Quick Event Information
See additional information about these events in this newsletter and on the District website at: www.rotary6440.org
at Medinah Banquets, Addision
(click link for info)
Plan early to attend -- make suggestions, consider your side trips. (click link for info)
The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary.
Governor's Message
The tally of my Official Visits has passed the halfway mark, and I continue to be inspired by reports of service completed, service ongoing, and service planned. Our club members have fun together and use their bonds of friendship to maximize the positive impact of their work to improve the lives of others less fortunate.

As Rotary's New Generations Month moves toward a close on the calendar, club activities in the area of Youth Service continue to expand and provide opportunities to both Rotarians and younger members of the Rotary family for shared service, mentoring and fellowship. One Interact club has begun its year with 50% more members than a year ago. The chartering of a new Interact club in another part of the District is just around the corner. Opportunities for more Rotaract clubs that will be community-based branches of our Rotary family are being developed. Activities such as these are a pathway to a bright future for the Rotary clubs committed to them and the communities they serve.
Our Family of Rotary members in District 5440 (Northern Colorado and Wyoming) where communities have been devastated and in some cases destroyed by flooding and mudslides are seeking our help as they organize immediate relief efforts and plan for needs beyond basic survival that must be addressed very soon. They are doing as Rotarians in New Jersey and New York did a year ago: they are working to aid as many others as possible even when they personally have lost homes and businesses. We supported the work of our east coast cousins significantly, and I hope that all of us respond now to this request from our Colorado family.
Fall Seminar Day on November 2 will be a not-to-be-missed event for anyone looking to add vibrancy to her club or increase the effectiveness of his leadership team...or for new members, learn what Rotary membership means. Contact your club president or club seminar coordinator to determine who will be going. Registration can be done by following this link .
In step with our Tailgate theme, a breakfast pep rally with engaging speakers will be followed by games on four playing fields, each of which has a single focus. (1) The ABCs of Rotary for newer club members and those wanting to learn more about Rotary beyond their clubs, (2) A Grant Management Seminar for eligibility to use TRF funding during the 2014-2015 Rotary year, (3) A Membership Seminar on engaging Rotarians for club membership committee members and future club leaders, and (4) A seminar on using Public Image/Public Relations to strengthen your club now and for the future. All games will take place simultaneously, and only a single game can be chosen by each registrant. Halftime fellowship also is planned.
Thank you once more for your continuing commitment to our Rotary service.
Governor Sarah
Colorado Rotarians Helping, and Seeking Help --
Colorado Rotarians, some of them homeless and refugees from the flooding and mudslides, are banding together to address the disaster in their area. They are seeking help from anyone in our Rotary Family who can provide some.
 | BOULDER, CO - Sept. 28: On the way up to his home, Marco Montanari and his friends walk by a neighbor's home that is cut off from the road. ... (Photo By Kathryn Scott Osler/The Denver Post) |
District 5440 has created a Disaster Relief Coordinating Committee and identified the particular foundation that should receive donations. Their Dist. Gov. Julie Phares, whose town is one of the ones ruined, wrote with details of the work already begun. DG Julie sent it to all Rotarians in her district whom she could reach; and it came to our Gov. Sarah from a childhood friend who is President of a club in that district.
For the address and to read the rest of Gov. Phares memo, click here. To read an update from her on conditions in Estes Park, click the link to the 5440 website
For 2016-17 -- District Governor Nominating Committee has selected... 
Richard (Rick) Rivkin, Rotary Club of Northbrook, as District Governor Nominee Designate ! J oin us in congratulating him and begin to think about how you can contribute to his district team for 2016-2017.Professionally Rick is President and CEO of Saf-T-Gard International, a 4th generation family business based In Northbrook. Rick and his wife Helen have lived in Deerfield since 1973. They have 3 children and 3 grand-children (soon to be 4). Read about Rick's Rotary service by clicking here.
Polio Fight Needs Us to Keep Plugging Away
 In all of history, human beings have completely eradicated a disease only twice before (most famously, smallpox). We Rotarians determined that polio will be next - and we're very close to this truly historic achievement. For World Polio Day, Oct 18, let's keep plugging away. An example is a Purple Clothes Day at schools, shops, or businesses. Though a short time for turn-around, there's good matching funding. Click here for the plan, and here for the solicitation letter template.  |
Idea--Thinking of Becoming a "Snowbird" ?
Keep active and remain involved in Rotary even when retired...at a club in your new area, and back home as well ! You're always welcome. In addition to continuing to help others, you can use the same jokes and stories twice !
A Somewhat Short List...of Short, Noteworthy Things :
- District Grants Approved. The Rotary Foundation has approved District Grant applications for 45 projects from District 6440. As soon as your club receives its letter from our Grants Committee stating that your specific project(s) is(are) approved, the club may begin incurring expenses for that grant project. Checks for the District Designated Funds associated with each project will be mailed to those clubs in October. Gov. Said Gov. Sarah, "Congratulations to all clubs that submitted District Grant applications."
Perhaps You Wonder What Our District Leadership Does in a Typical Week? Here's a sample from this last week: Our Nominating Committee selected our 2016-2017 Governor, five of our clubs formally launched the Rotarian Peace Hall of Fame, publicity materials were produced to showcase our Guatemala X-Ray project at Zone Institute and other future occasions, and our Dist. Gov. Sarah was hosted by five more clubs for Official Visits.
- Finding "Partnership" Opportunities with Other Clubs to Help Fund Global Grants --
A number of clubs are working towards raising funds through partnerships for Global Grants. Here's a list of all Pending Global Grants so clubs may choose a project for partnership -- click link . A spreadsheet providing information about the eligible remaining District Designated Funds (DDF) funds available to each club for use in partnership or starting a grant is available by clicking here.
Rotarians To Be Honored For Community Service --
At its Distinguished Citizens Banquet, Friday, October 4 (6 p.m. in Palatine) the Northwest Suburban Council of Boy Scouts of America will recognize Kris Stabler (RC Arlington Heights), Ed and Jean McCabe (RC Park Ridge) and Sam Harris (RC Northbrook) for their service to their communities over many years. To register for this Boy Scout event, click here.
Shelterbox to Aid Syrian Refugees --
ShelterBox has launched the Syria Refugee Appeal to support families fleeing the conflict in Syria. An escalating number of people are arriving in neighboring countries with only the clothes on their backs. For the safety of these refugees, the iconic green box and the tent with symbols may well not be used, but donations to Shelterbox of any size to serve these refugees are welcome.
Donna Lee Gulley of our Northbrook club is a key Shelterbox contact for this effort and is available for questions at donnalee127@gmail.com or 847-480-9502. For more specific information and for instructions about how to make a contribution, also see http://shelterboxusa.org .
Former Exchange Student Returns After 30 Years ! --
It's wonderful to see our nieces, nephews, grandkids, children ...and Rotary Exchange Students become adults ! An example is from the McHenry Club --  They recently welcomed Flavia Susaro from Sao Paulo, Brazil, who was a Rotary Exchange student of this club in 1983. She returned to the area for the 30th reunion of her Johnsburg High School graduating class. She addressed the club on her activities which include translations of many English films into Portuguese.
Photo: Flavia poses between Janice and Phil Bartmann whose daughter was friends with Flavia and who have continued the friendship over the years !
We Welcome New Members to The Best Service Organization in the World !
| FirstName | LastName | Arlington Heights | James | Feddor | Chicagoland Korean Rotary | Jae | Choi | Crystal Lake Dawnbreakers | Kate | Romutis | Evanston | Katherine | Eiff | | Gail | Jones | | Abby | McNear | | Guy | Riendeau | Glen Ellyn | Sandra | Coughlin | Gurnee | Corey | Barker | | Don | Wilson | Northbrook | Everett | Schwartz | Park Ridge | Michael | Pressler | Schaumburg-HoffmanEstates | Amanda | Parker | Wheeling | Pedrido | Bernales | Wilmette | Fernando | Padron |