Rotary District 6440 Newsletter
Sarah Oliver, District GovernorJuly, 2013
In This Issue
-- Governor's Message
-- Exciting X-ray Project News
-- Get on the Wating List for
-- Idea: Website Resources
-- Use Grants to Accomplish
-- Fall Seminar Information
-- A List of Short, Noteworthy Things
-- Welcome to Our New Members!
Quick Event Information
 See additional information about these events in this newsletter and on the District website at:
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Quick Contact Links
The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary. 
  Governor's Message
  2013-2014 RI Theme Logo

July has flown by.


At our Family of Rota Gov. Sarah Photo ry Celebration and Installations the end of June, four incoming Club Presidents and I were looking forward eagerly to our commitments as Rotarian leaders during this year; but I had no idea then exactly how thrilling it would be to serve as your District Governor!


I have managed seventeen Official Visits so far, and every one has confirmed to me that our clubs are filled with members who engage in Rotary service and work tirelessly to expand that service in their local communities and in communities far away. I have inducted three new members and been able to recognize a number of Paul Harris Fellows. Cooperation among our clubs in service and in fundraising is firmly rooted and growing. Use of money from The Rotary Foundation through a District Grant or a Global Grant partnership actively is being planned.


I joined the Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Crystal Lake as they celebrated their 50th anniversary at a picnic in the Rotary Building they built for the community at Veterans Park where we were surrounded by souvenir flags from their international involvements. I look forward to joining our family members in the Rotary Club of Mount Prospect/Prospect Heights as they celebrate in a couple of days their own 50th anniversary of service.


Our District Team is here to serve your club in whatever ways we can. Please do not hesitate to call on us.


Yours in Rotary Service,


Governor Sarah



Exciting Update On Our Guatemala Digital X-ray Project !

[Editor's note: please bare with us on this longer-than-usual newsletter story.  We think all of us can be truly proud of the accomplishments and share in the excitement of our continuing local international service effort.]


This week's news about developments in our Guatemala Digital X-ray project came from our Rotarian colleagues in Guatemala.  It was shared with Gov. Sarah by our District 6440 Committee Vice-Chair PDG Carlos Fr�m (Past District Gov.). His letter appears below.


"Dear Governor Sarah,


"Please allow me to report this exciting news about our x-ray project in Guatemala.


"As you may recall, we submitted a Global Grant request to The Rotary Foundation for the first of the twenty-nine digital x-ray systems planned for installation in needy communities of Guatemala. Our District, together with Districts 6600 and 7610 in the US, and the Rotary Clubs of District 4250, joined the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Guatemala and the Pan American Health Organization - an affiliate of the Organization of American States and the World Health Organization - to accomplish this task.


"Well, the good news this week is that a unit, manufactured by SEDECAL in Spain, arrived in Guatemala by air on Monday; and today, July 31, we received a report from our major contact in Guatemala, PDG Jorge Aufranc, that the exemption of import duties document and the permit to import radiological equipment were already in the hands of the customs agent.


"From SEDECAL we heard earlier that the installing technician will arrive in Guatemala from Madrid this Friday, August 2. The Ministry of Health reports the clinic is ready with the exception of the air conditioning unit scheduled to arrive in August.


"So, it seems everything points to a great celebration on September 2nd when the President-elect of Rotary International, Gary Huang from Taiwan, inaugurates the first system in the clinic "1st of July" in the town of Mixco, just outside Guatemala City. PDG Pam and I will be on hand when he unveils a plaque that reads:


"'Aparato y Sala de Rayos X presentada a la Cl�nica 1ro de Julio de Mixco por el  Ministro de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social, Dr. Jorge A. Villavicencio, con la cooperaci�n de los Clubes Rotarios de Guatemala y los Distritos Rotarios 6440, 6600 y 7610 de USA, el 2 de septiembre del 2013.  Aceptada por el Alcalde de Mixco, Sr. Otto P�rez Leal'"


"Which in English means:


"'System and X-Ray Room presented to the Clinic 1st of July of Mixco by the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Jorge A. Villavicencio, with the cooperation of the Rotary Clubs of Guatemala and Districts 6440, 6600, and 7610 of the US, the 2nd of September, 2013. Accepted by the Mayor of Mixco, Mr. Otto Perez Leal'"


'I can't tell you how proud I feel to be a member of our great district and I hope you convey this message to all the clubs you visit so they can feel proud as well.


"Respectfully reported,


"PDG Carlos, Vice-chair, District 6440 Digital X-ray Project Committee"


Engaged Rotarians Rush To Serve in our other Guatemala Project

For the first time since District 6440 began in 2007, both trip dates for 2014 are fully subscribed less than a month into our new Rotary year! International Service Adviser Steve Swanson shared this exciting news July 24 and announced a waiting list for each of the 20-person teams has been started.  


Please contact Steve at/click  for information about the waiting lists or to indicate your interest in international hands-on service during the 2014-2015 Rotary year.


Engaged Rotarians from a number of clubs will be returning to the Ak'Tenamit school campus in February or March and will be joined by colleagues who will be new to international hands-on service.  The trips offer service opportunities in Guatemala for our interested local Rotarians, their friends and families.


Rotary's Future Vision
Rotary's Future Vision

It's a New Year...and an opportunity for clubs and members to use Grants for local and international service.  What Are these Grants ?
See Grant Basics, and to explore some useful tools by clicking on the link below.  "Hover" your cursor over the headings and titles for more information.
For information on Our 6440 grants in the "Short List story" below, click here.

Here's a brief explanation of Grant Types (you'll need your Rotary International Login/ID and Password.  If you don't have one or don't recall, the links/pages will lead you through the process).
  • District grants fund smaller, short-term activities that address needs in both your local community and communities worldwide. Each district gets to choose which activities it will fund with these grants.  Learn more about district grants by clicking here.
  • Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in one or more of the six areas of focus.  Learn more about global grants - click here.
  • Packaged grants have been predesigned by Rotary and our strategic partners. The activities they fund are similar to global grants, but the work of designing the activity's general framework has already been done.  Learn more about packaged grants - click here.


Idea: Psst -- There's Useful Information on the District Website
  • Our website Calendar Pages show an enticing array of events that Rotarians can enjoy with family or friends.  Your club can post its fellowship, meeting and fundraising activities for the weeks or months ahead.  That makes it easy for members of other clubs to decide to join you.  Highlight your upcoming events on the website calendar to make others in the District aware of them.
  • There's a Listing of Available Speakers and Programs -- Our District website also has listings of speakers and programs clubs have enjoyed.  Add to the list when you have an exceptional speaker.  Check the list when you are seeking program ideas.  To find the link to "Speaker Information Exchange Forum" on the home page, under District Links towards the bottom on the left, click here
This month the recipients of The Rotary Humanitarian Patriot Awards were recognized in the Congressional Record, courtesy of the Honorable Brad Schneider of Illinois 10th Congressional District.

10th District Aide Ramachandra Villivalam visited the North Chicago Club on July 16th to present the event co-chairs, Dr. John Bair and Kevin Stevens, with the official certificate (see photo on linked page).  

The Humanitarian Patriot Awards Luncheon, held on May 21st at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, served three primary objectives:  Awards presentation, the keynote address on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and a brief presentation on the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center


To read the rest of Kevin Stevens' story, click here.   

Copy of Congression Record Citation

Congratulations, North Chicago !
Enjoy Summer, but Plan to Attend the Fall Seminar !

FallSeminarNew members, future club leaders, committee chairs, and Rotarians wanting some good breakfast and fellowship (and it beats cleaning out the garage!) -- November 2 is the big day, and convenient Medinah Banquets is the place.  Fall Seminar Day will begin with a breakfast plenary session and include tracks for ABCs of Rotary, PR/PI/Social Media, and Membership Development.  Club dues cover four members for these morning seminars.


Participation in the Grants Management Seminar (required for using 2014-2015 Foundation money) will begin after the breakfast session and continue into the afternoon.  Also, District Governor Elect Ellen will conduct Pre-PETS for 2014-2015 Club Presidents in the afternoon that day.

A List...of Short, Noteworthy Things :


  •  More Money for Projects - D6440GrantsGlobal Grants
  • The Grants Committee of our District is available to help you navigate through the Global Grants (GG) process.  All GG applications require authorization by the District Leadership before they can be submitted to The Rotary Foundation. 

    The Grants Committee must review the financing aspects of the grant and facilitate approval of DDF before such an authorization can be granted.  Clubs are strongly advised to let the committee know about their intent to start the grant process.  Please contact Narayan Murarka at for assistance with Global Grants.

  • More Money for Projects - District Grants

    The funding program formerly known as District Simplified Grants (DSG) has a new name and a new deadline and has been expanded with more grant options. The particulars and answers to your questions soon will be available on the district website - select "Foundation" in the home page top menu bar.  To go there, click here.

All requests for matching funds from this program for any project this year must be submitted by September 1, 2013.  Check the district website frequently, and begin to formulate plans for supporting your service with a 2013-2014 District Grant.

Grants Logo


  • Nominations for 2106-2017 NomDistGovDistrict Governor

    Do you know a Rotarian who would make an excellent district Governor?  Both the DG Application Form and the DG Proposal Form (for the applicant's club) can be downloaded (from list in right-hand column) from our website home page

Candidates must have served as club Presidents.  The deadline to submit those completed forms to PDG Mike Yesner ( is midnight, Monday, September 16, 2013.

  • Governor Sarah's Official Visits -- ... began July 10. Schedules both by club and by date are posted on the District website. All Club Presidents were made of this schedule.  But we hope someone especially important will be there too...You !   You can put the date on your calendar.  To see the visit dates, click here.
  • Fellowship and Football -- Save SaturdayFootball, September 7, for Rotary District 6440 Day at Northwestern football (NU vs. Syracuse with a 5:00PM kickoff ).
    Tickets starting at $15 may be ordered online at using promotion code "NUROT".   Possible tours of RI headquarters, potential tailgate party opportunity, and other details for that day will be available soon.  Why not mark September 7 on your calendar, and plan on having family and friends join you for Rotary 6440 Day.   
  • District Website Calendar Pages Our website calendar pages show an enticing array of events that Rotarians can enjoy with family or friends.  Is your club posting its fellowship, meeting and fundraising activities for the weeks or months ahead so that it's easy for members of other clubs to decide to join you?

                ACTION:  Highlight your upcoming events on the website calendar to make others in the District aware of them  


We Welcome New Members to The Best Service Organization in the World


ClubFirst NameLast Name
Barrington BreakfastKristenSerna
Buffalo GroveCareySavitt
Crystal Lake DawnbreakersJohnParisi
Libertyville SunriseScottFine
Lincolnshire Morning StarCissieGerber
Mt.Prospect-Prospect Hts.JamesDunne
North ChicagoShellyKneeland
Richmond-Spring GroveDavidDomenella
Skokie ValleyBenEmanuel
St. CharlesDonThomson
Villa ParkAnthonyPalmisano
Wilmette Harbor Rotary ClubMichaelBailey


Bob Paddock