - Rotary International Convention, Opening session |
- Australia next year ? About a week ago Gov. Mike wrote our club presidents, " Greetings from Lisbon
-- I'm writing this bulletin from my hotel room in Lisbon, where I'm about to head to the first Plenary Session of the International Convention. Saturday evening, more than 60 Rotarians attending the Convention joined Donna and Me for a Fellowship/Hospitality. We're all aware of a potential massive one day strike on Thursday, but are looking forward to the Convention, and hope we will be able to depart as scheduled.
"ACTION: Make plans now to attend next year in Australia." Why? Because an international convention is a remarkable  event -- touring to a foreign place, experiencing the excitement and inspiration of International Rotary, and meeting others from around the world.To learn more, click here.
Rotary News from Around the World
[from CBC News World 5/14/13]
The Rotary clubs of Howden, England, and Varna-Euxinograd, Bulgaria, collaborated on a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant project to provide a van for the Saint Joan Zlatoust Day Care Center for children with special needs in the city of Varna, on the Black Sea coast. The center offers full-time care and a variety of health, education, and rehabilitation programs. The bright red van will transport the children to and from their homes each day. To read more of good work in Guyana, Ghana, Korea, Mexico, and Timor-Leste, click here.
Idea: Attracting and Keeping Members
In an induction speech last week, an incoming club president inspired and instructed, giving an example of his own involvement and citing the good work of members who have motivated him. The short version, without names, was first simply that in 2007 someone asked him to try a Rotary meeting, and someone took him aside. welcomed him, and encouraged him to join.
And why did he stay in Rotary? Because he got involved, working with other Rotarians, doing meaningful and enjoyable things for the people the club helps. As he put it, " I stayed because of...all the other Rotarians who have made joining this club the best thing I have ever done." Maybe your next potential member will lead your club as president in six years!
Idea: Use the installation of your new board as an opportunity to tell the community about Rotary and your own club.
Inform your community about the good work and good people of Rotary. The installation of a new board is a good opportunity to tell of the goals, local work, and people of your club. Local and regional print and online media are opportunities through reader-submitted content, ads, or through  your relationship with local reporters. Your own or your club's social media presence also can be valuable tools. Try the local radio station or the local library. For two examples of a press releases and photo, see the McHenry club's by clicking here about the change in leadership, and here about their local charitable grants.
Some years ago, one local club would place an advertisement to show photos of the new or departing board, identify the board members, and tell the community of club work or goals. You could do the same with a printed brochure to be handed out as the club walks in a community parade or at events. Introducing your board members to your community also gives these members some well-earned public recognition.
Idea: Do You Have a Problem Storing Your Club Banners?
The Buffalo Grove Club did, until they came up with the idea of storing them in 5 foot long mailing tubes (see ph oto). They had to buy more than they needed. If you're interested in obtaining some of the extras, the club would like a $15 donation to their Foundation per tube. Contact Stephen Legge slegge13@gmail.com for more info. |
Idea: For a Different Type of Club Program, Take a Field Trip !
 For example, the Rotary Club of Evanston toured the Evanston Water plant May 30, With David D. Stoneback, Director of Utilities, Utilities Department, City of Evanston, as their guide.Adding variety and getting out can keep the membership energized.
Club Photos and Comments from Far Away Lisbon to the Cougars Game to Local Club Events are on...
...our district Facebook page. To try it and perhaps "like" it, click here.
 | Rotary Dist 6440 DG Mike Yesner getting ready to throw out the first pitch at the Kane County Cougars game. |
A Short, short List...of Noteworthy Things :
- 5 and 1/2 Reasons to Attend the Summer Success Seminar:
- Connect with counterparts from other Rotary districts.
- Learn about Rotary's new digital resources.
- Gain updates about Pilot Projects, Foundation Grants, and Polio Plus.
- Learn to strengthen Rotary through the new image initiative.
- Exchange ideas with other clubs and districts.
- [here's the half} and it's nearby at Addison's Medina Banquets, 8:30-4, July 27.
Attending the Success Seminar is a great way to take your Rotary involvement to the next level, or to simply reinvigorate. For more information, click here.
Do You Have a Problem Storing Your Club Banners?
The Buffalo Grove Club did, until they came up with the idea of storing them in 5 foot long mailing tubes (see photo attached). They had to buy more than they needed. If you're interested in obtaining some of the extras, the club would like a $15 donation to their Foundation per tube. Contact Stephen Legge slegge13@gmail.com for more info.Contact Stephen if you think this would benefit your club.
- Rotary's "New Member" Form -- for an explanation and links to the form, click here.
- More great news from the Rotary Convention -- More great news from the Rotary Convention! The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match 2 for 1 every dollar Rotary commits, up to US$35 million to polio eradication through 2018. Read more in the Wall Street Journal: http://ow.ly/mmTjr
We Welcome New Members to The Best Service Organization in the World !
Club | First Name | Last Name | Arlington Heights | Michael | Clements | | Brian | Meyer | Arlington Heights Sunset | Martin | Landwehr | Bartlett | Margaret | Mueller | Batavia | Lauren | Egan | Buffalo Grove | Darren | Boundy | Deerfield | Ryan | Twose | Dundee | Steve | Hanson | Elk Grove Village | Susan | Breier | Evanston Lighthouse | Ilana | Seligman | Fox Lake-Round Lake Area | Evelyn | Schneiderman | Glen Ellyn | Ryan | Covington | | Laura | Flamion | Gurnee | Jerry | Groen | Lake Forest-Lake Bluff | John | Hancir | Lake Zurich | Gussie | Daniels | Lincolnshire Morning Star | Justyna | Lindahl | Lombard | Jessica | Gadberry | Long Grove | Ron | Bernardi | MP/AH Sunrise | Ben | Weaver | North Chicago | Nina | Huley | Northbrook | Carl | Bobis | Schaumburg A.M. | Scott | Zambo | Skokie Valley | David | Cormany | | William | Gold | Villa Park | Robert | Pavelchik | Wilmette | Arthur | Sutton | Winnetka-Northfield | Alan | Ramsay | | keith | Reed | | Rebecca | Wolf | Woodstock Morning | Harold | Randall |
An Editor's Note:
It's the end of one Rotary Year, and the start of another. Thank you Gov. Mike and fellow Rotarians, for the opportunity to serve Rotary as your editor. And Thank You, Gov. Sarah, for the opportunity to do so in the coming year. If you have comments or questions, suggestion or information, please feel free to contact me. 847-427-4308 at work, or rpaddockjr@dailyherald.com. If you have information you want to post yourself, use our district Facebook page. Starting tomorrow, whatever the medium, whatever the venue, may this coming Rotary year be engaging, productive, and enjoyable for us all and for those we serve !