Rotary District 6440 Newsletter
Michael A. Yesner, District GovernorJuly, 2012
In This Issue
-- Governor's Message
-- Be a Team Leader or Member to India
-- Shared Members
-- Meet RI Pres. Sakuji Tanaka
-- Seminar Next week
-- Website Features
-- A short List of Noteworthy Things
-- Gov's Installation
-- New: a President's Project
-- Rotary Success in the District & World
Quick Event Information
 See additional information about these events in this newsletter and on the District website at:
(click link for info)
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chicago Northwest Elgin
Aug 11, 2012 07:45 AM - 03:30 PM
(click link for info)
Medinah Banquets
Nov 10, 2012
Quick Contact Links
The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles, and links to announcements, stories, and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary.
Governor's Message
 RI 2012/13 Theme Logo

 The First Month!   


It's hard for me to believe that I'm nearly a month in to my year as your DG (to you new members, "DG" means District Governor).


The night of my installation, I was reasonably convinced I knew what would be happening. It didn't take long to realize I had no clue.


It's been an absolute whirlwind of meetings, installations, parades, Official Visits, and just plain fun. The years of Rotary experience, the training, and being part of the DG group all make you think you know what your year will be like. But it is all just theory until you start actually making Official Visits, dealing with RI as a DG, and seeing your calendar full from morning to night.


I had absolutely no idea how much fun this would be, or how rewarding it is. I've had the pleasure of installing officers, swearing in new members, presenting Paul Harris awards. I've done all of those things before, but never as a DG. I can't explain why people receiving recognition seem to appreciate them more when given by the DG, but they do. This makes it a thrill for me to do it.


Every time I go to the District webpage and see the words "Engage Rotarians" at the top, I'm reminded of the importance of doing just that. I'm engaged. And when I see each of you during this year, I'm going to hope you are, too. I am enjoying seeing so many Presidents show me they still have their Rotary commitment "engagement rings" I had given them before I took office.


I think all of us like to be innovative. In less than a month, I've seen three major innovations being carried out by 6440 Rotarians. One is the launch of the Shared Membership Plan. Another called the "President's Service Project" and is unprecedented in the number of clubs involved. The third is the The Future Vision Speaker's Bureau. It is preparing our clubs to thrive in the new Foundation service project funding environment. Will we keep up that pace in the months ahead? Perhaps; certainly we'll continue to work hard to make our projects effective. In any case, it sure made for an interesting first month.


If you haven't looked at the District's Facebook page lately, I urge you to do so. If I've already visited your club, you'll find it reported on the page ( ) If I haven't, you'll find it when I make the visit. Speaking of Facebook, please send me a friend request. Let's make maximum use of the grant we received, and get the word out.  By the way, my schedule of visits is on the District Web Page.


I'd be remiss if I didn't take a few lines to thank my home club, The Rotary Club of Skokie Valley for all their support and for putting on an installation I'llGov. Mike Yesner long remember. It was amazing -- having Rotary International's President-Elect Ron Burton swear me in, Past Governor Pam Kerr "pin me" and having all my family there to celebrate.


Yours in Rotary Service, 


Gov. Mike




Be the Team Leader or a Member of the Group Study Exchange Team to India


There's only about a month left to submit applications for Team Leader and Team Member for this year's Group Study Exchange to Chennai, India.  This will be the last year of GSE as we know it.  Under Future Vision, a new concept called Vocational Training Teams will be introduced. 

Check the District Website page for details on the trip and the needed forms.

Shared Membership Program is Available to Clubs


  • On Friday, 7/20, our Membership Committee announced the district will try a shared membership program, and provided a sample application.  Please note that clubs are not required to participate. 
  • The program provides a methodology for people to have, in effect, a substitute at a meeting they have to miss, coupled with a way for the club to keep in contact with the substitute. 
  • Contact Membership Chair Rodney Adams ( for more information.  Clubs can hold a Board discussion to determine if they wish to have Shared Members.  The District Membership Committee can help determine the best process for your club.  The sample application has an explanation of some program detail; to see it, click here.
Rotary In Japan, and RI President Sakuji Tanaka


With the new president of Rotary international being from Japan, you might be interested in reading and seeing more about him and about his home country, and his plans for Rotary this year.


Of all the Rotary countries and geographical areas, Japan boasts the third-largest number of Rotarians. RI President Sakuji Tanaka is a member of the Rotary Club of Yashio, Saitama. Find out more about Rotary in Japan.




A profile of RI President Sakuji Tanaka  EN
A profile of RI President Sakuji Tanaka EN


Two Seminars -- for New Members to Learn more about Rotary, AND for key Club Officers, a Rotary International "Must" for the Grant Process. 



This year's Zone 28 Regional Success Seminar is in 6440, at the Holiday Inn & Suites, Elgin, on Saturday August 11. Learn about the new North American Membership Plan, the launch of Future Vision, new public image programs, the status of polio eradication and engagement. Enjoy terrific fellowship, breakfast, and lunch...all for $45 bucks.

ACTION: Check out the details on the District website page, and register to attend.


FALL SEMINAR DAY / Pre-PETS (President Elects Training)  / Grant Management Seminar

November 10 is the date.  Medinah Banquets is the place.  ABC's of Rotary, Membership Seminar, PR/Social Media Seminar, and Introduction to Future Vision will all be held in the morning.  It is an absolute Rotary International requirement for a club to have a member complete a Grant Management Seminar to receive matching funds next year; attending the morning and afternoon sessions qualifies. 


Your club has already paid for 4 people to attend. Participants are guaranteed to become more engaged Rotarians.  For information, click here.



Two useful features from the District Website!


If you haven't been on the district website recently, therer are two relatively new features which may be of use to you.  The first is shown Find Our Clubs Feature on Websitehere, called "Find our Clubs".  Go to the site and take it for a drive.  Whether you're planning to make up or simply find that your calendar puts you in another part of the suburbs, you'll find color-coded information and links that may be of use to you.  You'll find this live link on the top, left of the district Home Page,


The second feature is the live-link logo art on the top, right of the home page giving Gov. Mike's club visit schedule.  This is in addion to stories, useful links and informational downloads.


You'll also find many of the same features on the Rotary District's Face Book "Wall".  If you haven't tried that yet, experiment by going to   Consider becoming a "Friend".


A short list...of Noteworthy Things:


This list includes several items which have been sent to club officers.  They are shown here to foster discussion among club members and officers about tools and resources which can make our rotary experience more enjoyable and productive.



What is Future Vision ?  Rotarians sometimes say Rotary's project funding process is confusing.  There's a useful explanatory sheet about the Rotary Foundation's new model to support humanitarian and educational projects of the district and club -- the "Future Vision Plan".  To see it, click here.




  • Nominations For 2015-16 District Governor

    -- Have you noticed someone in Rotary or your club who would make a good governor?  Applications for District Governor are available on the district website.  Deadline for clubs to submit applications to Carlos Fr�m (, Past Dist. Gov.,  is midnight, September 17, 2012.  Candidates must have served as club Presidents.  To see the guidelines about prohibited lobbying practices, click here.

  • Could your club use an extra $500 -$1,000 to serve your community?  Information on and applications for Districted Simplified Grants (DSGs) for 2012-13 are available on the District website.  Money can be used locally, and requires (1) a club match and (2) most recent year giving to TRF greater than the amount requested. Applications are considered in the order received, and will be processed until such time as funds are exhausted.  
  • Speaker/Program INFO -- Our District website has a listing of speakers and programs clubs have enjoyed.  It can be a very good resource for club program chairs.  It could be an even better one if more people posted information on speakers they found engaging.  Find it on the home page, right hand side, bottom of the column, under District Links: Speaker Information Exchange ForumAdd to the list when you have an exceptional speaker.
  • Club Surveys.  The Rotary Club of Palatine recently surveyed their club, using a questionnaire they designed, and a free data collection service.  The design allowed for follow-up questions when members gave negative responses.  To see a sample of the survey, . For more information, contact  cyoung@rainbowhospice.orgConsider a survey of your members every 6 months.
  • There's a good explanation of the various levels of recognition given in Rotary for an individual's donation.  Click here to see the page from the Rotary International Website.  It also includes what Rotary does for the donor and a contact for questions.

Installation Photo of Mike Yesner

Rotary International President-Elect Ron Burton Installs new

District 6440 Governor Mike Yesner with spouse Donna Yesner looking on.

To view a slide show of the evening, click here.
District Clubs Can Participate in a Presidents' Project 


Recently, each of the Club Presidents received an e-mail about a Presidents' Project. Governor Mike urges clubs to participate in it: "I hope each President will choose to take part in what could become a great 6440 tradition" -- it's clubs working together in the spirit of the upcoming Future Vision Rotary effort. 


Describing the project, Skokie Valley Rotary Club President Sam Eckerling wrote, "...If we all sign on to this proposal we will be achieving three goals: One, fund a wonderful Matching Grant together with our fellow Rotarians of District 4130, Mexico [the location is in Monterey]. Two, we will be leaving a splendid legacy for those succeeding us in future years. Three, we will all be ahead of the curve on joint projects..." such as conceived of in Rotary's Future Vision.

Club Presidents were sent a Powerpoint presentation about it.       
District 6440 Rotarians "Doing Good in the World"...  
Rotary year 2011-12 was an excellent one for the District Rotary Foundation. We had great success in that we used all of our District Designated Funds. This is always a joy for it means our District Rotary Clubs did many projects overseas as well as local projects through our District Simplified Grants (To see individual listings, view the report). Our Group Study Team represented our District well in Taiwan.
Rotary Foundation Logo


Our clubs were great hosts for our incoming visitors. We have an Ambassadorial Scholar for the coming year. She will do us proud.   Thanks to the Rotarians and Clubs, our Rotary Foundation collection for the Annual Giving is estimated to be close to $400,000, exceeding our goal of $307,000. We had one new Arch C. Klump Society member and several Major Donors and Bequest Society members. Polio did very well. We lead the Zone in giving for the year and for the entire campaign.


For the complete report, click here

Your contributions to the Annual Fund through the Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative support life-changing projects around the world. Learn how your contributions to The Rotary Foundation are making a difference by clicking on the photo.

Kids Helped By Foundation
Click on Photo to See Video




Bob Paddock