Message from Our Partners
Welcome, Friend, to this month's newsletter where we talk about these important topics:

  • Outlining the difference between an employee and independent contractor.
  • The classification between independent contractors and employees with regard to the IRS and your taxes.
  • Secrets to accomplishing your new year resolutions.
  • Clarifying at-will employment and right-to-work.

We've enjoyed the opportunity to get to know many of our fellow community business owners in various stages, from startup, to corporations about to take their company to the next level. Their goal has been to focus on the core business, while working with us to help get on track to look more professional to their clients, while protecting their business. We do this by updating contracts that may be out-of-date due to changing rules, or there have been changes in the manner they conduct business. 

Follow us on  FACEBOOK  to be kept in the loop about our activities. We would love to see you at a future event or seminar. If you would like our page while you're there, that would be much appreciated!

We hope you had a very happy new year and look forward to learning more about the resolutions you have made both personally and professionally.

Do you have a question or need some advice before making a vital decision? Call us. We're here to help. 

With Warm Regards,

Matthew H. Rosenthal, Esq. & Justin A. Meyer, Esq.
Your Community Attorneys | 407-504-9725
Do You Really Know the Difference Between an Employee and an
Independent Contractor?
There are primarily two options when it comes to outsourcing services — hiring an employee or an independent contractor. Although these two people may get hired to do the same job, their payment terms, tax obligations, work environments, training, and a lot more are legally different.

Our goal in this blog is to
help you to spot the differences between them.
Contributor: Nicole DeFeo

Patrick M. Burns, CPA, PA
Have you classified your employees and independent contractors correctly?
The key to classification depends on the control the business has over the employee/independent contractor. How much control do you have over them? Do you tell them where, when and how to work? Do you provide the tools for them to perform their job? If you answered yes to the latter two questions, then they are most likely considered an employee and taxes are withheld from their wages.

An independent contractor is someone independent of the business. They are free to seek out other jobs, and also choose when and how they work.

TIP #1 - Contractor Agreement
When working with independent contractors, make sure you have an independent contractor agreement detailing the terms of the relationship.
TIP #2 - Service Agreements
Make sure you detail, in advance of delivering a product or service, any service agreement terms to avoid confusion later.
TIP #3 - Employee Labor Posters
Before you hire your first employee, make sure you have all of the employment posters that you need in the correct place.
Minimum Wage Labor Posters Have Been Updated for 2020

Make sure to display
in a location that is easily accessed by employees.
We've made it easy for you to download posters for:

New York | New Jersey
At-Will Employment
Versus Right-to-Work
At-will-employment and right-to-work are two legal terms associated with employment laws. More often, people use these terms interchangeably, but the phrases mean different things, and that’s where we want to shed some light.

This blog will talk about the meaning of each — and more — to avoid confusion and help you to avoid legal issues later.

At-will-employment is a law that gives both the employee and employer the right to end their employment ties at any time. The employer can fire the employee whenever they want, and the employee can quit the job with no notice, at any time. The employer isn’t obliged to give a business purpose for firing the employee. The employee also doesn’t have to provide any reason for walking away.

There are a few exceptional circumstances under which the employer cannot simply terminate the employee. 

Join us at our next seminar hosted by the Lake Nona Chamber of Commerce. CLICK HERE for more information.
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Orlando, FL 32827

121 Victoria Place
Melville, NY 11747
By appointment only

Newsletter produced by Rogan Marketing